

This is where I put up all my fanfics. Currently, I have Gundam Wing and Dragonball Z fanfics, but I will also try to include some of my other favorite anime and manga such as Digimon and Sailor Moon. I will accept written fanfics from fans as long as they are in .doc, .rtf, .txt, or HTML format. Please do not send fanfics pasted into the body of the e-mail. Otherwise, please send them in to me! You can send a series, or ongoing stories, but you cannot begin a new series until you end the others. If your story has mature content, such as violence and profanity, please notify me when you send it, so I will remember to put the *PA:EL* label on it. *PA:EL* stands for "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics." If its in red, its violence. If its in sky blue, its language. If its in purple, its both. If a story has more information in the Fanworld section, then there will be a *ƒ* next to it.

(Note: Most of the comedy fanfics, written by me, were created before I had this website, and sometimes make references to the webmasters and webmistresses that I sent my fanfics to. However, I have kept my writing true to their original form and have not edited them at all whatsoever. Anyone who sends me a fanfic that I enjoy shall have it posted AS IS, as to protect the artistic integrity of the writer. Please do any proofreading BEFORE you send it so that you don't embarrass and humiliate yourself. If you so desire, you may resend any revised versions of fanfics that have already been posted. Thank you!)


[Gundam Fanfics] [Dragonball Fanfics] [Original Stories/Crossovers/Misc]




By: Your Webmaster, Majin

Shinigami's Gift

Duo Maxwell, pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe Hell, finds himself in quite the predicament when he realizes that it is Hilde's birthday and he still hasn't gotten her a present!

The Return of Mobile Dolls

Click here to view the award I got for this fanfic!

A long lost, scrapped creation of White Fang has resurfaced after the end of the war: a powerful Mobile Doll Gundam with the Zero System. Now that the Zero System has found its "perfect pilot," it can complete its mission to achieve peace by destroying the Gundams.

Nataku's Problem

Things aren't going so well when Chang Wufei tries to use the Altron Gundam. All hell breaks loose when Wufei tries desperately to find and fix his Mobile Suit's problem by any means necessary.

Milliardo's Profession

Milliardo Peacecraft is flat-out broke now that there's no more war. The time has come for him to go out and search for a job, but what future is there for an out-of-work Gundam pilot?

Mobile Soldier N Gundam

[Episode 00]
[Gundam 01] [Gundam 02] [Gundam 03] [Gundam 00]
[Episode 01] [Episode 02] [Episode 03] [Episode 04] [Episode 05] *New!* [Episode 06]

Over fifty years have passed since the end of the Space Colony Revolutionary War. In the aftermath of this devastating destruction, the livelihoods of millions of people living in the Colonies have been changed forever...It's payback time... More chapters coming...


By: Deadeye

The Shop

What happens when the Gundams must be taken to mechanics to be repaired, but the mechanics aren't all that, well...reliable?


Duo is a little down on his luck. Because of the hospital bill he received from Wufei in a previous adventure, he needs a job, and a place to stay. Duo manages to find some semblance of compassion in Wufei, who takes him in...but at what cost?

War of the Fools

It's April Fools again! Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei have teamed up to end Duo's endless reign of terror, but can they outprank the master prankster?


The Gundam Pilots, Hilde, and Relena, are at their favorite theme park. It's a day of fun ahead right?...Nope, I don't think so. See what antics those crazy G-Boyz get into this time around!


It's a Snow Day, and its an all-out snowball war with Gundams between Duo and the rest of the Gundam Pilots! Who will prevail?

Skool Daez

A truant officer discovers that the Gundam Pilots are not in school, and therefore are enrolled. However, they have no records, and are therefore placed in Kindergarten!

Gone Camping

Those crazy Gundam Boyz are at it again! This time, they've tagged along with our hero, Deadeye, as he goes on a camping trip! Look for cameo appearances from those guys from the RFC Guestbook!

*PA:EL* Mobile Suit Gundam HZ

[Episode One] [Episode Two] [Episode Three] [Episode Four] [Episode Five] [Episode Six] [Episode Seven] [Episode Eight] [Episode Nine] [Episode Ten] [Episode Eleven]
[Episode Twelve]

A new threat has befallen the Earthsphere and Colonies. The threat to peace can only be vanquished by a new Gundam Pilot, and the amazing power of the Gundam Heavy Zero. The fate of the planet is in his hands.

