War Against Spain

U. S. Plans and supports Revolts Against Spain and Her territories

A Catholic Perspective

       This article is the second of a two part series concerning the efforts of the United States in advancing the Revolution that began in the 1770's.

       We have seen already the fact that Catholic governments were perceived as, and truly were, an obstacle to the spread of the Revolution –that is, as previously mentioned, the revolt against the traditional Christian social and moral order as willed by God and inspired by the Catholic Church. Under Masonic direction, the U.S. government continued in the last half of the 19th century the policy –even if unwritten- of removing Catholic-monarchical governments in order to promote the spread of the Revolution. We saw this with how Florida was “purchased;” with how Texas was gained; with how California and the American Southwest were gained. Now this policy would spread to lands beyond North America. The following is simply a survey-summarization of such events. After this, we will look at what are known as the "Spanish-American War," and the "Spanish Civil War." Both were further developments in the spread of the Revolution against the traditional Christian social-moral-political order.

       -In 1873, a rebellion against Spain was begun by Cubans who rejected the Catholic influence in politics and society, if not in religion itself. They supported the Revolution in all for which it stands: rebellion against God’s law and order as applied to both governments and states, as well as individuals. The U.S. supported this rebellion in Cuba against the Catholic monarchy of Spain by sending arms and munitions. However, the Spanish warship Toronado captured the American ship Virginius, which was transporting arms to the rebel forces. Since they were aiding a rebellion contributing to many deaths, eight Americans were tried, judged and executed. The revolt was suppressed within the same year.

       -In 1875, Jose Garcia Moreno, President of Ecuador, was assassinated while coming out of the Cathedral in Quito, the capital. Moreno was a faithful and devout Catholic who united Church and State and made Catholicism the religion of the state. He also had the country consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. His murder was encouraged and aided (if not jointly planned) by the American consul to Ecuador, who was a Mason.

       -In 1888, revolutionaries and members of the army successfully staged a coup against the Catholic monarchy of Brazil. Emperor Dom Pedro II and his family were sent into exile. The planning and execution of the coup was assisted by the U.S. Embassy in Brazil.

       -In 1890, Both New Mexico and Arizona (under their Catholic-Hispanic leadership) applied for entrance as states into the Union. They were denied their request. One reason for this denial was opposition from local Protestant Anglos who displayed fear and mistrust of the region’s Catholic-Hispanic leadership. The United States Congress had an additional reason: “The Roman Catholic population seemed un-American.”

       -In 1893, the monarchy of Hawaii was over-thrown in a coup planned by Americans and assisted by the U.S. Ambassador. An American lawyer, Sanford Dole, was installed as president of a new republic that ceased to exist when the former kingdom was annexed by the U.S. This was not a Catholic monarchy, but it goes to show that the hatred for anything monarchical is part and parcel of the ideology behind the Revolution.

       1898-1901, the United States brought to an end Spain’s Catholic rule of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam. The United States was now helping to spread the Revolution across the seas. Let us examine this development.

The Spanish-American War

       In as much as Spain’s lands in the Americas were all Catholic, the U.S. sought to eliminate the Catholic presence (and governments) by first driving Spain out of the hemisphere. No moatter what the proximate "causes" were, this revolutionary policy ultimately produced the Spanish-American War. This war should really be known as the War of American Aggression Against Catholic Spain and Her Territories. These territories included Cuba and Puerto Rico in this hemisphere, and the Philippines and Guam in the Pacific. Not surprisingly, the effort started with Spain’s territory closest to the U.S.: Cuba.

       The U.S. had coveted the Spanish island of Cuba for many years. As far back as 1854 American envoys to Britain, France and Spain met at Ostend, in Belgium, to discuss Cuba. They arrogantly declared in what is known as the Ostend Manifesto that so long as Cuba belonged to Spain it would be dangerous to “our peace,” and that if Spain refused to sell Cuba to the U.S., we would be justified in taking it by force. Such a threatening attitude led to the U.S. support of a revolution which lasted from 1868 to 1878. The island was laid waste. U.S. capitalists took advantage of this by buying most of the sugar plantations and mines. When another revolution began in 1895, during the presidency of Grover Cleveland (1893-97), American citizens and many within the U.S. government supported it.

