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Sandelfon ] [ Gapp ] [ Gufnork ] [ Pishe ] [ Hat ] [ Fish ] [ Sek ] [ Changes ] [ Analysis ] [ Choosing Your God ]

Other Gods

'I didn't know they were noble,' said Io.
'They're all very rich and have had millions of people butchered or tortured to death merely for reasons of expediency and pride,' said the Lady.
The watching gods nodded solemnly. That was certainly noble behaviour. That was exactly what they would have done.
-- Interesting Times, Terry Pratchett
Note: Some of the more recent rituals have not been included on this page as yet.

Sandelfon, the God of Corridors:
It may seem curious that Sandelfon has become revered as the God of Corridors, but a little thought will prove that corridors are important to anyone who spends time indoors, being vital in the halls and palaces of the upper echelons of society. His priests are concerned with finding balance, and while some find neutrality through diplomacy, like the Gappics, others will not hesitate to knock together the heads of Good and Evil to bring about their mutual cancellation.

He only wants worshippers who are between barely good and barely evil.

agoraphobia cure serious wounds dust devil longsight parch
calm demoralise endless halls major shield remember place
cure drunkenness detect alignment fumble major ward see consecration
cure light wounds detect magic haunting minor shield tongues
cure medium wounds divine hand light minor ward  
        Total Rituals: 24
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   7  2.50
defensive:   3  4.50
curing:   4  3.63
miscellaneous: 10  3.90

Gapp, the God of Fine Clothing:
Gapp is the stylish God of Fine Clothing. He is the patron deity of a widely varying group of people, from the keepers of silkworms and the farmers of flax to the weavers of satin and linen to tailors and haberdashers and to the merchants of the garment trade. Gapp's main interest is in cultivating a milieu where trade may prosper and His priests often find themselves as diplomats, carefully gauging intent and feeling to maintain the peace; just as clothing can be strengthened to form armour, however, they are also empowered to protect themselves, should the need arise.

He only wants worshippers who are between quite good and neutral.

bless cure medium wounds holy insight mend see consecration
calm cure serious wounds holy sanctuary minor shield silken ward
chant divine hand light minor ward stasis
cure drunkenness dust devil longsight relief tongues
cure knurdness fumble major shield remember place weft warping
cure light wounds harden      
        Total Rituals: 27
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   4  3.50
defensive:   5  3.80
curing:   5  3.10
miscellaneous: 13  4.00

Gufnork, the God of Fluff:
Gufnork is the inimitable God of Fluff, revered by anyone who has ever spent time in contemplation of their navel. In practical terms, His priesthood consecrate themselves to the protection and assistance of the weak and innocent; although not averse to engaging in combat themselves, they prefer to work side-by-side with Gufnork's Templars in the execution of their duty.

He only wants worshippers who are between quite good and neutral.

bless cure medium wounds holy insight minor shield see consecration
calm cure serious wounds holy sanctuary minor ward soothe
chant detect magic light raise dead stasis
cure drunkenness divine hand major shield relief turn undead
cure knurdness dust devil major ward remember place weft warping
cure light wounds holy aegis      
        Total Rituals: 27
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   4  2.25
defensive:   6  4.00
curing:   6  3.08
miscellaneous: 11  3.86

Pishe, the Goddess of Slight Showers:
Pishe, the Goddess of Slight Showers is the goddess for those who enjoy the freshness after a morning sprinkle. Since Pishe is such a popular goddess, she will only accept full time worshippers. Priests of Pishe are the local 'do gooders'. They have mostly healing powers, with a slight bit of defensive capability.

She only wants worshippers who are between barely good and as good as you can get.

        Total Rituals: 30
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   4  2.75
defensive:   4  3.50
curing:   10  3.45
miscellaneous: 12  3.46

Hat, the Vulture-Headed God of Unexpected Guests:
Hat, the Vulture-Headed God of Unexpected Guests is the god for those with a little mean streak. The priests of this god enjoy a large variety of rather offensive abilities, if priests can be offensive. Although Sek's priests definitely have the upper hand in causing chaos, they tend to be a bit more reckless. Hat, being the god of unexpected guests isn't anxious to get any information about anything... and healing is almost an unspoken word here.

He only wants worshippers who are between neutral and quite evil.

        Total Rituals: 27
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   9  3.11
defensive:   3  4.50
curing:   4  3.00
miscellaneous: 11  3.82

Fish, the God of Fishermen:
Fish, the God of Fishermen is the god for those interested in reeling in the big one. This god is very contemplative, but if you know fish when they strike, they have a nasty bite. The same can be said for priests of this god. They tend to be rather aggressive at combat with their god's protection. But they lack any great healing powers.

He only wants worshippers who are between neutral and evil.

