Past Entries 8

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Siwei - 12/02/98 01:48:51

sorry...... just trying out some of the basic HTML stuff. I want to learn basic web page designing...but not right now lah.... tonnes of work to do. Just fooling around with the geocities HTML help page when I have time. Maybe, Weikai, I'll take up your o fer of helping to maintain the page, after I've learnt enough (the computer illiterate Siwei is starting form scratch)...
Oh yar..... before i forget, my dorm is closing in winter too, so pple, I wo't be able to get your mails. Dorm closes on 19th Dec and reopens on 19th Jan. And since I won't be having access to my computer, I don't think the chances of reading your emails re high either. I'll be on rhe road pretty mch (i'm touring the east coast) and I think I'll only be able to pop into a cybercafe maybe once of twice. Quite excited about that.... Disneyworld, HERE I COME!!!
but FIRST, must study for finals..... sigh.........
I feel myself fallign back to earth. I"m going to die for the finals.. there's so much to study for and it's at times like these when I really wish I had kept up with my readings... and there is still homework to do right now... oh dear... have to hand up essay tomorrow...
and I dunno why I'm forever tired and forever wanting to sleep.... must drink coffee, muct drink coffee, must drink coffee.... Oh well... I think I'll continue another time lah.. hope you pple have a good time back home. Penny, are you going home for winter? How about the rest of those overseas? Pple, meet up for christmas, Ok? then someone send me a photo...yah?
Sigh.... miss you pple... can't think of better pple to play with snow with me..... hope it snows before I leave for Florida...... the suaku me never see snow before.....

weikai - 11/27/98 14:50:21

Hey all Merry Christmas! Or rather, merry-one-month-to-christmas, hehheh. This thing is a bit unreadable right? I should be changing it soon. But anyway I've put up a photo gallery! And just to try out I've included a password feature. If you don't know the password, check your email. I should have sent it to you. If anyone managed to hack through the password feature easily let me know ok? I just want to know if this thing can work.
Uh huh the new ODAC homepage is nice! What a great makeover.....haven't checked out the contents thoroughly though cos the server was too busy to load smoothly. But hmm I must say it's a great improvement. Check it out when you have the time ok?

Shiyin - 11/27/98 14:10:28

The ODAC homepage has a new look... it is totally different from the previous one... it's at a new address even,.... Penny... then where will you be staying ????

Penny - 11/27/98 09:51:17

WAH, the background's so pretty.... very christmasy... Anyway, just to let you all noe that my hall will be closed from Dec 19 to Jan 11, so any snail mail (hmm, any christmas cards from anyone? =P ) sent to me within that period wil not reach me. Yup, that's about all.. for those of you having your hols now, enjoy yourslves!
HQ - 11/26/98 06:09:55

will be off to Thailand tonite at 0300.... Ex. BattleKing [the artillery is suppose to be the King of the Battlefield] be back on the 7th... after which i'll hopefully be given more freedom then wat i have now...=)stoning at home now... got nowhere to go. . got no one to go with... mebbe i'll stardee for my trip....NAWWW!! there's lots to remb in various briefings tt appt holders have to give... and appts will be swopped ard... >sigh
Alvin - 11/25/98 04:47:42

Humph! Had to have that ICQ thing on Saturday while I was sufering away somewhere in Sarimbun ya? I'm having my off in lieu now for a well deserved rest b4 going to Thailand for my LAST exercise! =) Just learned how scary a lightning storm really is last riday nite... I was walking around my deployment ground when suddenly everything went white & I hit the deck on reflex cos lightning struck our signal antenna just 10 %E^*%#* metres in front of poor me! =( So all you guys out there, must take cat1 serious y okie?

Chunda - 11/24/98 12:37:00

Hello!!!! It's nice to hear that you guys have been busy catching up, though I could not be part of this florish of late. Anyway, I just served 14 days of SOL and am finally FREE! No more "suay" incidents from now on, heh... So, any plans for this weekend?

Jason - 11/22/98 15:19:09

Hmmm... the mass chat log file is a fine example of pple being "watched" by others without knowing it. Quite scary huh?

