Top 100 Movie Lists Logo


On 2/28/06 J, Bye ( submitted the following:

top ten in no order shrek, goonies, shawn of the dead, return of the king, top secret, breakfast club, wild cats, o brother, of mice and men

On 2/25/06 timmy ( submitted the following:

1. pulp fiction
2. shawshank redemption
3.lock stock and two smoking barrals
4. snatch
5. fight club
6.oceans 11
8.bronx tale
9.raging bull

On 2/23/06 Helena ( submitted the following:

What is the source of the poem quoted between father and son in "A River Runs Through It", just after Norman receives the offer of a teaching position?

On 2/22/06 WTF kyle watkins! (n/a) submitted the following:

Kyle watkin's list is quite possibly the weakest shallowest "best 100" movie list I have ever seen. Wow....

On 2/17/06 Andy ( submitted the following:

Two Stange lists !
1. Terry G. has The fisher king on both lists and Twelve Monkeys on Mark´s list but no one has Brazil ??
2.Why not Fight Club ??
3.Bladerunner ! Have U seen it ? Definently top 20 or maybe top 10 Big miss!!!
4. Star Wars !!! up again..
5. Ridley Scott ?? not 1 movie on the list.
Here are some hints..
(As above Bladerunner) and Alien, Gladiator, Black hawk down,Thelma & Louise, Hannibal
Might be time to make a few changes to your lists so you don´t "look like two dorks"... witch reminds me ! Pulp Fiction.. What were U thinking !!

I´m looking forward to an explenation of the critic above

Sorry for the crappy English

Have a nice day

Brazil has a cult following but I wouldn't put it up against the two you listed. Bladerunner had some great visuals for its time (they are still pretty good)...but unfortunately outside of the visuals their is something missing for me. Fight Club is really not that good. Once again...the movie had a great look but I found it seriously lacking and quite annoying. I have Gladiator on my list (at least for now). Alien is a great film and it's omission is questionable. You can't be serious about recommending Hannibal? -AC

On 2/17/06 mulls ( submitted the following:

hi send all the details about top 100 films details once a week

On 2/16/06 B. James C. ( submitted the following:

Why haven't I seen 1 submission for Pulp Fiction?

On 2/16/06 B. James C. ( submitted the following:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Dr. Strangelove
3. Citizen Kane
4. Sin City
5. Kill Bill (one film)
6. The Lion King
7. Casablanca
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark
9. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
10. Immortal Beloved
11. The Silence of the Lambs
12. Seven
13. Conspiracy (HBO Original, not Gibson)
14. Tombstone
15. Pleasentville

On 2/16/06 Frederik Eliasen ( submitted the following:

1: Saving Private Ryan
2: O brother where art thou
3: Brotherhood of the wolf

On 2/9/06 anas ( submitted the following:

1. Leon The Proffesional

On 2/6/06 Laurens Lanssens ( submitted the following:

Black cat White cat

On 2/5/06 scott johnston ( submitted the following:

how did you create this website. I have one with geocities but am having a tought time making it like yours. can you help?

I used Dreamweaver 4 and read many guides and tutorials. Good luck. -AC

On 2/2/06 david ( submitted the following:

being there (p. sellers)? its a mad, mad mad world
ledgens of the fall ?
out of africa?

On 1/30/06 Teri Newton ( submitted the following:

1) The Princess Bride
2) Battle Royale
3) Pirates of the Carribean

On 1/27/06 Senthil Kumaran.P ( submitted the following:

God Father,Truman show, Erin Brockovich.