        Total Rituals: 26
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   8  3.50
defensive:   3  3.50
curing:   3  3.00
miscellaneous: 12  3.54

Sek, the Seven-Handed God:
The religion of Sek, the Seven-Handed God, is not for the faint of heart. His priests are avid in the pursuit of power, while the weak and those who fail in His service find themselves stretched backwards over an altar, with their hearts sacrificed. Though Sek seems to actively encourage infighting amongst His worshippers, the church seems content and does not seek to extend its dominion, unless weight is given to rumours of a certain secret society of Sektarians...

He only wants worshippers who are between barely evil and as evil as you can get.

        Total Rituals: 29
Ritual breakdown:

Average rating:
offensive:   13  3.27
defensive:   1  5.00
curing:   4  3.25
miscellaneous: 11  3.68

Before you choose a God(dess) to worship, think carefully about what kind of role you would like to play on the disc. What rituals you would like, and the alignment you think you will be able to keep the easiest. Once you have chosen the only way to go back is through a refresh. Below are some very subjective thoughts on each of the gods and their rituals, which may give you some assistance.

The Changes.
A recent update of the entire faith system saw a number of changes in the distribution of rituals between the priests of the various Gods, as well a large number of new rituals. A brief look at some aspects of this follows.

On the whole, the average priest of Sandelfon will not be affected a great deal by the changes. Most of the rituals that were lost weren't used a great deal, and sanctuary being changed to a less useful format. Of the new rituals, cure serious wounds will prove easily the most useful to the normal priest, with the others being used relatively less (though tongues can be quite good). However, the description of 'normal' priest of Sandelfon does not include the very small numbers of playerkillers, who are greatly benefited by the agoraphobia and endless halls rituals. Sandelfon is the only God which grants less rituals after the change than before it.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  cure knurdness agoraphobia
  discharge imbue cure serious wounds
  imbue endless halls
  legend haunting
  sanctuary parch
  see alignment tongues
Average Rating 2.07 3.25

Priests of Gapp did quite well out of the changes to the system - of those lost, only soothe was used to any great extent and they received quite good new rituals. Like for the priests of the other good to neutral gods, cure serious wounds will be very useful, and the rituals harden and weft warping are extremely good rituals and well suited to Gapp. The rituals relief and silken ward are also quite useful, and the stasis ritual should prove an asset to any PK Gappics.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  dark sight chant
  detect alignment cure knurdness
  detect magic cure serious wounds
  discharge imbue harden
  imbue light
  see alignment relief
  soothe silken ward
  totem stasis
    weft warping
Average Rating 2.56 3.70

Like Sandelfon, Gufnork was left relatively untouched by the change compared to some of the other gods. None of the removed rituals were used a great deal, and while the relief and weft warping rituals can be quite useful, the biggest change to priests of Gufnork could probably be considered the increased difficulty of Aegis.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  cure critical wounds chant
  discharge imbue cure knurdness
  imbue detect magic
  totem holy insight
    weft warping
Average Rating 2.25 3.00

Like Gufnork, Pishe lost the same 4 reasonably unused rituals, but did receive more in return. Holy sanctuary, while not as good as the previous version, can still be helpful, and the soothing rain ritual is another powerful healing ritual added to the pishite armoury. Relief and silken ward can be useful, as can stasis - though perhaps mainly for the PK priests.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  cure critical wounds chant
  discharge imbue holy insight
  imbue holy sanctuary
  totem parch
    silken ward
    soothing rain
Average Rating 2.25 3.17

While priests of Hat suffered most in terms of ritual losses (namely the fear and silence ritual - though they still have visions and horror is a fear-type ritual) they also gained some of the better new rituals. Unquiet spirit is possibly the best of the new rituals, and searing touch is also quite powerful. As well as some other useful rituals, the agoraphobia and (to a lesser extent) wrath rituals should prove particularly useful to the reasonable numbers of PK priests of Hat.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  discharge imbue agoraphobia
  imbue dark sight
  sanctuary food of life
  silence haunting
  totem holy sacrifice
  fear horror
    searing touch
    unquiet spirit
    withering touch
Average Rating 2.83 3.25

Fish was one of the gods who did best out of the changes. They lost virtually nothing, and received a number of good new rituals. The unquiet spirit and blight rituals are both powerful, and the silken ward, dark sight and wrath ritual can be quite useful.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  discharge imbue blight
  imbue dark sight
  legend parch
  totem silken ward
    unquiet spirit
    withering touch
Average Rating 2.25 3.33

Like Hat, priests of Sek did reasonably well out of the changes despite losing two somewhat useful rituals (calm and paralysis). They received a very large number of new rituals (13) and some of these are quite powerful, such as the blight and searing touch rituals. They also received other useful rituals, including as light, silken ward and wrath among others.

