Abdessalami On_Line


Who am I?

I needn't introduce myself for the following pages are fit to tell and show you who I actually am. All in all, I'm a Moroccan teacher of English who likes to make the web a subordonate to the classroom. I intend to correct the blurring image most people have about English. Some of them are frightened to come near it as hard to learn. Some others think it is useless to learn it because it is not really needed in our society. They believe they can do without it, which is no longer true. Therefore, These pages are meant to create an environment for the English language which is used in Morocco at a very low level and try to show that it is not really difficult to learn and that it is extremely urgent to learn it. The world nowadays speaks English, doesn't it?!

Why these pages?!

These pages are built on purpose to help my own students first to get familiar with English in an interactive way. The project is not mature yet; but I think it will get better sooner. It is important to deal with English through the web as it is almost absent in day to day activities. Isn't the web a practical tool to practise one's English in a country where English is still a priviledge?! ....

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