On 1/20/06 Peter Adamos ( submitted the following:

1.The blues brothes.
2.The Silence of the lambs.
3.The starwars trilogy.
4.The Godfather trilogy.
5.Taxi driver.
6.A clockwork orange.
7.Reservoir dogs.
8.Pulp fiction.
9.Full metal Jacket.
10.Fight Club.
11.The Shawshank redemption.
12.Dr No.
13.Raging Bull.
16.Kill Bill Vol1 & 2.
17.Coming to America.
18.One hour photo.
21.Romper stomper.
23.Boyz n the hood.
24.Dirty Harry.
25.The French connection.
26.Easy rider.
27.To kill a mockingbird.
28.American history X.
29.Malcom X.
30.Willy wonker and the choclet factory.
31.Mean streets.
32.Millers crosing.
33.Cape Fear.
38.Black Hawk down.
39.Carlitos way.
40.Friday & Next friday.
41.Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels.
42.Oceans eleven.
43.Dumb and dumber.

44.Donnie Brasco.
46.Natural born killers.
47.The great escape.
48.Arlington road.
49.The full monty.
50.The doors.

On 1/19/06 peter desmet ( submitted the following:

1. The Godfather Trilogy
2. Apocalypse Now
3. Deliverance

On 1/15/06 telsea mccartney ( submitted the following:

1)Reservoir Dogs 2)Pulp Fiction 3)Blow

On 1/14/06 Themis Acevedo ( submitted the following:

1-The Notebook
4-The Ring
7-the lord of the rings 3
8-the exorsit of emily rose
9-war of the worlds
10-Star wars episode 3
11-pretty woman
13.lord of the rings 2
14.saw 2
15.friday the 13th
16.scream 2
17.mean girls an the furious
19.white chicks
20.pirates of the carabbean

On 1/11/06 antonia ( submitted the following:

not sure how old this site is but thanks for your helpful reviews i have used some notes for my martin scorsese presentation.

Thanks Antonia. -AC

On 12/28/05 MAGGIE (MPASTORE@TAMPABAY.RR.COM) submitted the following:


On 12/17/05 hamish tyson ( submitted the following:

1)saving private ryan 2) schindlers list 3)mash

On 12/16/05 subash ( submitted the following:

1)schindlers list 2)Hannibal 3)Shawshank Redemption

On 12/16/05 blairgilmore ( submitted the following:

To MC: I've finally seen the Passion of Anna by Ingmar Bergman and I loved it. Any other films by Bergman you like to suggest. How about Autumn Sonata starring Ingrid Bergman. Have you seen it and is it good?

On 12/13/05 Chris Swaja ( submitted the following:

Jack Kyser, I am a middle aged male, used to watch movies. Gotta tell you why hollywood is goin down dude. Actors going political and gay movie is why I don't go anymore. I'm tired of the crap that your Hollywood is trying to stick us with. An Oscar nomination for the new gay cowboy movie? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! You Hollywood people need to get a MAJOR GRIP on reality. Sincerely,

Great contribution Chris. You either have a wierd sense of humor or your a complete moron. -AC

On 12/11/05 Nico ( submitted the following:

i am a big f an of full metal jacket i realy like your pics

On 12/11/05 todd bailey ( submitted the following:

Do you know where I could find the image of George lassos the moon?

This one? -AC

On 12/8/05 Geir Bergh ( submitted the following:

1.Banlieue 13 (distrikt 13) 2. The siege 3. Four brothers 4. Stalingrad 5. taxi (french one) 6. Luck stock and two smoking barrels 7. Snatch 8. Cross of iron 9.Pulp fiction 10.Leon the proffesional

On 12/2/05 Elias Garcia ( submitted the following:


On 12/1/05 Chuck Baker ( submitted the following:

Some truly overated movies of all time:
1.The Godfather... Goodfellas was 100 times better.
2. Braveheart...boring as hell. RobRoy was much better.
3. Forrest wore out it's welcome after the first 45 minutes. I'll never accept it beating out Pulp Fiction for Best Picture. Anybody still think it was better?
4. The Lord Of the Rings Only for the numbskulls that enjoy that type of fantasy crap.
5. Hoosiers...would have made a good TV movie. The script was amateurish, utterly predictable.
6. Dead Poets Society...The ending was stupid, the character of Neal's mean father was way over
the top.
7. Apocalypse Now...good if your on shrooms or acid. Full Metal Jacket completely outclasses it.
8. Ghost... enormously popular when it first came out...bored me to tears. Truly, Madly, Deeply was the same type of story and was a million times better.
9. Sleepless In Seattle...a dumb sappy love story. I lived in Seattle then, everybody laughed at it.
10. The Natural...why do people buy such crap.You know the whole story of this movie in the first 10 minutes.