Weikai - 11/22/98 07:38:04

Hi all! Thanks for the chat last night. Quite a large number of people. I'll try to list out who were there: Me, Penny, Jason, Yvonne, Shiyin, Jeremy, Josh, Wen, Siwei, Theresa, Huaquan, Alan, Marvin, Xinyan, Xiufeng. Erm anyone I missed out??
But anyway those who missed it, you can still catch up with most of it cos I've posted the log of the chat. Or rather, most of the chat. As expected the ICQ chat system went nuts we had lots of confusion before switching over to IRC. So not the full chat is logged. And also I left early, so the log terminates at around 12.15am Singapore time.
Phew HY's finally back from 3 weeks in huge step towards his red beret. All the way yar? The OCS guys also must tahan...not long before you get your kitkat bar.
Did you all have fun for today's games back in RJ? Sorrie I couldn't be down with flu and sore throat after returning from Berkelah Falls. Don't want to spend the hols like dat, so must try to recover at home.

siwei - 11/21/98 13:14:50

YEAH!!....... wow the conversations looks very nice.... wasn't expecting any revamps so it was a nice surprise....
regarding the mass icq session... i won't be able to join you all for very long cause there is a singapore food fest going this evening and i'm cooking so i have to go and prepare food..... going to burn my entire saturday..... *groan*.... and i still hav a paper to write.... and a prelim to study for..... die....
oh well..... see you guys online later......

Penny - 11/20/98 16:17:10

Harro! Wah, not bad... the online conversations look good! Oh well, looking forward to the mass chat tomorrow nite, hope lots of you all turn up... Btw, if you guys see my nick online on icq, it's me okie! But erm, my contact list just disappears sometimes, so I can't see you all.. Message me if you all are bored okie??? Yup, that's it, 'see' you all tomorrow...

Weikai - 11/20/98 15:39:11

Ahh, another major revamp of Online Conversations, now that I got the time. The centre alignment of the entries is suggested by Theresa, what do the rest of you think of it?
I put up to my knowledge the only batu puteh photo we have. Especially Ding Dong group members ( remember who you are??), you can download it. It's a long wait for 460+ kb to be downloaded, but it's high-resolutioned, so a bigger size is inevitable. Have patience yeah?
The mass ICQ chat is confirmed to be on 21st Nov, Sat, GMT 1400. Don't be late huh!
Oh yeah whoever's interested to let loose your artistic talents and let your ideas flood the page, mail me for the access password of this account, a d you can play a part in maintaining/updating this page. Thanks!

Ruth - 11/15/98 13:58:08

Hey! I think my results will be released on 21st! Anyway, I think I should be able to join you guys! Right now, I'm trying to learn web publishing. Can some IT savvy person provide some tips? Which are the better html editors around? Frontpage? Anybody go any guide book on it? How about demo kit? Thanx!

Xiufeng - 11/14/98 12:43:49

Allo!!!Yar...met Wen on wed afternoon after my ee paper....Wenyi...hope ur arm is better...was it arm that u told me???I was realli glad to see him..haven't seen u guys for soooo long!!!Better meet up soon...before i forgot how u all look like..haha!My la t paper is on monday!!!!Yaaayyyy!!!It's finally going to be over!!!

Alvin - 11/14/98 11:13:04

Lots of thingies happening in the combat engineer camp =) Just last week, one of my course-mates fell into the bridging gap... Luckily only a cut lip, quite a good deal for a 3 storey plunge =( Yup, & just yesterday the 3-tonner I was in overturned and lo s of stuff & pple fell onto me ... humph! Only injured my shin though... =) Hey hey HQ, I got 8:55 for my 2.4km trial test... not bad huh? =)

Wen - 11/14/98 01:48:41

Whatta week for meeting people at strange places.....met OCT Lai at Lim Chu Kang training shed on tuesday......he was serving food....even gave me an apple. Well at least I went back that night, he stayed till friday. For yer info he's in infantry...apparently his batch didn't even get to pretend to choose a vocation all straight to infantry. Then met Xiufeng the next morning at Jurong Interchange ?! 'cos I booked out for a medical appt, she looked very stressed and tired. Hey I got a long weekend next week, can prolly join you guys on 21st.......hope to see all you guys there. ( Gimme strenght, only 8 more months. )

