Places to Fish
Trout Identification
2001 Fall Schedule
2004 Spring Allocation
2002 Spring Schedule
2000 Rules
Raising & Stocking
Trout Links & Awards
Rigs & Bait
Fishing Images
2004 Open House
Other Info.
New Jersey Trout Fishing Information

--- Welcome ---

Hello and welcome. Over the past few years, I've been snooping all around New Jersey trying to find the best places to catch fish, particularly trout. In my journeys, I've found a number of places worth visiting and learned quite a bit about how to catch trout.

I hope that the information in this web page can make your fishing trips more enjoyable by showing you where to fish and how to catch 'em. The places I've outlined here are some of the most beautiful places in New Jersey and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I have.

--- Favorite Places to Fish ---

Here are some of the best places to find trout in New Jersey:

Or get a password and see where other fisherman have had succcess:

--- Trout Identification ---

Have you ever caught a trout and not known what type it was? I have. Growing up I knew what a rainbow trout looked like, and every other kind of trout was a mystery. If you are like me, this will help:

--- 2002 Information ---

Here's the Spring Stocking Allocation for 2003:

--- 2002 Information ---

Here's the Spring Stocking Allocation for 2002:

Here's the Stocking Schedule for Spring 2001:

--- 2001 Information ---

Here's the Spring Stocking Allocation for 2001:

Here's the Stocking Schedule for Spring 2001:

Here's some trout related information from the 2001 NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife:

Here's some news on the 2001 spring stocking:

--- 2000 Information ---

Here's the word on the Fall Stocking for 2000:

Here's the Fall Stocking Schedule for 2000:

Here's some trout related information from the 2000 NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife:

Here's the Spring Stocking Allocation for 2000:

Here's the Stocking Schedule for Spring 2000:

--- 1999 Information ---

Here's some trout related information from the 1999 NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife:

Here's the word on the Fall Stocking for 1999:

Here's the Spring Stocking Allocation for 1999:

Here's the Stocking Schedule for Spring 1999:

NJ Senate Bill 1387 has passed:

--- 1998 Stocking Allocation & Dates ----

For 1998 stocking locations, schedules and news check here:

--- Articles ---

Here you will find a variety of articles relating to trout fishing in New Jersey:

--- Fishing Links ---

Here are some links that New Jersey Anglers may be interested in:

--- Fishing Rig & Bait ---

Here are my thoughts on what rig & bait generally work the best for trout:

--- Other Trout Information ---

Here's some other information some people may find interesting:

And here are some relaxing images:

Remember, you don't have to keep every fish you catch - small or big. Conservation conscious fisherman practice catch and release whenever possible. Next time you catch a trophy fish, pull out a camera, not a knife, and let someone else share your experience.

New Jersey Trout Fishing Information is a proud recipient of the

Fish Award

people have visited this page.

There's more to life than just fishing, and maybe someday I'll find it.