To call Apocalypse Now overrated is preposterous in my opinion. It only received two Oscars -AC

On 12/1/05 Chuck Baker ( submitted the following:

BraveHeart is an absolute piece of garbage. After the first hour of this movie, I sat ther thinking "So when is something interesting going to happen?" I also hate Forrest Gump. It was only mildly amusing to me. But what I really hate about it was that it was selected Best Picture over Pulp Fiction. That is the single biggest travesty in Academy Awards history. Even worse than when The Last Emperor was chosen over Broadcast News in 1987.

I can think of much worse films to criticize. Here is a list of the awards and nominations for Braveheart and Forrest Gump. -AC

On 11/29/05 mehdi bagheri (n/a) submitted the following:

usual suspects

On 11/28/05 Nathalie Reardon ( submitted the following:

1) Dances with Wolves
2) Shawshank Redemption
3) North by Northwest

On 11/17/05 Nathan G. Pinkerton ( submitted the following:

1.Apocalypse Now
2.Citizen Kane
3.The Godfather

On 11/9/05 Lena D. ( submitted the following:

1 Human Traffic
2 Natural Born Killers
3 Donnie Darko
4 Pulp Fiction
5 Secretary
6 Transpotting
7 Requium for a Dream
8 Fight Club
9 Wizard of Oz
10 Spun
11 From Dusk Till Dawn
12 Shaun of the Dead
13 Wild at Heart
14 Fire walk with me
15 Ghost in the Shell
16 Ghost in the Shell 2
17 7
18 dawn of the dead
19 Acid House
20 Matrix 1
21 Blade 1
22 Blade 2
23 Sin City
24 The Punisher
25 Matrix 3

On 11/8/05 Mark Cauley ( submitted the following:

hey Mark, remember me? Chads friend? Have you seen Ronert Altmans "Nasville", Herzogs Wozzeck, Fitzcarraldo, Dr, Strangelove? American Movie, Network? Write me back please, I would like to send you a book.

On 11/3/05 Mariah Carey ( submitted the following:

Interesting information you have, but more updates will be super. cheers.

On 10/27/05 jerry (n/a) submitted the following:

the im gonna git you sucka classic is close to 20 years old and theres no website to check out the samples from the soundtrack

On 10/17/05 Kevyn Knox ( submitted the following:

We here at The Cinematheque ( are asking an ever-growing panel of Film Experts (Critics, Historians, Archivists, Preservationists, Filmmakers, Writers, Professors, Scholars, Cinephiles, et cetera) to join us in a master polling -

Name the Top 10 Films of All-Time

The idea is to create an ongoing - and always updating - comprehensive list of the greatest films of all-time.

Points will be awarded to each entry and a master list will be compiled. With each successive list we recieve, the overall list will be updated accordingly. Similar to Sight & Sound's decade-bound poll -- except ours is ongoing.

The rules are simple (and brief). Your list can only have ten films on it (you may add as many additional films as you wish, so go ahead and create a Top 100 List if you want, but only the top ten will be counted toward the final point totals). You can also throw in any commentary you wish to add (either on the individual films or overall comments).

We are also compiling a 10 Greatest Auteurs/Directors List, so please feel free to send a list of your 10 Favourite Directors as well (points will be awarded in the same manner).

There you have it, the rules are that simple. Also, since many lists will be changed upon seeing new films or changing ones mind, you may send an updated list after one year (and each subsequent year after that) and the overall list will be changed accordingly.

please go to to see the current rankings

Send your lists to The Cinematheque (, along with a short bio and/or description of yourself for our contributors page, and we will post all individual lists, along with the overall "big" list.

and remember, if you know of anyone who might be interested in The Top 10 Project, please pass on this information - (such as colleagues, students, profs, friends, family, strangers on a train, whatever) - the more people we get to participate, the better The Top 10 Project will be, and the more important to Film History it will become.

