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howeyang - 05/02/98 18:21:37

mayday was kinda fun... great to see so many of making the effort...jason and ruth and alvin esp... they book out late...take cab to mama's... well..cycling ex's coming up... this sat... anyone going?i noe wen,hq and jer def go..:)....sigh.... we all really must move on so fast....? (this is with regards to the chat abt handphones and life on irc some of us had...:) ) just rem something written in our odac handbooks...(rem tt book tt had our names.. given to us during inaug?) well, there was something abt odac... it's members... forming branches and streams of a river...each taking on diff paths after odac and jc... diverging out... well to all of us struggling on that thin line of semi-adulthood...reach out as far as your abilities can take u...despite all the responsibilties bit coming in....go for those scholarships.. those dances.. those officer's course.. whatever.... just wish tt someday... those branches might cross paths...come together again.... :) in those pensive moods again... :) forgive me...:)

Alvin - 05/02/98 17:22:48

Hee just got home from saturday nite fun =) You know ah go OCS get very deprived one!! =(

Siwei - 05/02/98 14:57:28

Hello... er... sory for not turninig up on MayDAy. Was down with a cought ad flu and fever. Haven't written in a long time, but today, I'm in a good mood, so decided to type something. Been feeling rahter depressed recetly cause of my scholarships (or the lack of it). But just got an offer today and suddenly, this huge load was lifted off my shoulders. Felt so much lighter than I've felt for a long time. Phew! I just want to ask you people, what do you all want to see in the next issue of "Twleve" (or whatever better name you people can come up with (no one has given me any ideas). I was thinking that I prob won't have enough material to sustain for very long i I'm just going to write about our batch stuff. But do you people want other articles that are totally unrelated to us (like funny stuff -- I've got a few right now) or do you want a sort of "Outdoor Magazine' which has info on rock-climbing, Mount Evere t expedition, mountain biking or whatnot? Or what? The first one had an article on BMT. HQ said he wouldn't mind writing about OCS. rihgt? But it seems like only the guys will have such shared experiences. The girls won't so what can awe write about us? H nestly, I wold like to have something to keep us in touch, but I need a sort of direction. No point writing stuff that you people don't want to read, right? I mean, I guess even if HQ writes about OCS, it would prob include things that some of us would kn w about cause we call each other, chat on the net or what ever. But how about those who don't? Some don't have internet access. These are the sort of people who I feel we shouldn't leave out. But would you people who keep very much in touch mind haveing s uff that you already know about? I guess whatever it is, i won't be able to please everyone, but As many aas possible would be good. So LEMME KNOW !!!

christina - 05/01/98 14:03:38

theresa: what in the world is "youknowwhat" ? on second thoughts tell me in private okie? Is there a prob with your icq? cant seem to reach u there Chunda: this is advice my friend gave me:toss a coin before it lands u will know where u really want to go i have taken on an idle state of existence, till sept can work with the newspapers in june but dont feel like it is anyonw for going somewhere? anywhere? before uni starts? take care everyone chris

Chunda - 05/01/98 11:27:19

Real great to see many of us ard today... though I had to leave early to book in. And Marvin, nope, it was not boring at all. True, we stoned 70% of the time, but the company's what mattered, right? Let's keep the spirit going.

Shiyin - 04/30/98 14:58:04

see you all at East Coast tomorrow!!!! Theresa.. why axed? the perm teacher came back issit?

theresa - 04/30/98 08:55:14

hi i just found out today that i'm to be axed by the next week. and i am feeling morose, yes it may seem strange after what i said initially, but now i've found i really like my students and after each lesson i feel incredibly happy. (for once i always no the answers! sometimes the students are impressed till they remember i'm the teacher). Especially hard with a couple of remedial classes that i take where to be able to make a change really makes a difference to them, and now i've lost my chance. They ar all straightforward, nice people, who appeal to me in some sort of way with their constant good humour. The relationship between the students and the teachers is different here, warmer, and very easygoing. Anyway....i'm glad i came.

yuhua - 04/29/98 09:36:54

hi again everyone interesting, reading all this talk about job satisfaction and all. ruth i can understand that performing can be exhilirating, and i don't blame u for detesting your clerical job; i can't imagine myself holding that down!! heheh. in fact, i am relatively surprised at my own staying power for my the restaurant and with the tutoring. actually i'm getting a bit bored with giving lessons, and sometimes when it's slow at the restaurant i feel restless as well. so sometimes i think maybe i'm sticking around because i'm used to it, and also for the money. which IS a reality, coz there are o many things to pay for day-to-day, from shopping to meals with friends and everything! but overall, at the end of the day i guess i do like this kind of life. work aside, when u try to create variety in ur life, then u have stuff to look forward to, and that makes everything more fun. that's what i think, at least! i love having stuff lined up. then, when u need a *rest* from all the hustle and bustle, well, designate *rest time*!!;> oh well, hope everyone's fine, however they are going about each day! o , pity about odacia's cancellation...about the east coast thingy, tho, have yet to confirm but *sob* there's a possibility i won't be able to make it!!! so...will get back 2u, but hope it's enjoyable, anyway. in the meantime take care n God Bless.

