Floors 1-10
  Floors 11-20
  Floors 21-30
  Floors 31-40
  Floors 41-50
  Floors 51-60
  Floors 61-70
  Floors 71-77

    The EX Game is a special bonus for those who have completed the game. At the end of the credits, you are given a chance to save and are rewarded with 3000 bonus points. When you are on the title screen, a new option appears. Load your EX Round game file and begin.

    Once you have access to the city map, (Day two) you will notice a new location, the Chrysler Building, has opened up. It's your choice when you enter, but it would be best to play through most of the game to gain some levels. This way, you will have enough stamina to be able to climb through ten floors at a time since there are no save points in the building. Don't worry, you can leave and come back with the aid of the Chrysler keys you will pick up on each tenth floor.

    The Chrysler Building is 77 floors high, with a boss on every tenth floor. Of the 77 floors, 62 of them are randomly generated from a selection of over a hundred different pre-determined layouts. It's easy to spend ten to twelve hours climbing to the top.

    The Chrysler Building also holds most of the rare items of the game. Included are special weapons, armor, upgrades, and the rare trading cards, which once you have collected all 14 of them, you can get the Super Tool Kit(unlimited Super Tools). With the Super Tool Kit, you can modify your equipment without losing it.

    Now you may ask, what's the point of going through this building? Well, you get a different ending by doing so, that's why. With that said, lets cover what you will find in your journey to the top as well as the bosses you will fight along the way.

©2000Ace Sky Productions