Thank you in advance

Thanks for the info Kevyn. I checked out the site and it looks awesome. -AC

On 10/17/05 Martin Currie ( submitted the following:

1) Scarface
2) Fight Club
3) See No Evil, Hear No Evil
4) Leon (The Professional)
5) The Godfather
6) Pulp Fiction
7) Shawshank Redemption
8) Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
9) Forrest Gump
10) Goodfellas
11) The Matrix
12) The Godfather Part II
13) The Green Mile
14) Braveheart
15) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
16) American History X
17) A Clockwork Orange
18) Rainman
19) Apocalypse Now
20) Dumb & Dumber

On 10/14/05 melva ( submitted the following:

I'm looking for a old movie that was in 1983 name Private School i can not find it no were not even in wal-mart and that's were i shop at.

You can get this on VHS at Amazon. -AC

On 10/14/05 kelsey ( submitted the following:

i want SLC PUNK as num one! i love that movie!

On 10/10/05 Tuhin Subhra Dey ( submitted the following:

1)Life is beautiful.2)Longest day 3)Sound of music.

On 10/2/05 blair gilmore ( submitted the following:

To AC: I've noticed that Natural Born Killers was moved down on your list. I remember it having a different review like comparing it to Citizen Kane in terms of camera work. Why did you put it lower on the list?

On 9/29/05 Bob Capozzi ( submitted the following:

I'm pleased to see that Aaron included American Movie as a top movie, but the 67 ranking is low, IMO. It's #1 in my book! That flick has EVERYTHING that a moviegoer could ever want.

Uncle Bill is God!



On 9/21/05 Ashley Battles ( submitted the following:

1.How did John Merrick view Himself
2.Did Dr. Treves change during the course of the story?If so, what ways did he change.
3.What do you think gave John Merrick self-worth/dignity as a human being?
4. What characters in the movie do you think accepted John Merrick from their first introduction to him?

Uh-oh....these questions look like a school assignment. Good luck. -AC

On 9/19/05 Ahmet BUTUN ( submitted the following:

1-)Shawshank Redemtion
2-)Dancer In The Dark
3-)Pulp Fiction

On 9/16/05 Mike Sartor ( submitted the following:

This information; your lists and the Publics, are just what I was looking for. What I like may not be what the "super people" like, and it was great to find different people have different ideas. I then
choose, after an imdb check, and decide what I want to see. I do it all on my computer with my 19 Inch flat monitor, and enjoy it all tremendously. When I am stuck at a TV, I find the inability to pause, is most irritable! Thank You for this site!!

Mike Sartor Sr

Thanks's good to hear that the site is useful. -AC

On 9/14/05 Nathan G. Pinkerton ( submitted the following:

