I have been remiss in my online log... haven't done it yet, so here goes for this year.

March 21- Had to drive around through Taylorsville to get there, still too much snow on Janesville Grade. Rode my mountain bike around the lake and fished from shore. Caught 2 trout right away over near the Pioneer Cabin, one on a rapala, and another on a plastic worm, of all things. Saw some nice bass in close, but couldn't get any to hit until late, then I got 2 on a floating rapala, both pretty nice ones. The biggest was 2lb, 15oz.

April 3- Fished the Pioneer Cabin end of the lake with Gene, my son-in-law. Caught some trout throwing a rapala after seeing them surfacing out away from shore. Caught the first small bass on a plastic worm next to shore. Lots of bass fishermen. Late in the day the action improved, as it usually does this time of year. Rapala on a stop and go retrieve worked for me. Ended up getting 4 bass, and Gene got 1, with 5 trout between us.

April 5- Fished in Lost Cr. Cove. Caught a nice bass on a plastic worm in a weed mat next to shore, deep fishing not working. Found one area that had lots of bass in shallow... caught 5 in that cove on black plastic worm. Pretty slow day, but I did manage to get a couple that were 2lb or so. Caught 8 total for the day.

April 11- Fished the south side of Long Point. Caught my first fish with a plastic worm near a cattail patch, weighed 2lb, 9oz. Caught another shortly after that which weighed 4lb, 2oz. (same bait) Worm worked most of the day until late, then they started hitting a rapala. Caught my first crappie of the year on a rapala. Total fish caught today, 19.. at least 10 of them were over 1½ lb.

April 18- Put the boat in at Lunker Landing and fished the Pioneer Cabin end. Caught my first fish dragging an unweighted plastic worm deep... since there were snow flurries and it was cold, it seemed the thing to do. Tried slow rolling a spinner bait and got a couple of hits doing that, but no hookups. It was really cold today, and even though I was dressed for it, I didn't stay late. Ended up getting some more good fish in a rocky area dragging a plastic worm. Weighed the biggest, 3lb, 13oz. The next was around 2 lb. Total caught today- 4.

April 26- Worked the west end of the lake today. It was a pretty nice day, and the fish were hitting rapala's. Weighed one at 2lb, 15oz. Got more crappie today too. Caught lots of nice ones today, action improving late, as usual. Saw lots of big fish cruising around, and had several really nice ones that came off. Total fish caught today- 20.

May 2- Today the smallmouth seemed to be biting pretty good. I caught quite a few of them mostly along the south side. Fish seemed to want the rapala again today... not moving at all, by the way. Got a couple over 2lb, but mostly they were small today. Caught some more crappie, but no red ear yet. Pretty decent action, total fish caught today- 26.

May 19- Started getting surface action right away. Mostly the fish wanted it sitting there and not moving at all, but if they didn't hit it, and you did move it, they usually ran after it and grabbed it. There were several times I'd see the wake coming and then they were on. Caught some really dandy ones today, weighed 3 of them... 3lb, 3lb, 5oz. , 3lb 10oz. I got lots in the 2 lb catagory, and quite a few over 1lb Hot action, and no other bass fishermen, an unbeatable combination. No crappie caught today, and no red ear. Total for the day- 30.

May 27- Went today just ahead of an approaching storm. It was nice and warm most of the time, but after the rain showers started, it cooled down some. Fished most of Lost Creek Cove. Caught fish on rapala mostly, but got the largest ones on a plastic worm. I didn't get all that many large ones, probably 4 or 5 were nice fish, the rest really small. Fish were in weeds mostly, or sometimes on the outside edges. All fish caught were largemouth, no crappie or red ear. My biggest fish was around 3 lbs... didn't weigh it, but you can see it here. Total fish caught today- 23.

June 2- Fished the south side of Long Point all the way around back up the south side of the lake back toward the dam. Caught fish in the weeds dragging a plastic worm through them, and on rapala at the edges. No crappie or red ear, but I did see some. It was nice and warm all day, but there was a breeze coming out of the west most of the time. Caught lots of smallmouth today, mostly in rocks along a certain area. They hit my rapala before I moved it most of the time. Late in the day I got some better fish, mostly 1½-2 lb in weedy areas on the floating rapala. Lots of pelicans working the shallow areas, too many if you ask me. Had a great day, total fish caught- 43. Many were small, and no really big ones.

June 9- Cool, rain showers, windy from NW, quite unlike what you'd expect for this time of year, but not all that unusual either. Linda went with me and we fished near the picnic area until the rain showers got a little too much. We caught a few small fish, saw some good ones, but they weren't interested in what we were throwing. Caught some small sunfish, and small bass on rapala. Had to wait out a heavy shower in the trees or we would have been soaked. Cut the day short early, total fish caught, Me-2 Linda-3.

June 16- Warm and sunny most of the day, some cumulus in the late afternoon. Windy from the east. Fished the west end of the lake. Caught lots of smallmouth along rocky deeper areas, and largemouth in weedy shallower areas. Most trees had fish on them willing to bite. Got some pretty nice ones in weedy areas, mostly in shady spots. Floating rapala was lure of choice again today. I did get a pretty good bass on a plastic worm, got a picture of that one... see it here. Action steady almost all day as long as I was in the right spot. Total fish caught today- 36.

June 24- Mostly sunny, warm, windy from the W-SW. Linda and I fished the Pioneer Cabin end of the lake. We started catching fish right away, on a floating rapala, and every now and then, we'd get a big one. I got the first good fish, it weighed 3lb, 5oz. Linda got the next one, it weighed in at 2lb, 5oz. See it here. At the end of the day I got one that weighed 4lb 1oz. That one was a total surprise since we hadn't caught a good one in some time, and I thought I was hung on weeds. We caught crappie, red ear and Linda even managed to catch a couple of trout. Had a pretty good day. Total fish caught, Me- 30 Linda- 45.