       After William McKinley came to office (1897-1901), a tragedy occurred which led to the direct involvement of the U.S. in the conflict. On February 15, 1898, the U.S. Navy battleship Maine was blown up while anchored in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. Two hundred and sixty sailors were killed. Many in America, including many in the government, blamed Spain for this and used it as an excuse to go to war against the country. In Havana, Spanish officials declared a period of mourning for Maine’s sailors. Further, the Spanish government expressed its deepest regrets at the “lamentable incident,” and urged that the question of its cause be investigated by an impartial, international commission. The United Stated rejected the proposal. There is to this day no proof whatsoever that Spain was involved in the explosion. In fact, evidence discovered later suggested that revolutionists may have caused the explosion in order to bring America into the war. It worked. “Remember the Maine! To Hell with Spain!” became the rallying cry. Among those calling for war was Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt. President McKinley, who at first did not want war, finally called for 200,000 volunteers to fight for Cuba’s rebellion and independence from Spain. As we shall see, the U.S. fought for more than just Cuba’s revolution.

       To spread the Revolution was the primary, if not sole, aim of the American drive to “liberate” not simply Cuba, but also Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines from Catholic Spain’s rule. (The reader should be aware that whether or not our leaders consciously thought in these terms is not the point. The fact is, the way they thought and believed was –and still is- according to the anti-Christian, revolutionary ideas of the false “Enlightenment.”) With this conflict, the U.S. was now attempting to spread the Revolution far beyond her own shores, though that was never stated. Instead it was said she was spreading liberty and justice, or democracy. The student of history must not forget this last point so as not to be fooled by the “official” reasons often provided by the government for its policies and actions.

       In what would be primarily a naval war, the U.S. set up a blockade around Cuba on April 22, and began sending arms ashore to the revolutionary forces. On April 25, 1898, the U.S. declared war on Spain. (Notice that the U.S. was already involved in the war before it was declared. Because it was the case, Congress voted to change the official date of the declaration to the 22nd. To them truth meant nothing.) The revolutionary forces murdered thousands of Catholic peasant farmers who refused to take part in the rebellion against Spain. Some American newspapers blamed these murderous acts on Spain. Papers also invented other atrocities. One in New York reported that the Spanish army rounded up thousands of farmers and locked them in buildings, leaving them to die of disease and starvation. Whether papers invented such stories to sell more copies or get the U.S. involved does not matter. Such lies revealed the hatred many Americans felt towards Catholic Spain.

       Theodore Roosevelt, who quit his position at the Navy Department, led a group of soldiers up San Juan Hill near Santiago against the Spanish and loyal Cubans who attempted to defend the city. The myth of the “Rough Riders” charging up the hill and defeating the Spanish is still told to this day. The fact is, only a small number of Roosevelt’s men were on horseback. The rest were on foot. Even then, Roosevelt’s cavalry had to get off their horses and charge on foot. However, he was not as courageous (or at least, as honorable) as myth would have it. In order to spare the lives of his white soldiers, Roosevelt had an all-black regiment, the Tenth Calvary, charge at the front and take the bulk of the shots and most of the U. S. casualties (another suppressed fact). Amzingly, the small number of 520 Spaniards defended their position for nine hours against the 4,500 well-equiped attackiong Americans. nevertheless, San Juan was taken on July 3rd, 1898. On August 12, Spain granted Cuba its independence, and ceded Puerto Rico to the United States. Nevertheless, even though the U.S supposedly "fought for Cuban independence," the U.S. army governed Cuba until 1902, when it withdrew under the terms of the Platt Amendment (1901). Even then, this measure passed by Congress asserted a U.S. "right" to future intervention (i.e. Monroe Doctrine) in Cuba, resricted Cuba's treatymaking powers, and provided for U.S naval bases. Thus, one could justifiably ask: was Cuba truly independent?