*PA:EL* Mobile Suit Gundam: The Battle of the Angels

[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] *New!* [Chapter Six] [Chapter Seven]

The threat to peace on Earthsphere and the Colonies has been vanquished, and the Gundam Heavy Zero has been laid to rest. However, it seems that there are some things that can never be be completely wiped seems that war is one of them. More chapters coming...

*PA:EL* FEAR...Gundam Wing Take

[Day One] [Day Two]

Deadeye has actually SEEN an episode of Fear, which means a new version must be made...only this time, the G-Boyz are involved!

*New!* Endless Waltz RFC

[Part One] [Part Two]

It's the remaking of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz! Will Duo realize that his realizations are too soon to be realized, or will Mariemeiah succeed in eloping with Lance from *N Stync?


*New!* By: Lindsay

How Heero Stole Christmas

Those crazy Gundam Pilots are at it again, especially Heero in this parody of the popular Jim Carrey/Dr. Seuss epic musical!




By: The Pimp n' Player Majin

The Alien Computer Virus

A strange problem is corrupting computers all over the world, causing numerous disasters; they affect the Androids, and Trunks's Time Machine to name a few. It's up to the Z Fighters to find this horrible new evil before the Earth is destroyed.

Misadventures in Mosh Pits: Starring the Androids

Alternate Ending By: AnimeShinimegami
Super Slang Saturated Ending! By: Chris Berg
*New!* The 'Bum Bum Bum' Ending! By: Angelic Angel

This is sort of an interactive fanfic. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send in an ending for Ending #4 to me. Thanks!

Android No. 16, a now avid fan of KoRn has dragged Androids No. 17 and 18 along with him to a concert, only to discover that his favorite musician has a deep, dark secret...

Misadventures in the Mill-yen-aire Show: Starring Goten and Trunks

Things go horribly awry on a celebrity edition of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" The Powerpuff Girls become seriously miffed when Lance Bass of *N Sync doesn't win the million dollars, prompting them to smash up the place. Goten and Trunks, being the mischief makers that they, are turned on by the girls, yet decide to stop them from destroying the show! *Features a special guest appearance by fanartist Dragonett!*

Misadventures in MTV: Starring Piccolo

The Cell Game is drawing near, and the Z Fighters are training for battle. However, Piccolo has received a new and annoying fighting student: a Canada-Seijin by the name of Tom Green.

Trunks's Wrong Turn

What if there was a problem with Trunks's Time Machine, and he accidentally went to far back in time to meet his idol Son Gokou? It's Dragonball Z: The College Years!

The Weirdest of Wishes

The Eternal Dragon, Shenlon, has decided that it's time to get a few things off his chest...wherever that is. He shows us some of the stupidest and strangest wishes he's ever had to grant, and eventually, we realize the complications and consequences of having to do whatever someone tells you...unless of course they're a weakling.

The Peas and Carrots Saga

[Prologue] [1: Instantaneous Malevolence] [2: Personal Demons] [3: Ghosts Revived]

The battle on Planet Namek is over, and the legendary warrior, Super Saiyajin Son Gokou, has not returned to his home. This is his chronicle.

Misadventures in Mod Squads: Starring the Androids

A brand new fanfic starring those crazy Androids yet again! This time, they're off to capture the evil Lunch, and stop her rampage on Satan City, and to capture that mean old Poltergeist Pimp from slappin' up them hoes!



By: Nix

Junanagou's Story

[Part One - Chapters 1 & 2] [Part Two - Chapters 3 & 4] [Part Three - Chapters 5 & 6]
[Part Four - Chapters 7 & 8] [Part Five - Chapters 9 & 10] [Part Six - Chapters 11 & 12]

Here's a new fanfic telling the events that occured after the Cell Game, as told by Android No. 17.


By: Dragonett

*PA:EL* Goku and Piccolo Get AOL!

A completely random America Online-bashing, RFC and writer-glorifying, considerable-amount-of cursing piece of hilarious jumbledness! A MUST READ!

*PA:EL* The Android Saga...DRAGONETT STYLE!

[Part One] [Part Two] *New!* [Part Three]

Oh...DEAR GOD NO! She's compiling an Android Saga summary! Mothers, lock up your daughters, she's gone plumb loco! More chapters coming...

*PA:EL* FEAR...DBZ Style!

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]

Those crazy Z-Senshi are after a $7,000 prize! Their mission: Stay in a haunted supermarket and complete their dares like in that MTV show Fear!

*PA:EL* Operation - Kill FUNimation!


[Part One] *New!* [Part Two]

Some bastard of a FUNimation censoring guy is just going around censoring DBZ characters like he owns the place! More chapters coming...