Shiyin - 11/11/98 08:17:21

My classmate sent me this URL .. it has a video on ODAC!!!!! their open house.. brings back the memories....
I try to link it ok?
Go to page

yvonne - 11/11/98 01:11:20

hq you're still as pessimistic as ever.... :).... my tests end tmrw yay!!!!!...:).. hee one mroe day to go... and i passed one more test!!!... veyr thankful for tt.... weikai your jokes are gross!!! but i dun get the third one and i decided i din wanna re d the fourth one..... 21st... i've got my grandma's b'day dinner at nite.... but pleeeaassse go out okay... i'll try to join you all after the dinner or b4 too if you all are meeting in the afternoon!! mass icq thingy... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 21st nite? any o jections? i shall go bac to study now.... Alvin smile ok... at least you're getting a good workout... i'm getting horribly unfit and fat here!!!!

HQ - 11/07/98 19:19:13

nice to see the "book" filling up....=) will be off on Exercises for the next mth or so, so i most probly won't be out on the 21/11 weekend which would probly be when our "gathering" will be if it does get organised [ me miss rjc so much...=( ] confirmed will be leaving for Thailand on the 26/1 ... back on 07/12... mebbe we meet for new year... no?... just hope i don't screw up my exercises too much [ will be assessed >sigh< ]

Xiufeng - 11/07/98 08:29:12

Allo!!!!My 1st entry here!!!Sigh!!!Yar...the engine pple still got abt 1 week more to go!!!Then we will all party together yah.....on icq/outside!!I think the game session is realli a wonderful idea.....i realli miss those saturdays when we play games.... and all those times when we tried to get the guys off the soccer ball for lunch!!!Sigh!!!Rj was much more fun and the stress i felt then was only a fraction of wat i am experiencing now!!!But never mind....9 more days!!!!

Shiyin - 11/06/98 19:30:14

We end on the 16th too!!!!! 1 and 1/2 more weeks!!! yah Ruth I agree... hall is fun... it's like my life now .... spend all the time here and hols will be here too ... can't imagine just coming to school and going home everyday .... So who's going to orga ise the mass ICQ thing??

Alvin - 11/06/98 17:54:21

*sigh* Gotta go MacRitchie tomorrow for inter-formation x-country training..... I'm getting quite sick of running all this 7km thingy! Should deliberately slow down so can take a break ya?

yvonne - 11/06/98 11:39:39

yep.... really missed you guys..... the days of stoning ... sitting ard having nothing better to do.... :)..... had a great great time tt day... really.... :)... times of stoning are sooooo rare these days... seems like after studying for one tests.... an ther is coming..... well.... tt's gonna be my life for the next 5 yrs..... yep shiying... compared to the good ole RJ days..... when we saw each other everyday... reallly miss them.... :).... yep yep... let's have a games session or just go out... and hav a mass ICQ thingy too.... :).... my tests end on 14th nov..... theresa's shld end on 16th but me duwen and alan will eb gone in berkelah fr 17th to 20th.... what bout the engin and NTU pple .. xinyan and ruth??? when do yourn exams end? to siwei..... ye h lor... let us show off a bit.... at least put some good use to all the things we've dilligently mugged up rite... :).... yeah.... feel tt i'm getting sucked into this medicine thingy.... and this is onli the beginning....wonder if pple find it boring or irritating sometimes when we break into "medicine talk".... strange how my aunts and even my mum's like coming up to me, a 4+ mths med student!!!, and asking em to solve thier medical probs..... oh well ..... i'm looking forward to end of the tests!!! and to seeing ... talking ... to you all again...... :).... my driving's pract test is on the 30th nov.... hopefully i pass my driving b4 you do weikai.... :)...... take care everyone!!!!!

Ruth - 11/06/98 11:04:26

Bon soir! Je m'appelle Ruth. Je suis fini les examinations! Hurray! Yup! Just trying to say that I finished my examinitions (2 days ago)! And I've also been picking up French as my General Elective. Hmm.... think the NUS people are having their exams now ite? Dun stress.... Theresa, I received your page that day but I couldn't make it for the outing at J8. I was studying at my hostel. Didn't feel like travelling from Boon Lay to Bishan and back. So when is the next outing? I just watched Antz. A truly ent rtaining and inspiring show. Yeah... I miss those days we had together. Will be staying in my hostel most of the time though it's holidays. ECAs what! But I suppose hall life is full of fun, rite Vivien and Shiyin? Intend to stay there next year again. Oh well, but sometimes you do miss out on a lot especially when you have no comp in your room. Still I think that's where I begin to lead my own life. More freedom, independence and should I say, "privacy" (?). Anyway, for those taking the exams, study hard nd do well. Then maybe we can meet up one of these days.