       In the Philippines the fighting continued and became brutal when the Filipinos, following Spain’s defeat, resisted the aggressive American invasion and her efforts at Anglo-colonization. Using some 63,000 troops, the U.S. eventually crushed the Filipinos. After three years of dirty fighting, there were 4,300 American dead, but more than 600,000 Filipino’s died during the same period, the vast majority being civlians. As American soldiers marched through the jungles and entered villages they sang this bigoted song:

Damn, Damn, Damn the Filipinos!
Cross-eyed kakiak ladrones!
Underneath the starry flag
Civilize ‘em with a krag,
And return us to our own homes.

       This bigoted and arrogant attitude continues to be perpetuated among American leaders. Since 1900, an exclusive group of U. S. officers, forming the secretive Military Order of the Carabao, along with certain government leaders, have met at the beginning of every February and still sing the above quoteed bigoted chorus. (Recent U.S. presidents such as William Clinton and George W. Bush participated in this event.) Filipino culture was agricultural and Catholic. Americans were told that they were going over there to free those people from Spain’s (supposed) repression, and to civilize them and Christianize them (as if an agrarian society was not civilized). This, of course, was pure propaganda. It is clear from this that the idea of a Catholic and agricultural culture was considered as neither Christian nor civilized. But this was only America’s excuse for spreading the Revolution, and this includes the Industrial Revolution, as well as the political, social and anti-Catholic one. (Students of history may notice that this was similar with the industrial North’s attitude towards the agricultural South back during the war of 1861-65.)

       During the Philippine campaign the prejudicial attitudes of the invading U.S. armed forces was quite evident. There were numerous immoral actions committed during the three years of fighting in the Philippines. This included the bombong of entire villages. (The Vietnam War was not the first time or place when U. S. soldiers had torched entire villages.) Another type of example is when an American soldier entered a village grocery store and began shooting the place to pieces, killing one and injuring a few other persons. The store owner, with help from other Filipinos faithful to the Spanish Crown, captured him and executed him for his crime. In retaliation, 89 local residents were horribly burned and then shot to death by American troops. A U.S. Senate committee in 1902 heard testimony of burned villages and filipino prisoners murdered or tortured. But nothing substantial was done about it.

       Spain finally agreed on December 10, 1902 to cede Philippines and Guam to the U.S., proving that the U.S. could successfully carry the Revolution around the world. This war was clearly anti-Catholic in nature. We know this from the fact that the decisions of the U.S. when forming new governments in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines, clearly went against Catholic teaching and worked to destroy the influence of the Church upon these lands and their people. Here are some of the changes made by the U.S. in these once Catholic countries.

1. Separation of Church and State;
2. Set up American-style public school system with attendance at such schools mandatory (thus taking away the right of parents and the Church to educate children);
3. Took money from Catholic churches and gave large sums to schismatic factions. (Some, but not all, of this money, however, was reclaimed later in 1906 after the Holy See appointed new bishops.);
4. Pressured Rome to replace Spanish bishops with American or Irish ones (that is, with those who held to the ideas of the Revolution and were agreeable with U.S. government policies).

       Of course, the U. S. did not really fight for the independence of the Philippines. Our government then subjugated them to the Masonic ideas of the secular God-less liberal republic form of government -ruled by U.S. policy. The Philippines did not become its own governing body, and thus a truly independent nation, until July, 1946! And even then, it was our government, or at least certain representatives of it, which heavily influenced the contents of their constitution. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt -the Masonic pro-Communist usurper of the U. S. Constitution- insisted on being involved in working out numerous specific details of the Philippine constitution. Thus, the U.S. version of "freedom" and "independence" is based on its control and determination of just what that means for other peoples and nations.

Theodore Roosevelt

       While the United States was in the midst of the war in the Philippines, President McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901, by an anarchist. He lingered for a week and finally died on September 14. The Vice President, Theodore (“Teddy”) Roosevelt (another Freemason), assumed the Presidential office. He was sworn in on September 14. He would put into place policies which extended the effects of the Revolution both abroad as well as in American life. In fact, Roosevelt would preside over the expansion of what was becoming an American empire, though it has never been given that name.

