

Here, you can view artwork made by fans of several anime, as well as some original artwork. I'll accept anything as long as it isn't anything offensive (You know what I'm talking about...). Just send it to me either as an attachment (nothing larger than a six minute download on a 56k modem please, and try to send it in .jpg or .gif format - they're smaller) or in the body of the e-mail (if in the body of the e-mail, send it here) and I'll see to it that it gets posted. Don't forget to include the title and whatever handle you want to use. If a picture has more information in the Fanworld section, then there will be a *ƒ* next to it.


By: Majin (Hey, that's me!)

The Four Super Saiyajin

This is a picture of Gokou, Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan from the Cell Saga of DragonballZ, powering up energy blasts in Super Saiyajin form.


The former front page image, now moved to make way for new blood. This image depicts a warrior powering up energy, preparing to strike!


Another former front page image, now moved for a new one. Here we see a powerful warrior with his energy sword drawn forth to attack!

Study Sketch of Rurouni Kenshin

Here's a drawing right out of my art class sketchbook. Someone gave me a doujinshi pic and I drew this from it! You can check out the original here.

Study Sketch of Ranma ½

I took a different picture, one of Ranma, and drew this from it! The original is right here.

Two Warriors Stand Together

I made up my own picture, without drawing from other pics, of Ranma and Kenshin standing together!

Tears of Victory

Here's another picture I drew of Rurouni Kenshin!

Shoulder Weight

This is a special Kenshin drawing about two weeks in the making. The paper was huge, so I scanned it in sections.


Here's another one of my made-up characters. He's based on Jubei and Genjuro from the Samurai Shodown video games.


Here's another picture of Ratchet, from about three months ago.

Shirtless Samurai

I was on a Genjuro rampage when I drew this.


It means "Tree-Cutter," to the best of my lacking knowledge on Japanese.

Cross Guard

Here is Ratchet again, in all his nitenichiryu glory.

Mad Clown

Here is something some kid at school asked me to draw. Morbid, eh?


It's my first Photoshop-augmented drawing! Don't player-hate; congratulate...

*New!* Ceigel

Here's a character I've been tooling around with for a while. He used to be Guitzen, but then I changed his name and look. This image is also the new frontispiece.

*New!* Elsade

The girlfriend of the aforementioned warrior.

Lucky and Guy

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Here's a few comic strips that I made for my school newspaper. Enjoy!


By: Dragonett


This is a weird picture of Piccolo and Vegeta that you'll have to see to believe.

A Made Up Super Saiyajin

This drawing depicts a young, Super Saiyajin warrior wearing baggy jeans and sneakers.

Group Picture

Here, we see several beautifully drawn characters of the artist's own original creation, all together for some kind of party, probably.


This scene is another completely made up character; a woman that looks like she could be a female from Freeza's race (insert your own joke here).

Mega Girl and Her Animal Companion

This picture shows another unique made up character, supposedly a female version of Megaman, with a small, pet sidekick.

A Chaotic Self-Portrait

The artist Dragonett draws a picture of her character in her true form: a Namek-Seijin/frilled lizard!

Some Blue Haired Baka Girl and Her Pet

Here's a picture of a ditzy, blue-haired bimbo and a small animal flying nearby, gawking.

Polaris With a New Hairstyle

Here's a picture of Polaris (as seen above) with her hair all done all nice and purty!

Dragonett and Ryo-Ohki Chillin'

It's Dragonett and Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo, just sitting back, doing nothing in particular.


A nice fine picture of Dragonett with her hero, Piccolo-san.

DQZ - Drag Queen Z

It's a picture of the Z-Senshi...IN DRAG! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

Majin and Dragonett Hangin' Around

Dragonett drew a portrait of her character with my character, but she looked pretty miffed...

Dragonett and Nixxie-Chan

A very cool picture of Dragonett with Nix. Don't let those two hang around too long...something might go down!

Powering Up

Tight pic of Dragonett charging up her ki.

Dragonett (Black and White)

A pic of Dragonett, in black and white (hey, that sorta kinda almost rhymes...! Ah screw it...)

Just When You Thought I Was Evil Enough--Hehehee

A crazy doctored photo of poseable Piccolo and Vegeta dolls in weird, uh...poses.

Guestbook Trouble

If you've seen my guestbook, you basically know what you're getting into...(escape now!)