By: Kobra

*ƒ* *PA:EL* Cell's Return

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven]
[Part Eight]

Cell has returned. 17 meets a mysterious alien. Can the androids, the Z Warriors, and this new alien work together to destroy Cell once and for all? More chapters coming...


By: Deadeye

*PA:EL* FEAR...Deadeye's Take

[Day One] [Day Two] [Day Three - Part One] [Day Three - Part Two]

Once again, the Z-Senshi are in some sort of haunted scary place, only this time...DEADEYE CONTROLS THEIR FATES! AAAAAAHHHHHH!

*ƒ* *PA:EL* Dragonball AU - The Beta Saga

[Episode One] [Episode Two] *New!* [Episode Three]

Despite the efforts to defeat Cell, the remnants of his legacy have arisen, and it's up to the Z-Senshi and the RFCers to take them down! How will they catch up to their evil foes?
More chapters coming...


By: Graves

*PA:EL* The Misfit

[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five] [Chapter Six] *New!* [Chapter Seven]

Here is an alternate universe story about what Dragonball would have been like had it been in the real world. Because of the turn of events, the name Gokou is never given to our hero. More chapters coming...


By: Jason

*New!* *PA:EL* Dragonball AU: When Three Become One and One Become More

It's Jason's account of his travels into an alternate dimension to locate the new Cell creations in the continuation of the saga started by Deadeye.


By: Joe and Branden

*PA:EL* Crossed Over

[Episode One] [Episode Two] [Episode Three] [Episode Four] *New!* [Episode Five]

A bunch of weird kids are transported by an evil God television to the Dragonball Z dimension, where trouble is sure to ensue!
More chapters coming...





By: The Infamous Majin

The Month of Madness Anime Challenge

A strange new experiment is being conducted involving thirteen anime characters. Can they all stay inside of a small room for an entire month with no food or water without going completely crazy with the hopes of getting $100,000? Let's watch...

No Need for Gundams

This fanfic is dedicated to Crazy Flavors McGee, for showing me that Baskin Robbins has other flavors besides P***ysauce Frozen Yogurt.

In this crossover between Tenchi Muyo and Gundam Wing, Tenchi's female roommates have been replaced with the Gundam Girls! What havoc will the Gundams wreak on Tenchi's home?

World War XXXVI

The year is AD 2002. The world has finally achieved a state of peace...but what happens when that state of peace is disrupted by the arrival of the Super Bowl?

*New!* The Piccolo Practice

In this Digimon fanfic, Demi McVeemott, a young Demiveemon of a lawyer, must represent Piccolo in the trial of the kidnapping of missing intern Chandra Levy. Can he win over the jury's bias against the green-colored race?


By: Nix

Boredom Madness

Here's a short parody of my Month of Madness Anime Challenge. It's pretty funny, and it even mentions me! Check it out!

*PA:EL* Ira Senkai Ura

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] *New!* [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] [Part Seven]

Reno, one of the Turks, is sent on a mission to another planet, and there he meets a variety of strange characters in this cross over of multiple Final Fantasy video games.
More chapters coming...


By: Deadeye

Game Night

[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]

For different reasons, a bunch of anime characters are showing up at Deadeye's house the week before the Super Bowl. Will our stalwart, valiant hero be able to stand up to the pressure?

MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch

[Part One] [Part Two]

The RFCers and your favorite anime characters clash in the ultimate no-holds-barred battle! Who will be victorious?

*New!* RFC Snowday

There was a major blizzard overnight, which is causing problems for all of the RFCers, including everyone's favorite Gero-creations, The Backstreet Boys! I mean, the Androids! Will Jason survive? Find out, next time on TRL!



By: Jason

Outlaw Star - JASON'S STYLE

[Part One]

The saga of the Outlaw Star continues in this special new series. What antics will the crew get into now? More chapters coming...


[Part One] *New!* [Part Two]

After nearly half a decade of separation, the RFCers and Earth Special Forces are ready to reuinte and face the evil that divided them. More chapters coming...

*PA:EL* Jason's Quest

Jason is transported into another dimension, where he must learn to use aethereal magic in order to protect it once the Great War begins.

*New!* Westmarch

Two warriors, a mage and a fighter, stop on their long journey in a town called Westmarch. Hoping to find food and rest, they are soon enveloped in a strange, serial murder mystery, and they are the prime suspects.


[RFC Central] [Fanart] [Fanworld] [The Randomage Source] [Links]