Revolution Abroad

       For both financial and political reasons, Roosevelt had decided to build a canal in a region of the country of Colombia known as Panama. It would connect the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean. Colombia was a Catholic country, and Roosevelt knew it, and did not like it. Under terms of a treaty signed by Colombia and the U.S. in 1901 for the construction of a canal, Colombia had the right to revoke the treaty at a later date. The Colombian government did in fact cancel the deal in 1903. This did not stop Roosevelt. In fact, he was angered. In a letter he wrote to Secretary of State, John Hay, he declared: “We may have to give a lesson to those jack rabbits.” A lesson is what he intended to give.

       With both encouragement and aid from the U.S. government, on November 3, 1903, a group of revolutionary Panamanians revolted against Colombia and proclaimed the Republic of Panama. U.S. ships prevented Colombian vessels from landing troops to stop the rebellion. After three days the U.S. recognized Panama as an independent nation. Twelve days later, on November 18th, the U.S. and the new Panama government signed a treaty giving the U.S. the right to dig the canal. Five years after that, in 1908, the Panama Canal Zone became territory of the United States. Roosevelt took credit for this accomplishment. In 1914 it was opened to ships, and in 1921 it was officially declared finished. (Only recently -in the 1990s- did the Panama Canal Zone return to Panamanian ownership and rule.)

       In his State of the Union address to Congress in 1904, President Roosevelt justified U.S. intervention in Panama in the following terms.

“Chronic wrongdoing, or an incompetence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the western hemisphere, the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrong doing or incompetence to the exercise of all international political power.”

       What really lay behind this declaration? Earlier, following a visit to Argentina, Roosevelt remarked: “While these countries remain Catholic, we will not be able to dominate them.” His reference was to all the Latin American countries which were civilized and governed by Catholics. The fact that a president supposed that the U.S. ought to “dominate” foreign countries should disturb the reader. Worse, however, his statement revealed his attitude toward Catholicism. American manifest destiny, and the “Monroe Doctrine,” were still dominant among our leaders at this time, as Roosevelt’s 1904 message to Congress shows, and these beliefs had anti-Catholicism at their root, as we have seen in this series. In order to destroy the Catholic obstacle to the spread of the Revolution, men from those nations who held the anti-Christian ideas of the false “Enlightenment” were both encouraged and supported by our government to spread rebellion and revolution. As President Woodrow Wilson later explained when he sent U.S. Marines to occupy the Dominican Republic (1914) and Haiti and Nicaragua (1915), “I am going to teach the South American republicans to elect good men!” The implication being that Catholic rulers were not good men!

(FYI: The U.S. military presence in these three lands, meant to prevent any intervention from Spain and to ensure the success of revolutionary republics, was maintained for years before leaving -Nicaragua, 1923, Domincan Republic, 1924, Haiti, 1934.)

       We can see with such attitudes the idea that "democracy" was to be introduced at the point of a gun and then forced upon a people whether they wanted it or not (just as is occuring in Iraq). Of course, this is quite a contradiction since democracy is supposed to have as its basis the sovereignty of the people by consent of the people. But such an idea was always a mere cover for the true Masonic idea of world government, and thus control. This leads us to consider a major effort to destroy a great legacy of Catholic Spain, the Catholic culture and character of Mexico and its people.

The U. S. and the Mexican Revolution

       The spread of the Revolution as part of (the unwritten) U.S. policy also increased back here on the continent. Just as the U.S. supported previous revolutionary uprisings in Mexico, it would do so again. During the time period of 1912-1913, a new Masonic-Marxist revolution started to take shape in our southern neighbor. The Wilson Administration encouraged and armed the revolutionists. Mexico's rightful leader at the time was Victoriano Huerta. (He has been unjustly accused of murdering the previous president, Francisco Madera. The fact is, he was not able to control the more radical of his fellow party members.) Huerta had successfully crushed some of the rebel groups encouraged by Wilson. Wilson sent a delegation to meet with Huerta, who was told by a commission of both Mexican and U.S. Masons that the U.S. would recognize his government if he joined them. He refused. Pulling out his brown scapular, Huerta proclaimed: "No, I am a Catholic, if a poor one, and that is my platform." He declared that God's laws would be the law of the land. This only made the Masons and Marxists revolutionaries angrier.