1.Apocolypse Now *( WAS SNUBBED by the Academy in 1979 because the voters were just not going to allow Francis Coppolla to sweep every category again after He had already garnered Best screenplay for PATTON, and again with the Godfather for Best Picture, along with Best Director, Best Producer, etc. etc. HE REPEATED these feats once again with with Godfather II, incedentally, the only sequal in history to win Best Picture. He had ascended to the loftiest heights, and yet Apocolypse remains his masterwork.The AFI ranks it the top 1/3 of their top 100, while Kraemer vs. Kraemer, which won the oscar for Best Picture in 1979 doesn't even crack the 100.Also, Coppolla made Apocolypse with, primarily, the millions he had racked up with the Godfather films. He also released the film from his own, independent Zoetrobe Studios, which was not at all popular with the Academy establishment in 1979. Regardless, in terms of the incredible storyline, Copolla's midus touch, especially the screenplay, the incredible cast,Brando,Duvall,Sheen(in his finest role ever),Hopper(in his finest role ever and the comeback that jumpstarted a dead career)ALONG WITH A LARGE HOST OF OTHER who would achieve great noteriority in the future. Everything considered, this is the mindblower movie of al!l time, especially since he accomplished what Orson Wells gave up at, translating Conrad's Heart of Darkness onto film, and not only that, incorporating it into modern times. Well's Citizen Cane so often appears as the number one movie of all time on so many critic's lists, and it was a remarkable achievement. But truly, everything considered, it falls short of Apocolypse Now, and forever.)*
2.Citizen Kane
3.The Godfather
5.The Graduate
6.The Wizard of Oz
7.The Bridge on the River Quai
9.Gone with the wind
10.Rain Man
11.Lawrence of Arabia
12.The Godfather II
13.High Noon
14.The Deer Hunter
15.One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
16.Raging Bull
17.2001: A Space Odyssey
18.It's a Wonderful Life
19.From Here to Eternity
20.*American Graffitti*
(often well inside the top 50 on most pro-critic lists, there is so much to consider. Coppolla Produced, Lucas Directed and the amazing breakout film for the largest collection of future stars in history: Harrison Ford, Richard Dreyfuss,Kathleen Quinlann,along with cementing opportunities of future TV stars, Suzanne Summers,and Cindy Williams.On top of that, Ron Howard learned rare and precious insights into his future passion: DIRECTING, and is one of today's finest. Beyond the trivia, the picture stands on its own merit as one of the great period pieces of all time, exceptional acting, storyline, screenplay, and on a personal note: the hottest cars ever captured on film. The
film as a great needs no defense.
21.The Verdict *(Newman's finest performance to date, regardless if he finally won Best actor for
The Color of Money.GHANDI was a tremendous film, and Ben Kingsley was deserving of his nomination,but it was not superior to the verdict in either area.)
22.Ghandi ( see, there you go )
23.To Kill a Mockingbird
24.Unforgiven (90'S VERSION)
25.Cape Fear ( again, latter version. Such a highly underated film by THE critics and the Academy. Arguably, DeNiro and Nolte could have either won Best Actor, or one Best Supporting, but it is one of either's finest performances. If Deniro hadn't already won two oscars for his acting already, and the palying field of opinion level: HE would have won that year hands down. Nolte would get his compensation soon, and a Best actor nod within 2 years.Well, 25 isn't near enough, and I'm sure there are some glaring omissions to more than a few. Subjective opinion situations will do that.

Great insight on Apocolypse Now Nathan...thanks. -AC

On 9/14/05 Nathan G. Pinkerton ( submitted the following:

Top Actors of All time:
Marlon Brando, Robert Deniro, Dustin Hoffman, Montgomery Clift*(Incredible looks and brilliant ability, had he died in his tragic auto accident like James Dean, with reputation in tact as a genius, and at the time, the most highly revered and in demand actor in Hollywood, having been nominated for Best Actor in his very first film, and a total of three Best actor Oscar nominations in only his first five films, he would never have been discarded and forgotten by so many.Clift was complex and
troubled before his disastrous crash , but the grotesque physical result on his legendary features, stamina, confidence etc. affected every aspect of his makeup as an actor, and the moviegoing public's perception of him. The brutally slow decline,(ending in his death at only 45) which
included sub par work, a ravaging addiction to narcotics, and insider rumors of psychosis and debauchery only fueled the firestorm of damage to his legacy which ultimately flickered out: leaving his once brilliant abilty of great influence on his generation of peers, and scores of actors to come in ashes,..forgotten over time by many*James Dean, Al Pacino, Lawrence Olivier, Humphrey Boghart, Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracey, Paul Newman, Peter O'Toole, Gary Cooper, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, and of consideration in the current era: Russell Crowe- ( out of the HUNK label, aquired early on from his role in L.A. Confidential)- with his exceptional depth in The Insider followed up with a Best Actor Oscar for Gladiator, he has all the right stuff that evolves into the status of LEGENDARY, Kevin Spacey, Johhny Depp, Adrian Brody(already the youngest winner EVER of the Oscar for Best Actor), and of course, Tom Cruise. I am sure there exist several glaring omissions here, but in a situation such as this, where every criteria used still concludes in subjective opinion, I ask for your pardon. THANKS for the opportunity of expression. Nathan G. Pinkerton

