"Always treat people the way you want to be treated yourself."

"Live every day of your life to the fullest, because you never know when it may be your last."

"One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in my bank account, or what my clothes looked like. The world may be a better place, because I was important in the life of a child.

"Laughter is, and always will be the best medicine!"

"If it has tires or testicles, you're bound to have trouble with it."

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers."

Welcome to my little corner of the world. Come on in and get to know me! *Smile*

Hi there! I am a 46 yr. old single mom with a lust for life. I have two children, Amanda 22, and Zachary who is 11. Before you say it, yes, there is a big difference in their ages! When the children started coming ten and a half years apart, believe me, I had my tubes tied quick! LOL

I work as a teacher at an early learning center. There are not many people that can say that they truly love their job. I'm one of the lucky people that can. I love each and every one of my little friends. Children are absolutely AMAZING!! Their minds are like sponges...absorbing everything!! Here I am with my special friend Alexander. This was taken at Kindergarten graduation.

I am known in the chat rooms as Cathi1229, Alwayz_a_lady and ItzNotFair. I chose ItzNotFair because that is what I hear from my kids..."But Mom, ItzNotFair!" LOL I enjoy spending time with my kids. Amanda and Zachary are the two most important people in my life. I love them more than life itself. They keep me busy....what one doesn't think of the other does! You can visit my daughter Amanda's web page by clicking here. She's just getting started, but she's doing an awesome job so far. I like to golf, bowl, camp, and tube down the river. I like to take long walks, and I LOVE sunsets! I like all types of music except rap and that head banging stuff. I don't understand it for the life of me, and quite honestly I don't think I want to. LOL

I enjoy all types of Sports!


Red Wings!      

Yes, as you can tell I am from Michigan! We are a four season state. The weather in Michigan is unpredictable. Like the saying goes, if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes! Don't laugh, we have been known to have winter, spring, summer, and fall all in one day. No kidding!

I think the thing that surprises people about myself, would be the fact that I am shy. I really am! I am also a hopeless romantic. I love candle light dinners, flowers, greeting cards, long walks on the beach, Kenny G, romance novels, and anything else having to do with romance. In fact, let me introduce you to my favorite little angel.

Awwww, isn't it precious. Kisses from me to you!

A BIG thank you goes out to my "Master of HTML", my little sister, LadyRedWing. You have helped so much with this, my first web page. I love you, Tina!

Take a gander at her web site. Yep, you guessed it, she's a wing nut and she'll prove it. Enjoy your visit!

Keep the homefires burning for our American soldiers overseas. Add a virtual candle to your homepage or email signature.

God bless Jesse Jackson and his delegation for freeing our American POW's. Thanks to him, they are back on American soil, where they belong. When you say your prayers tonight, don't forget our American soldiers, fighting in Kosovo, and Bosnia. Pray that we bring them all home safely.

This candle is for all the students of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. We will never forget!

Check out Cin City. This place is a riot!


The qualities I look for in a person are honesty, kindness, and compassion. If a person can't show a little compassion, then they are not the kind of person that I want to know. A sense of humor definitely is a plus, because I LOVE to laugh! *Smile*

If I could go anywhere on vacation, it would have to be a cruise, as long as the weather is warm. Titanic didn't scare me! LOL


Favorite author...
Danielle Steele

Favorite movie...
Ghost and Titanic


Favorite season...


Favorite Color...
Green, any shade

Favorite flower...Carnation

Favorite TV Show...

"The Bachelor"

"The Bachelorette"


Fear Factor"

"Seventh Heaven"

It's a wonderful family show. Ya gotta love that Ruthie! *Smile*

Favorite Song...

"I will always love you", by Whitney Houston. In fact, you're listening to the music right now! It's such a beautiful song. Some of my other favorites are "Keeper of the stars" by Tracy Byrd, "Angels among us" by Alabama, "In this life" by Collin Raye, and "If I were you" also by Collin Raye. These are songs that I hold close to my heart. *Smile*


I don't like people who lie, cheat and steal! If someone does this they will do it to you!

I don't like the board game Monopoly. That game makes me CRAZY! If anybody mentions playing Monopoly, I run the other way! LOL

I don't like Liver...Ewwwwww! I also don't like cooked carrots or beets!



Don't even go there!

Well there you have it! I hope you enjoyed meeting me, as much as I enjoyed meeting you!