Divine Chaos

It's some sort of transformed state of Dragonett! Watch out before she splashes you with her pixie drink!..........................Um, yeah...

Duo and His Brand New Pet

It's Shinigami, and he's got a Piccolo resting on his finger...........ooooookayyyyyy...

Naomi the Pikachu Hater

Uh-oh...there's that bear again! here's a new drawing with Dragonettchoking a punky little Pikachu. HAAA-HAAA!


Here's a nice rendition of Pei from my Peas and Carrots Saga. It's really cool!

Divine Chaos 2

In Dragonett's third form, SHE GROWS A NOSE! Check this cool piece of artwork out right away!

...And a Happy New Year!

Here's a wacky drawing of Divine Chaos 2 saying a special season's greeting to the Z-Senshi...especially Piccolo (wink wink nudge nudge nyuk nyuk skip skip)!

The Original RFCers

Here is a picture of Dragonett, Deadeye, and Nix, all together, the first ones to submit their stuff to my the background is myself, looking on fearfully...

Divine Chaos 3 - Just Chillin'

Dragonett has managed to ascend to an even greater level of power! Look! More stripes and frizzier hair! Who'd've guessed?

Divine Chaos 3 - Just Bein' A Flirt

Here's a special Adobe Photoshop rendition of Divine Chaos 3! Look at all the glittery...uh...glitters!

Da RFC Group

You ever noticed how the police never arrested the Brady Bunch even though they were six kids together, but as soon as a bunch of weird RFCers walk around, we're a gang?

Dragonett's 'Do

Once she goes into Divine Chaos 3 form, a pair of lethal and very sharp swords act as chopsticks in keeping her hair all nice and purty!

Kobra & Jason

Here are Kobra and Jason in all their glory! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! AAAAAAAHHHHH...

Kobra & Jason...and Dragonett...


Divine Chaos 4

Yet another evolved form of Dragonett. Yay.


A way cool fictional animal, very well done with a very expensive-looking computer program that I don't have. Wah.

Angel Dragonett

This one, amazingly enough, was done using nothing but MS Paint. No paper or scanners here!

*New!* Devil Dragonett

Here's another 100% MS Paint work of art. Very cool.

*New!* Ginseng

By a show of hands, how many of you think that these MS Paint drawings are better than the pencil and paper ones?!


By: Nix

Reiko Toquori Shooting a Power

Here's an interesting original character that has the power to use ki like the Z Fighters of Dragonball Z.

"Hi Guys!"

Here is another original character, a sort of angel-like creature that tells us the message, "Hi guys!"

The Hardships of Being a Saiyajin Slayer

Here is a picture of a purple, griffin-like being with a black tail. This is an exceptionally done drawing, in my opinion.

White Kat Carter - Prince of the Crystalline Islands

This picture shows a ninja warrior in white clothing, standing very calmly, as if awaiting his next battle.


It's a portrait of everyone's favorite artificial human, Junanagou, a.k.a. Android No. 17! What more is there to say?

Phoenix Shooting A Ki

A picture of one of our featured artist's characters, using some nice computer effects to create a dramatic ki attack look.

Irritated Kid Buu

It's a real cool pic of Buu, and I must say he looks rather irritated. I'm losing my touch when it comes to these descriptions, aren't I?

*New!* Sephiroth

Here's Sephiroth from the popular PlayStation game, Final Fantasy VII. He looks just as evil and kooky and ever!


By: Zoe

*New!* Sailor Moon

A drawing of Super Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon S. A very nicely done drawing, even if you aren't much of a fan of Sailor Moon.


By: Lizzard Lizzard

My Bura

A cool pic of Bura from Dragonball GT. Sssssssssizzlin'! OW!.......(sigh) I'm such a dork.

My Chibi Chibi

Cute pic of Chibi Chibi from Sailor Moon S.

My Chibimoon

Here's one of Sailor Chibimoon from Sailor Moon S.

My DB Bulma

It's Bulma from the original Dragonball!

My Gohan

A real cool picture of Super Saiyajin Gohan from Dragonball Z.

My Shampoo

A real nice one of Shampoo from Ranma ½!

*New!* My Bulma

Here's a pic of Bulma from some of her later days in Dragonball Z.


By: Deadeye

*New!* Deadeye v. 2.0

This be da remix!


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