Thanks Nathan. Here are a couple sites devoted to Montgomery Clift: The Montgomery Clift Shrine and Montgomery Clift. I would add to your list of best actors (which I think was quite accurate) Sean Penn and Anthony Hopkins. -AC

On 9/14/05 Nathan G. Pinkerton ( submitted the following:

Entirely agree with A. Caldwells top choice of Apocolypse now.Even considering Copolla's Godfather I AND II staus, oscars, and legend, Apocolypse remains his masterwork.

On 9/12/05 martin, p ( submitted the following:

swat,barneys beach party,ernest goes to camp

On 9/4/05 mahen Karthigesan ( submitted the following:

China Syndrome
Schindlers list

On 9/3/05 Austin ( submitted the following:

Top 50

1. Schindler's List
2. The Color Purple
3. The Elephant Man
4. Forrest Gump
5. Pulp Fiction
6. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
7. Psycho
8. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
9. The Godfather
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
11. Elephant
12. Tarnation
13. Primer
14. Dancer in the Dark
15. I Shot Andy Warhol
16. Taxi Driver
17. Lost in Translation
18. 2001: A Space Oddysey
19. Legally Blonde
20. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
21. Glory
22. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
23. Night of the Living Dead
24. The Burning Bed
25. Mommie Dearest
26. I Am Sam
25. Million Dollar Baby
26. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
27. Bowling for Columbine
28. Dogville
29. Julien Donkey-Boy
30. Kill Bill Volume Two
31. Manos: The Hands of Fate
32. Eraserhead
33. Gone with the Wind
34. Beauty and the Beast
35. Rosemary's Baby
36. Lolita (1997)
37. Last Tango in Paris
38. Nosferatu
39. Pink Flamingos
40. Mildred Pierce
41. The Bicycle Thief
42. Le Passion de Jeanne D'Arc
43. Citizen Kane
44. Haxan
45. The Killing
46. Welcome to the Dollhouse
47. Cold Mountain
48. Carrie
49. House of Flying Daggers

Thanks Austin...I have not heard of Tarnation. I'll have to check it out. -AC

On 9/2/05 jason g (n/a) submitted the following:

(1) Taxi Driver
(2) The Godfather
(3) Shawshank Redemption

On 9/14/05 Shelly Midgley ( submitted the following:

1)Sense and Sensability

2)A River Runs Through It

3)Best Years of our lives

4)Forrest Gump

5)Saving Private Ryan

6)The Natural

On 8/28/05 chris bush ( submitted the following:

Citzen Kane
The third man
The asphalt jungle
a streetcar named disere
a touch of evil
on the wattterfront
bridge on the river kwia
the killing
paths of glory
the ten commandments
lawerece of arabia
guns of the navarone
to kill a mokingbirrd
in cold blood
2001: a space odessy
a clockwork orange
the godfather
the godfather part 2
one flew over the kuooko's nest
barry lyndon
close encounter of the 3rd kind
taxi driver
the color purle
stand by me
a bonx tale
the shawshank redemtion
donnie drassco
the usual suspectes
saving private ryan
almost famous
being john malkovich

On 8/25/05 miguel Angel (n/a) submitted the following:

1) terms of endearment
2) the english patient
3) Rebecca
4) Breakfast at tiffanis
5) thelma & loise

On 8/12/05 özlem ( submitted the following:

the godfather trilogy
scent of a woman
back to the future
fight club
carlito's way
lord of the rings

On 8/8/05 Michael J. Marcinelli ( submitted the following:

I did one a few years ago and I don't even like most of them anymore..... Sitting bored at work so I guess I'll give it another, more realistic shot:

1. Jaws
2. Raging Bull
3. Godfather Part II
4. Red Dragon
5. Kingpin
6. Goodfellas
7. Airplane
8. Reservoir Dogs
9. The Doors
10. Godfather
11. Casino
12. Silence of the lambs
13. Batman
14. Stand by Me
15. Terminator 2
16. The Deer Hunter
17. Heat
18. Batman Begins
19. Mean Streets
20. Black Sunday
21. Mystic River
22. Scarface
23. Taxi Driver
24. Seven
25. Trading Places
26. Naked Gun: Police Squad
27. Animal House
28. Pulp Fiction
29. The Longest Day
30. Varsity Blues

I have never heard of Black Sunday. For those interested it was directed by John Frankenheimer
in 1977. Here is the plot summary from IMDB:

Terrorist organization Black September is planning an attack on the United States. A woman called Dahlia is the one overseeing the operation. She was in the Middle East with the other members of the organization, discussing the operation when some Israelis came in; the leader, Major Kobakov had his gun on her but didn't shoot her. Kobakov then informed the US what they found. Though they don't know what their operation is, Kobakov assures them that it will be devastating. So, with FBI man, Corley, they try to find out what it is before it's too late. But they both have different ways of doing things, and since Kobakov is the visitor, he is warned to watch it. Dahlia's "partner in crime" is Michael Lander, a Vietnam P.O.W., who is psychologically scarred by that experience, thus making him very susceptible to her machinations. -AC

On 8/8/05 Dale White ( submitted the following:

My top ten films of all time:

1. Gone with the Wind
2. A Matter of Life and Death
3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
4. The Graduate
5. The Godfather
6. The 39 Steps
7. It's a Wonderful Life
8. Alien
9. Chinatown
10. Raging Bull

On 7/27/05 thea ( submitted the following:

just want to ask if the caldwell bros think of the movie "legend" with Tom Cruise in it..i think it was an either 70's or 80's movie ..thanks

The movie Legend was released in 1985 and was directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator,
Bladerunner). It has been years since I have seen it, I'll have to check it out again. -AC

On 7/9/05 Prometheus de Rectangular ( submitted the following:

1.) GoodFellas
2.) Fargo
3.) American Beauty
4.) Magnolia
5.) Memento
6.) Eternal Sunshine
7.) Boogie Nights
8.) Glory
9.) Big Fish
10.) Contact

On 7/8/05 Sandra ( submitted the following:

1: Amadeus
2: Amadeus
3: Amadeus

On 7/3/05 Rich Cornell ( submitted the following:

1)Scarface (Pacino)2)The Green Mile 3)Gladiator

On 7/2/05 Juan Jose ( submitted the following:

I think that such a good movie like the Elephant Man can`t be made. But yet it is. I couldn`t believe it. Thanx

On 7/1/05 Cleiton Macedo da Silva ( submitted the following:

Gostaria de obter as partituras dos filmes: last morrican and lords of rings. Thanks

On 6/27/05 Al ( submitted the following:

10. Auntie Mame
9. Beauty and the Beast
8. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
7. The Manchurian Candidate
6. West Side Story
5. The Lion King
4. It's a Wonderful Life
3. Lawernce of Arabia
2. Gone With the Wind
1. Casablanca

On 6/16/05 greg kurr ( submitted the following: lola run angel 3.pulp fiction

On 6/10/05 Shovi ( submitted the following:

1. Forrest Gump
2. Godfather
3. Seven
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Brama Kumbara

On 5/24/05 J. C. Sant ( submitted the following:

1) Seven
2) The Matrix
3) The Terminator

On 5/15/05 JOe ( submitted the following:

your wavs don't work, I'm trying to get a mickey wav

On 5/5/05 petrazoey1 ( submitted the following:

Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your site interesting. It has helped me find some great movies that I otherwise might not have watched. Great work.

Thank you very much. Take care. -AC

On 5/4/05 Jake Carroll ( submitted the following:

1) Amelie
2) The Fifth Element
3) Beautiful Thing
4) Finding Nemo
4) Love Actually

On 5/2/05 GERRY CHAUSSE ( submitted the following:


All pages copyright © 2000-2004 Aaron and Mark Caldwell. All trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.