Ruth - 04/29/98 08:00:31

Oh well... life's not so messy anymore. So maybe I should rephrase what I said in my previous entry. Not like the job? Perhaps certain aspects. I definitely like the dancing part and being on stage. But that's not all. We also have to mingle with the gues s. Hey! I don't mean socialising! Well, what the client wanted was a tribal theme so we had to dress up and act like tribal people and create the atmosphere for them. I was not used to being someone else. I was also afraid of getting too close with the gu sts. They were scared of us cos we looked fierce in our makeup but they didn't know I was scared of them too! So as you can see, this job is rather challenging. I will still stick to it 'cos I still like dancing. But I hate my clerical job. Yeah... There a I know what you mean. Everything in my office sucks and my boss asked me when I'll be quitting. But I'll just hang around for the money. Don't think you need to quit a job just to do what you really want to do, such as bumming.... I'm still dancing, des ite my job. So just hang in there.... you never know what you're in for!

theresa - 04/28/98 04:28:23

argh i wrote an entry and it got wiped out.. anyway i was just thinking after what ruth said, that if u dont like ur job shd u quit or hang on and build character? (and i mean Don't Like: makes u miserable) i did that because i didnt want to seem a quitte , esp to my manager. shd we "learn to like it" or shd we do something personally meaningful (bumming included), during these precious months, or weeks? though whatever that is may not be "useful" nor " productive". lynette tole me to quit, quit! if i did 't like my job. maybe ruth your case is different: in doing what u like doing u found some yuckiness and in this case Have had to learn to like it. oh no, i sound like a cliched newspaper article by sumiko tan. argh i'd better stop. HEY, wait! did u guys see leroy's mail? details for friday al there! can u people make it?

Vivien - 04/26/98 08:02:59

Hey, nice to hear from you guys again!! Sigh, din't get to see u pple for this weekend...Wanted to watch "Great expectations" too! but somehow got this feeling that u pple were already watching it when i replied to ur page cos no one called back. argh!! A yway, I'm going to the airport now, to "study" with my sis. hope to see u pple at the pseudo-odacia thingy.....tata.

Jason - 04/26/98 04:47:12

Disappointed to hear that the official ODACIA is being cancelled. It was the event that I was looking forward to during the confinement period. Remembered telling Jeremy that I will get to miss part of ODACIA coz I am only booking out on the afternoon o 1st May. Hope that someone will volunteer to organise the pseudo-ODACIA. Thanks.

Ruth - 04/26/98 04:15:04

Help! My life's in a mess. My schedule is getting very hectic. My whole life is filled with things to do. I don't even know what I want. And I've begun doing shows. I'm still working as a clerk but I'm also a freelance dancer for Megaforce Showbitz. Yeah, I've begun doing shows. I was back at Shangri La Hotel Island Ballroom, where I stood on Grad Nite, but this time I was performing for Seagate's D&D. It was a very new experience. Okay there are many interesting people in the entertainment circle so there s no time for isolation as long as you mix around. But I don't really like everything about it. I'd rather not get paid to perform for my school's event than get paid to do a show for the public. It's not as easy as I thought. I did enjoy myself but it's ot all about dancing..... The environment is definitely better than Fire Disco but .....there are also things I don't like doing. I finally appreciate certain things in life. To those who don't like their jobs, I think you just gotta learn to like it. Lif is never perfect. I dunno.... I think I need counselling.....

Ruth - 04/26/98 04:14:13

Help! My life's in a mess. My schedule is getting very hectic. My whole life is filled with things to do. I don't even know what I want. And I've begun doing shows. I'm still working as a clerk but I'm also a freelance dancer for Megaforce Showbitz. Yeah, I've begun doing shows. I was back at Shangri La Hotel Island Ballroom, where I stood on Grad Nite, but this time I was performing for Seagate's D&D. It was a very new experience. Okay there are many interesting people in the entertainment circle so there s no time for isolation as long as you mix around. But I don't really like everything about it. I'd rather not get paid to perform for my school's event than get paid to do a show for the public. It's not as easy as I thought. I did enjoy myself but it's ot all about dancing..... The environment is definitely better than Fire Disco but .....there are also things I don't like doing. I finally appreciate certain things in life. To those who don't like their jobs, I think you just gotta learn to like it. Lif is never perfect. I dunno.... I think I need counselling.....