  Rituals Lost Rituals Gained
  calm blight
  discharge imbue detect alignment
  imbue food of life
  paralysis holy sacrifice
  totem horror
    searing touch
    see alignment
    silken ward
Average Rating 2.50 3.12

An Analysis of Ritual Distribution.
It should be noted that much of this comes from the ratings given on the ritual page and is therefore, like the ratings, highly subjective. These figures should be considered as being more for my amusement rather than holding any special significance.

  All Rituals Sandelfon Gapp Gufnork Pishe Hat Fish Sek Shared rituals*
Average rating 3.41 3.54 3.80 3.48 3.37 3.54 3.58 3.48 3.88
1 star rits. 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
2 star rits. 8 2 1 3 4 3 4 3 1
3 star rits. 19 7 7 9 11 9 6 9 2
4 star rits. 20 6 10 8 9 7 10 10 2
5 star rits. 14 7 8 6 5 7 6 6 3
TOTAL 65 24 27 27 30 27 26 29 8
Ritual Uniqueness** 2.92 4.46 4.37 4.33 4.00 4.07 4.08 3.66  
Ritual Correlation***   Sandelfon Gapp Gufnork Pishe Hat Fish Sek  
  Sandelfon   25% 21% 13% 33% 3% 7%  
  Gapp 24%   43% 34% 13% 7% 4%  
  Gufnork 21% 46%   55% 9% 4% 6%  
  Pishe 8% 23% 34%   1% 8% 14%  
  Hat 29% 12% 8% 2%   38% 41%  
  Fish 3% 6% 4% 10% 35%   47%  
  Sek 4% 2% 3% 13% 27% 33%    

* Rituals given to all 7 Gods.
** This is a rather simple measure based on an average of how many gods each of their rituals are given to. The correlation given below could possibly provide a different view of uniqueness by how closely related they are to the other Gods, if properly adjusted for the interference effects.
*** This is the extent to which the rituals of the two Gods are related. It takes into account how many other Gods they share the ritual with, that is, a ritual given only to those two Gods adds far more than a ritual given to 6 of the Gods. The table is not symmetrical since it is analysed based on the rituals of the God on the horizontal axis vs. which of those shared by the God on the vertical axis.

Choosing your God
The information below might be useful in helping you decide which God you would like to follow in order to suit your playing style. It does need to be kept in mind that these are opinions and likely to be quite biased.

Sandelfon could possibly be considered one of the more balanced gods, with some of the best rituals in each of the offensive, defensive, curing and miscellaneous areas. More strictly speaking, however, Sandelfon is mainly a misc God with slight offensive tendencies. All up, Sandelfon is definitely one of the more attractive choices in terms of overall abilities, though perhaps not quite as strong as one or two others in terms of PK effectiveness.
  • While Sandelfon grants a reasonable number of offensive rituals, the majority of these aren't worth considering. Sandelfon priests are however well served offensively by the fumble ritual, one of the best offensive rituals available in the game. The agoraphobia and endless halls rituals would also prove useful to any PK priest of Sandelfon.
  • Defensively, Sandelfon does not provide anything especially outstanding, though of course the major shield ritual remains one of the best available.
  • Sandelfon mostly provides just the basic hit point regeneration rituals in the curing area, but does provide the best of these namely cure serious wounds.
  • Like most Gods, Sandelfon provides more miscellaneous rituals than any others. Along with the powerful misc rituals given to all, in particular Sandelfon priests are well served in the misc area by the longsight ritual, again one of the best misc rituals available. The tongues and light rituals can also be quite useful.

Like Sandelfon, Gapp could be considered as one of the more balanced Gods, having some of the best rituals in each of the areas, though overall is definitely one of the more miscellaneous Gods. Gapp is one of the better choices for overall effectiveness, though probably not as effective for playerkiller priests as Sandelfon is.
  • Offensively, the main asset of priests of Gapp is without a doubt the fumble ritual, though silken ward can be useful, and stasis may assist PK priests.
  • Gapp is a little stronger defensively than Sandelfon is, adding the holy sanctuary and chant rituals. However, major shield still remains the main defensive ritual of most priests who have it.
  • Again, like Sandelfon, Gapp mainly provides hit point regeneration rituals in the curing area, with cure serious wounds being by far the best available.
  • In the miscellaneous area, Gapp is one of the stronger Gods. The longsight ritual is extremely useful to most priests, and Gapp also grants a series of other useful misc rituals, such as harden, tongues, relief, weft warping, mend and light.

