The Bren Gun Carrier was obtained from a shipment enroute to the Dutch East Indies Army in the country now known as Indonesia. The ship docked in Manila and was unable to continue and the vehicles on board were pressed into service with the USAFFE units who were in need.

Close ups of the figures who represent the weary "Battaling Bastards of Bataan".

Second Floor Display of the AFP Museum features a life size model of a "Bren Gun" Carrier.
The shipment of these vehicles was intended for other forces but was delayed in the Philippines at the outbreak of WW2.  These were used by the USAFFE.
The vehicle modeled was named "Erlinda".  It was a name embroidered on a hankerchief of a young woman who had been asaulted and killed by Japanese soldiers.
Two tired and raged looking figures are the representative of what the "Battling Bastards of Battan" looked like.
Click on image to enlarge

Have a look at a modern version of a Universal Carrier