       In April of 1914, President Wilson, through his Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels, sent the U.S. Navy to take Vera Cruz and later Tampico. These were Huerta's only channels for supplies. He thus lost the necessary supplies to fight off the revolutionaries. Huerto was forced to flee Mexico City in August. Masonic revolutionary leaders, such as Venustiano Carranza, Alvero Obregon, and Plutarco Elias Calles, took control by summer's end. Carranza then became Mexico's new president. The revolutionists then proceeded to imprison priests and nuns, seize churches and convents and close Catholic schools.

       In 1917, the Mexican revolutionaries had adopted a new constitution for the republic. Many of its articles aimed not simply at crippling the Church in Mexico, but at eliminating her. What they had already begun to do by force, they now made into law. However, some of these anti-Catholic articles were not enforced throughout all of Mexico by Carranza and his administration. Carranza was more concerned about gaining wealth for himself than anything else. He began to lose control of the other revolutionaries.

       By 1920, it was clear that no one wanted Carranza to continue as president. Obregon and Calles marched with forces into Mexico City. Carranza escaped with bags of gold from the country's treasury and was later shot by bandits. Alvero Obregon became the new president. His revolutionary government was recognized by the U.S., but was feared by Mexican Catholics. Obregon was one of the ones who led the persecutions against the Church mentioned above. Soon, their fears came true.

       In February, 1921, the door of the archbishop's palace in Mexico City was blown up by dynamite. In June a bomb exploded at the archbishops residence in Guadalajara. In November a man entered the basilica in Guadalupe and planted a time bomb concealed by flowers before the miraculous image of Our Lady on St. Juan Diego's tilma. The bomb exploded. Its shock waves burst the stained-glass windows all around the basilica. Glass was everywhere. The heavy crucifix above the altar was twisted into a semi-circle. But the miraculous image of Our Lady on the tilma was unharmed! The glass covering was not even cracked. God had preserved the holy image by a miracle. Catholics knew, something had to be done. Their religion and Catholic culture was under direct attack.

       Obgregon was succeeded in December, 1924, by Plutarco Calles, who was more anti-Catholic than any of the revolutionaries. He publicly declared, "I have a personal hatred for Christ." He was determined to enforce all the anti-Catholic articles of the 1917 constitution. Not satisfied with that, in 1926 he decreed new laws of his own. They were meant to bring the Catholic Church completely under control of the Mexican state. He began closing down seminaries, and even took over Catholic orphanages and homes for the elderly. By March, 1926, 200 foreign-born priests were forced out of the country, and 83 convents and monasteries had been closed.

       Under the 1917 constitution all church buildings in Mexico became property of the state, but in most cases they could still be used by priests to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Yet -priests were now obligated by law to register with the state -which would dictate what they ~ could and could not do. In protest against the law decreed by Calles in 1926, the bishops of the, country did something never done in the history of the Church anywhere in the world before ~ then. They ?rdered the nation'.s priests to withdraw fro~ t~e chur~h~s. For~he first time since the I ' Spanish arrIved 400 years earlIer, Mass would not be saId In publIc In MeXICO.

       Deprived of Mass and realizing that the bishops would not act as they did if not forced by. Calles, by summer of 1926 thousands of Catholic peasants rose up to resist the Marxist-Masonic revolutionary government. Their resistance is known as the Cristero Rebellion on account of I their battle cry, "Viva Cristo REY!" ("Long live Christ the King!")

       The Cristero Rebellion is one of the most heroic episodes in Catholic history. It was clearly a religious and Catholic crusade. It was a defense of the Faith, the Church, and Catholic culture ", against anti-Christ forces. It lasted three years. Forty thousand of the peasant-warriors fell in battle, but they killed 60,000 of the soldiers fighting for the atheistic government. By May, 1929, they were close to victory. Had they won, Mexico would have had a Catholic government, but the U.S. government would not allow it.

