Valkyrie Crew Bios
Lieutenant Markus Krillon
Name:  Markus Krillon
Date of Birth:  2344
Height:  6'1"
Weight:  170 lbs.
Species:  Terran
Place of Birth:  Planet Earth, North American Continent, Licoln, Nebraska
Languages:  Starfleet Standard, Klingon, Cardassian, Vulcan, Romulan
Interests:  Engineering and Ship Design, Fencing, Klingon Martial Arts (considered to be nearly
    an expert), Batleth Combat, Holodeck Programming and Design, Improving every engine on
    each ship he has ever served on making them faster and more manuverable, reading, and
    playing the flute
Family:  He was orphaned when he was six and never really knew his family, but does suspect
    that he has a sister about the same age as him out there somewhere.
Education:  2362-2366 Starfleet Acadamy, Engineering and Design Program
Service Record:  Promoted to Lietenant (JG) upon graduation (for being at the top of his class).
    2366-2371, Lietenant (JG) Engineer, USS Malaki, Steamrunner Class, 2371-2375, Lietenant,
    Assistant Chief Engineer, USS Carolina, Galaxy Class, 2375-2378, Lietenant Commander,
    Assistant Engineer, USS Calontir, Intrepid Class, 2378-Present, Lietenant
Decorations:  Starfleet Honors for Service under Extreme Conditions, Starfleet Design Award for
    Improvement of Existing Engine Systems and Design of New Improved Systems
Background:  Markus was born in 2344.  From the instant he enter his school, he knew that he wanted to be an engineer on a starship.  He was always building things in class and drawing rough designs of systems that existed with his "improvements" noted on every page.  When he was six, his parents were in a terrible accident when the core of the shuttle they were in breached and caused an explosion that ended both of their lives.  Markus was shuttled to many different orphanages and once he learned everything he could from there, he moved on to the next.  When Markus was in his late teens, he had a fascination with combat.  He had seen a very old movie (The Three Musketeers) and became interested in swordplay from that time period.  This lead him to learn martials arts, but not just any kind, he wanted Klingon style fighting because he respected their sense of honor, and it was one of the few races that still used melee weapons as opposed to phaser or disrupter technology in their warrior training.  He became quite good at what he was doing, but still felt his childhood yearning for beng a starfleet engineer.  He entered the Starfleet Acadamy in the year 2362 and quickly became to known as the jack-of-all-trades boy genius.  He learned a little bit of everything; tactical, medical technology, operations, languages, and even security.  But his best efforts were always in engineering and design.  He was even Captain of his Velocity team.  After his graduation, he was promoted to Lietenant (JG) and assigned to the Starship USS Malaki.  He set right to work on the propulsion systems and made the ship faster than it was ever designed to go.  This to him was fun, he worked on the system's design in his spare time and enjoyed every minute of it.  This of course led him to be late every once in a while to duty shift, but the Chief Engineer knew what was going on and tolerated it for the most part.  Aboard the USS Carolina is where he earned his Starfleet Honors for work under pressure.  The ship entered a battle against a Cardasian Cruiser and was badly damaged.  Weapons were offline as was propulsion and many onboard were injured.  The Chief Engineer was killed and the ship was in danger of eith capture or destruction.  Seeing this was a desparate situation, Markus decided that it called for a desparate act.  He was able to reverse the power flow from the warp core to the main deflector dish thereby not only giving the Carolina a means of propulsion, but a one shot weapon to use against the Cardasians.  He threw it into gear and miraculously, it worked.  The Cardasian Cruiser, confident in its position, lined itself up directly in front of the Carolina and was ready to kill.  The main deflector dish threw out a flash of power ten times of any existing Starship size phaser and destroyed the ship that was ready to destroy them.  It also jolted them backwards about 2000 meters from their original position. 
    When the USS Voyager came home, he immediately set to work (in his spare time) on tearing apart its propulsion and unusual shield and weapon technology.  This is an on going process in which he requests information in bulk from Starfleet and he tries to make sense of it.  His current position on the Science Vessel USS Valkyrie should provide a good environment for him to do his research for Starfleet and himself, and as always, he will be working on the Valkyrie's propulsion systems as well, to make it faster and better than any other of its class.
Personality Profile:  He is a workaholic.  He loves his job and does everything he can to improve
    and maintain his ship's systems.  He is seldom in his quarters.  He prefers the holodeck to
    do most of his work on ship design, or to study his varous martial arts, more than likely
    dualing with characters from the 1500s of England.  When not in engineering or the
    holodeck, he enjoys relaxing with a good book or playing his flute for audiances. 
Special Notes:  He has blonde hair and green eyes, loves chocolate, in ambidesterous, and is
    always there for his friends.

Lt. Markus Krillon