Weikai - 04/26/98 03:26:48

yep and I have returned too. On the contrary I thought time flies quite quickly. Just like that, 3 weeks have passed. 13 more of 3 weeks and we are out of long. Regarding ODACia, well, I've already set it as one of the near events that I'm lo king forward to, sort of like something to make me push on during training. So, I really hope we can have it, even the pseudo one will do. The impt thing is we have different batches there, including the current j1s, so that they can understand the senior ' attachment and relationship with odac. Then perhaps in the future ODACia will be a compulsory event of the year (let's hope). So, at least now for our batch, let's all try to make time for it ok? For those with boyboys and girlgirls, can spare just one ay? Can spend the weekend after that with them all you want...=) Whatever lar, just try to be there lor.

HQ - 04/25/98 21:55:14

I'm BACK!!! after 3 terrbly long weeks... i have returned!!! ... but only to have to go back to the armylife within the next 14 hours. =( miss ya all despite having seen some of you last sunday. Time seems to pass so very slowly when you're in camp. mebbe i'll just pin photos of you pple all over my half of the wall in my room. =) Wouldnt mind writing sth abt armylife at ocs for our newslet er... but it's gonna be hard to avoid the army language and to be objectively critical ... Due to the life at ocs, i dont expect to be able to see much of you pple. still waiting for things to get better... and for things to be more within my control... u like now.

Siwei - 04/25/98 16:03:43

Oh dear... how come no one seems to be writing here recently. No new additions since Yvonne's entry some days back. I suppose you people got Leroy's amil about the "pseudo-ODACIA"? So what do you people think of it?

yvonne - 04/21/98 05:04:11

hello eveyrone... yeah theresa i understand... that's what i felt in tan tock seng too.. everyday when i goto work i feel ... yeah isolation... look forward to onli the end of the day when i finally can get out..... see friends.. talk to them.... or even unch times when i'll call pple..... mondays are the worse day of the week annd friday's the best.... terrible feeling.... that's why i quit in the end... did you onli commit one mth?.... or more? to howeyang.... come on keep up the positive spirit..... :) . it's wat will keep you going... commando's is defintely tough... but it's only through the tough times and sufferings that we learn most..... smile 'kay... i believe you can do it! to sywei..... ok ok....i admit i dun understand the excitement.. to chunda.... it's yoru choice after all... you knwo the pros and cons.... make a choice and dun regret or look back....... make the best outta wherever you decide....:).. smile.. dun be stressed! ... oh yeah yuihua... i din get the job.. modestos onli w nts full time staff now.. sob sob.. shall try starbucks..... any other recommendations? :) ,..... let's all sign up for sheares bridge run... run with the ocs pple...:).... will find out more bout it kayt.... who's for it?... ok ok shall end here gotta go eaat lunch....... see you all soon kay!!!!

Chunda - 04/19/98 02:58:00

I am in a huge dilemma: Wharton finance or Chicago school of economics??? If you don't know what I'm talking about, never mind...

Siwei - 04/18/98 16:39:46

Hi people! I just got my new Computer. Yay! Finally..... no more 14.4 kbps modem. NO more webCRAWLING. no more stupid meesages that tell me that NEtscape has caused a general protection error in module blah blah blah and that i have to shut it down. GRRRR ..... Hah! Liberation at last. Now I can gop and get some decent word prcessor as well as something like Pagemaker , to do the batch newslatter with ( instead of using the PATHETIC windows Write). Shall now go pirated-software-hunting!!!! Anyone can lend me MS Word, Pagemaker, Corel Dr w or got any recommendations as to what are some good programmes around? THis computer illiterate person needs to get going!!!! And after such a long time of receving MIDI files and othe graphics from people and not being able to access it, I finally have a sund card, video card and ookl speakers to match. YAY!!! OK... I suppose you peopl are pretty bored by now. Just that I am pretty excited by this thingy. So ignore me if you wish.

howeyang - 04/18/98 11:29:22

theresa... u teaching at JI now? dun quite understand what u mean by the sense of isolation... anyway... odacia is cancelled....damn sad.... pass the message on to the rest okay...

karab - 04/16/98 16:50:32

hiya!! just booked out for a while...coz tomolo i got an airforce pilot briefing and interview!!!! urrgh.. shucks... i dunno what to do...shld i go all out for it?in a big dilemma.. coz i dun wanna leave the commandos now... will miss my platoon so much...also hate to do things halfway....wanna finish it then consider anything else.. urrgh.. but the pilot thingee.. they offer it only once... no 2nd chances... then... so much else... anyway... just kinda stressed out the dreaded 5km SOC test on mon... dunno how i'm gonna even survive...and POW's coming up real soon... urrgh..