       U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Dwight Morrow, who became Calles' close personal friend, saw to it that Calles received everything he needed militarily and financially to prevail. Meantime, he worked behind the scenes to arrive at "arrangements" between the government and bishops that would end the fighting. On his side, Calles promised to leave the Church in peace if the bishops agreed to order the Cristeros to lay down their arms, but Morrow did not require that the promise be put into writing and signed. The bishops then ordered the Cristeros to lay down their arms and accept the agreement offered by Calles. So it was that after the Cristeros surrendered their guns, government firing squads began shooting them. More than 5,000 disarmed Catholic warriors were murdered in this way, and the persecution of the Church would last another ten years. Ambassador Morrow did no more than faithfully act as the instrument of U.S. policy. That is what ambassadors do. Thus, with the aid of the United States, the last chance of a Catholic government on the North American Continent was lost.

In Mexico there is an old saying: "Poor Mexico! So far from God, and so near the United States!"

The Spanish "Civil War"

       The revolution against the traditional Christian social and moral order, most visibly seen in the political realm in Spain and her territories gained since the 16th century, culminated in the Spanish Civil War in the mid to late 1930’s. Starting in the early 1930s, a Judeo-Masonic inspired communist "soft" revolution occurred. Spain was taken over by such revolutionaries who had gained positions of authority in government. These Masonic-Communist government leaders started a program of brutal Catholic persecution, and out-right killings. This led to the Spanish Civil War, which began in July, 1936. By the middle of 1937 some 20,000 churches and chaples had been destroyed.

       From the moment the Spanish Civil War began it was evident that Jewish revolutionaries around the world were determined that the Communist forces should triumph. It appeared that every resource of Jewish wealth and propaganda was mobilized for a total assault. Seemingly, from every nation, Jews flocked to Spain to organize and direct operations. A Spanish leader, Bishop Antonio Garcia of Tuy, recognized this when he declared:

“It is evident that the present conflict is one of the most terrible wars waged by Anti-Christ, that is, by Judaism, against the Catholic Church and against Christ. And at this crisis in the history of the world, the Jews use two formidable armies: one secret, namely that of Freemasonry; the other, open and avowed, with hands dripping with blood, that of the Communists…”

       The Masonic-Marxist program had nothing other than the intention of completely destroying the Catholic Church in Spain, along with the culture and social ethic inspired by it. Twelve bishops and 16,750 priests and religious (i.e. nuns, brothers, non-ordained monks, friars, etc) were murdered in cold blood by the Jewish-led Communist revolutionaries. Though the United States government did not provide any official support for the Republican side (i.e., the Masonic-Marxist side), sadly, an American attachment of volunteers, known as the "Abraham Lincoln Brigade," went over to fight on the side of the Masonic-Communist revolutionaries (called "Loyalists"), under Stalin's International Brigade. This pro-Communist Brigade was led by and made up of many American Jews (one being the pro-communist Milton Wolff, the last commander of the American contingent). Unfortunately, there were many misled and misinformed Christians among them.

       Under the leadership of Generalissimo Franco, the Catholic forces eventually won. This occurred in 1939. It was truly a crusade, a war (by Catholic Spaniards) for the cross and He Who died upon it for our salvation -Jesus Christ, the King of men and nations. Since the age of Revolution began in the 18th century, this has been the only clear victory for the traditional social and moral order in the political realm. Never has the Revolution on as national level been beat back since. (For an excellent article by a traditional Catholic obtain Gary Potter's, "Spain's Crusade: 1936-39," in the Summmer, 2001 issue of From the House Tops)

       Despite this set-back, the world-wide revolutionary forces, with many of the leaders being in the United States, were moving successfully elsewhere. They already had instigated the mechanisms and events that would lead to the start of the second world war. This conflict in turn paved the way for a nearly world-wide victory of THE Revolution, with the United States (and its Zionist plutocratic oligarchy) at the helm. All of this points to the fact that the United States of America is not a Christian country, and thus needs to be converted to the one true Faith, the Catholic Faith -outside of which no one can be saved.

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