Penny - 11/05/98 09:17:09

Harro! Just wondering, when do the exams end? And when do the holidays start?? Erm, apart from the games thingee that you all are planning, can have a mass irc/icq session or not? Maybe some Friday nite sometime? The weather here has been really lousy (Siwei, it gets dark even earlier here, around 4.30pm).. miss the sun (and green trees) in Singapore... Oh well, someone please arrange the icq thing can?

theresa - 11/04/98 14:15:14

Was looking at the photos we took in J2, like the one above. We were so cute back then. Carefree joyful people running around being silly. Remember the spastic ones of the guys with dismembered heads and they being so amused with themselves? That one is eally hilarious, you can see chunda's big bert grin and everyone basically being very tickled. And all the heads got a thrown-together look. NOw that reminds me of the time the girls hid under the table. Cant believe twelve of us willingly crawled into th t hot cramped space. tuns of fun. alvin, all your fault hah, give us away. Where was i? oh yeah, Or the endlesss stoning everywhere and anywhere, u name it, it's all there. ah well

Shiyin - 11/04/98 13:04:20

Wen, comp = computer? yah we have computers in the computer room here ... and we have 2 laptops in our room too. Our own one lah.... not provided by the hall.

Wen - 11/04/98 10:53:08

Yeah, I'll be one of the first to grow old instantly....the first NS guy actually. I'll be spending the days leading up to my birthday in the deep jungles of Thailand boo hoo and my birthday itself during R&R woo hoo! Anyway good luck to the NUS/NTU people. Anyone wanna watch Antz this weekend? Comeon, give yourself a break! You probably deserve it. Sigh, my lobo days are well and truly over, time for a period of high-key activity now. Do y'all have a comp in the hall? ( Viv and Shiyin ) Just curious.

Weikai - 11/03/98 14:47:00

Hi an econs paper tomorrow...just sort of finished studying for it, but still it is my most hated paper since jc, so I'm still not particularly looking forward to it.
The Jokes section is just updated with more hilarious jokes. Actually ask one frank question, how many of you actually read the jokes huh?? Hmm maybe not as many as I expect, but just want to say that these jokes are REALLY farnee..and I put them up so that I can share them. So, give it a shot yeah?
Yeah we haven't meet up for quite sometime yar maybe since Op Nos until now. Would like some sort of reunion too, an informal and casual one. After the exams period perhaps, let's do something, maybe just a games day (love those!), will be more than enough. But it'll never be the same as before cos of those missing from the country. Okay that aside, any volunteers?

Shiyin - 11/03/98 08:28:00

suddenly realised that we haven't really met up for a long time.... to think we used to be able to see each other all the time ... and every weekend ..... miss those days ...

Siwei - 11/02/98 19:07:37

GRoan........ 20 years old???????? that sounds SO old...... i nevre even thought about it until you pple brought it up.... sigh..... no more excuse for behavign childishly...... then again... sez who???

theresa - 11/02/98 14:56:32

i like that green stuff. yes half of us have just a few months left till we become little old men and little old ladies....

Jason - 11/02/98 11:49:06

Thanks for the greetings.
Well, now even the youngest of Batch 12 has turned 19 years old.
All of us must value the remaining of our TEENage.
(hee hee, I still got 364 days more)

Penny - 11/01/98 14:41:54

Shoots.. pressed wrong button.. Anyway, donch worry Chunda, things can't go THAT wrong rite?? Before I forget, Happy Birthday JASON! Yup, that's about it.. till next time...