Gufnork is fairly strong in the defensive area particularly, but also does fairly well in the curing and misc areas though does suffer in the offensive area when compared to a number of the other Gods. Still remains an attractive choice with some of the best rituals in the areas besides offensive, and the strong defence can be an asset to PK priests.
  • Gufnork does not grant any of the especially strong offensive rituals, stasis possibly being the best of those which are granted.
  • Defensively, Gufnork is easily the strongest God. The unique ritual holy aegis which is very powerful on its own can be combined with their major shield ritual to give one of the best defences available in the game. As well, they also have the holy sanctuary, chant and calm rituals which can be useful.
  • In the curing area, priests of Gufnork are well served by the cure serious wounds ritual, and are able to provide assistance through the raise dead ritual.
  • Gufnork priests also have some quite useful miscellaneous rituals available to them, such as bless, light, relief, soothe and weft warping.

Unsurprisingly, the main strength of Pishe is in the curing and to some extent the misc areas, while suffering in the defensive and offensive areas, though perhaps not by as much as you might think. In terms of combat effectiveness, Pishe is not one of the best choices, but in terms of being able to help people, this is the God for you. For playerkillers, the best that Pishe has to offer is some degree of safety arising from the idea that even playerkillers like to know where their next resurrect is coming from.
  • As expected, Pishe suffers offensively in comparison to most of the other gods, the only somewhat surprising issue is that they are about the same as Gufnork, with the silken ward, stasis and turn undead rituals.
  • While not great defensively, lacking the major shield ritual, they nevertheless still have the calm, chant and holy sanctuary rituals. Luckily, because the major shields of other gods can be extended by the pishite minor shield, they are not that weak defensively.
  • Pishe of course grants the majority of the curing rituals available. In particular, the resurrect, restore and soothing rain rituals leave them a cut above the rest in terms of being able to help people.
  • Like most Gods, Pishe grants a fair number of miscellaneous ritual, and while not as strong in this area as some others such as Gapp, still grants some useful rituals like holy insight, light, relief and soothe.

Hat is one of the better gods in terms of offensive rituals, and as well has quite good strength in the miscellaneous and defensive areas, though suffers slightly in the curing department. In terms of overall effectiveness, Hat is an attractive option, and could possibly be considered the best choice for a PK priest.
  • Hat is extremely strong in the area of offensive rituals, both those aimed at PK and non PK priests. The fumble ritual is among the best offensive rituals available, and the searing touch ritual is also powerful. The agoraphobia and visions rituals are a valuable tool in any playerkiller priests' armoury.
  • While Hat grants only the standard defensive rituals, it is always hard to go past major shield which serves Hattians well in this area.
  • Curing is the one area where Hattians tend to suffer a little against some of the more good aligned Gods. The highest hit point regeneration ritual they are granted is cure medium wounds which tends to suffer in comparison to the more favoured cure serious wounds.
  • Hattians are also strong in the miscellaneous area, receiving some of the better misc rituals available. The unquiet spirits ritual is extremely powerful, and as well they are granted further useful misc rituals such as bless and tongues.

Fish is somewhat similar to Hat in terms of the relative strengths of the four areas, and indeed differs only slightly in the rituals granted in the curing and defensive areas. Some of the differences in the offensive area leave Fish possibly a little behind Hat, particularly for playerkillers, but is still a reasonably attractive choice.
  • One of the strong areas of Fish is that of offensive rituals. The blight and fear rituals are among the best, while holy weapon, silence, silken ward and wrath can all be valuable.
  • Defensively Fish also has the three basic rituals, but with major shield being the best defensive ritual available, does not suffer too much from the lack.
  • Again, like Hat, Fish does suffer somewhat from the lack of the cure serious wounds ritual.
  • Fish is also strong in the miscellaneous area, being granted the unquiet spirits ritual which is one of the better misc rituals available, as well as useful rituals such as bless and find.

Sek could probably be considered the strongest God offensively, and is certainly the only God who doesn't have more misc rituals than anything else. While Sek is reasonable in misc rituals, priests of Sek can compare unfavourably in the curing and defensive areas. In terms of effectiveness, Sek is not one of the best choices, though can still be attractive for those with a leaning towards offensive rituals or those who find the roleplay aspects entertaining.
  • Sek has a huge number of offensive rituals, the best possibly being blight, fear and searing touch. The holy weapon, silence, silken ward, visions and wrath rituals can also be useful.
  • Priests of Sek are only granted the one defensive ritual, minor shield. While this can be used to extend a major shield from another God, this has to be seen as one of the areas in which Sek is found lacking.
  • Although slightly stronger in curing than Hat and Fish, in terms of hit point regeneration they also only possess the cure medium wounds ritual, though they do possess other rituals such as food of life and raise dead.
  • While not as strong as some others, Sek has some quite useful misc rituals, particularly creeping doom, as well as rituals such as find, light and holy sacrifice.

Top ] [ Sandelfon ] [ Gapp ] [ Gufnork ] [ Pishe ] [ Hat ] [ Fish ] [ Sek ] [ Changes ] [ Analysis ] [ Choosing Your God ]