Penny - 11/01/98 14:39:35

Harro! Howz everyone??? Hope the nus people are busy stardeeing for their exams! Haoyang enjoy yourself in Brunei ya? (hmm...)

howie - 10/31/98 18:38:00

there there. lobospeak again. pretty much the voice of an 8 to 5'er. enjoy ur break wen, it's great, but it does get mundane after a while...then u start developing cashier fetishes...oooh..i'm just rumbling with excitement abt brunei. gonna have lotsa fu in the jungles. will be thinking of u pple. at least u can declare a hollan and just camp the nite out..dun tink u can really do that in an all those still having tests and exams, esp the engrg pple wif econs on wed(did i get it rite?), it's pr b JUST gonna be a revision for most of u, but best of luck anyway. :) and weikai...Metal Gear's way too ur heart out...go get it after ur exams, way worth the $10....and Chunda, if u're really in deep trouble, just let em have it with ur mistra missile, if u gotta go, take them wif u...driver included...jokes aside, i really hope u get off the hook, it's those pitfalls and traps of NS we've all been warned abt, dammit i wun want any of us to get in trouble, esp when it ain't any fault of yours. cheers, u'll survive the storm.all the best.

Siwei - 10/31/98 16:26:59

I think they will STOP spouting your so-called medi-lese after a few more months (when they've tired of hearing med stuff all day long) RELACK........... give htem a chance to show off

Wen - 10/31/98 16:21:15

Well, finally had a largish kinda gathering. Theresa, Yvonne, HY, HQ , Weikai, Jeremy, Alvin, Alan and me met at J8 for dinner. Theresa showed up with biochem book in hand, WK with Economics, Yvonne with unknown heavy book in bag. NSFs, nothing. Well, had the usual buy-your-own-food and sit in a corner in a circle kinda session. Must say I do miss such apparently pointless outings. Well, the guys are still the same ( whaddaya expect ), but Weikai's growing, er, stockier and Yvonne and Alan are turning into true-blue meddies and spouting gibberish medi-lese after just a few months. Looks like we're losing 'em. Soon, no one will understand them 'cept fellow maddies. Ah, romance in the dissection room, over the sweet scent of formaldehyde. ( or whatever ) Howie's leaving for Brunei tommorow, wish the poor sucker good luck. Rest of us, still serving time, as usual.

Alvin - 10/31/98 07:29:54

I'm very bored too! All my friends either still in camp, studying, or tired out after work =( Y'know, I think studying is quite a straightforward knida thing ya? So all the best for those uni students out there... Dun stress lah, only first semester wat! 've had quite a few tests too, but quite hard to study for 'cos I never listen during lectures and got no textbook to mug.... =( & worst of all, the engineer tests not as idiot proof as the infantry tests back at SAFTI

- 10/31/98 07:14:15

Hajimemashite! Watashi-wa Chunda desu. Dozoyoroshiku! Well, hi there. Frankly I don't have much to say tho I just wanted to make my presence felt here. FYI, I have just started taking this Jap course at Raffles Place and Jap is CERTAINLY much more dificult than German. I am still mired in the depths of Hi a and Katagana, if you know what I'm taking about. Life in camp still sucks--badly. A rumour was passed down just yesterday that I was going to be charged and fined for my accident. With a bit of luck, this scenario should not happen. Frankly speaking, I am too wearied with the boot polishing (read bac stabbing) behind the whole incident that I just want to get my punishment and forget this whole matter. If only I could do so. Verdict's out next week. Wish me lotsa luck.

theresa - 10/30/98 14:17:30

actually, i come here all the time too. Even though I am studying (yes yes no snide remarks please). i really am, just not fast enough. And i am not one heck of a witty person either, so that is why i stay very very quiet....feels weird writing about mund ne stuff

Siwei - 10/30/98 00:20:47

How are you pple??? wandered in here cause i was very xian of doing work.... stoopid homework....

sigh. no one writes in here anymore... ok ok..... i know pple are having exams... maybe it's only cause i have such a deprived life (spe t in front of thecomputer) that i always come here..... ICQ is very addictive, i realized.... very terrible cause i can't do my work and esp since i didn't use to study in my bedroom -- my sleeping and wakign time sort of merge...... do work and when i'm tired, i just flop on the bed. THen when i wake up at any weird time of the day, i continue working..... such a sad life.... must get out of my room (but it's so cold......)

Oh well... It gerts dark so early nowadays (about 5:30 pm) that you cant reall do much.... not that there was much to do around here anyway... unless you like frat parties and getting stone drunk all the time..... sheesh..... dun see what's the fun of that...
what the heck.....
i guess i'll see you pple around on the weekend.... on second thoughts, maybe not.... still go that stupid paper due on Monday....
sigh.. see you guys around.......