theresa - 04/16/98 05:01:46

hi just a note. this place is bad. Wonder how long i'll last. A couple of nights ago i was filled with this terrible sense of isolation. anybody know what i mean? it's scary. vaguely like what jason described before in the conversations a year back.

yuhua - 04/15/98 13:36:50

hi everyone, first and foremost, hope the guys are settling in, wherever they have been posted in the SAF. yvonne i hope u find your wallet soon; i know what it's like to lose your wallet with all your cards and everything; yeah, and the police report and all; it's a great big hassle! so, will u be working at cafe modestos? that is right next door to the restaurant where i work (black angus) if u r, maybe i might see u sometime. also am tutoring; i think some of the other girls are, too, right? yeah well anyway i think it can be tough sometimes!! especially when the kid doesn't seem very interested! heheh. so are the girls making lots of $$$? guys, how do u survive on your *big fat* SAF allowances? hahaha!!!! chris, hope u're doing fine in m'sia oh yeah, one more thing; about tarzans and janes or "12" or whatever the newsletter is called now, siwei i'd be glad to contribute as and when; if u need any contributions or help or want each of us to do updates on everything or something, say so, yah? kay then; take care everyone, and most of all stay happy.

yvonne - 04/13/98 04:21:03

Hello hello!!!!..... i'm still bumming around... and i lost my wallet... sob sob... yep my ultra thick ... big mac sized wallet... sigh... hopefully it comes bac lar.... made a police report... and the policeman was so amused at the stuffs i carried ard i e. 3 library cards... my dad's card ..... and old student pass... arghhhhh i want my wallet back!!!!!! now i feel so lost without it.... yep be going to cafe modestos for interview today..... FINALLY.... thinking of taking driving lessons too... shall cal penny to ask her for her instructor... well.. enough bout my life.... looking bac at the past entries... see tt most of you guys are pretty happy or satisfied with ya postings now.. that's nice to hear... see??... hmmmm... havne't heard form the rest of he girls for quite some time now other than theresa.... are you all still working? same jobs? thinking of quitting? any plans for a holiday?

theresa - 04/13/98 04:07:43

hi if any of you are wondering why you haven't seen my lovely name here for so long it's cause my computer died on me (in the still of the night, yes) and i'm now at school (JI, where i'm teaching ) using the staff room's. Amazingly, I managed to reproduc the entire conversations' address after a few bad tries. Haven't started any lessons yet. should be ok as long as i don't have to teach vectors (!!!). haha that'll be hilarious. arghh it's awful without my comp. can't look forward to this after work. (no i can look forward to it DURing work! harahr). at least at this place i can eat when i'm hungry. i still work at chili's a couple of days a week, it seems to have grown on me. chunda do not despair. and for the tarzan thing i think we could all write abt our lives, shortly and sweetly. siwei, don't edit! i feel we write it for each other and it shdnt be altered. chris, i will valiantly participate with you in the youknowwhat. i have to go i feel rather strange using a comp that's not my own. bye, till i' more thick-skinned. ah, hq, u are an ole man as of now. take care, people. dont get chewed up by anybody, or the grossness of it all.

karab - 04/12/98 10:55:58

hmm.. the online convs seems pretty empty now tt the ocs guys are in confinement.... what abt the others? :) suzhen online oredi rite? be sure to come here often! so marv and chunda, how're u guys getting along now? hope it's been better,over at my side, it's starting to heat up.... will be doing heli-rappelling this week.... and ropimg... well, the scary part's just come in.... man... i'm scared...just hearing w at we're supposed to do... supposed to be dangerous yet fun... urrgh.. the visiting day thingee tt penny brought up.. sounds like a pretty good idea!! we shld ... those guys need some pple ard to cheer them up... this sun? what time then? well HQ's bday is tomolo... to HQ: well u prob wun read this till much later.. but what the heck... HAPPEE BIRTHDAY!!!!! to the rest... take care okay... yvonne:u got the new job yet? :) hee hee.. luv,howeyang

Jason - 04/10/98 11:00:04

I HATE confinement.

Chunda - 04/10/98 04:01:33

Hello. actually the SISPEC thingy is getting much better right now. Btw, Boon and Duuwen are also in SISPEC...along w Wenyi. I am in an Alan-like state of mental peace..even though I just served as Company's Only Slave last night and did not book out unti 0900 this morning (sigh). Still gonna try my best anyway... since I can't quit and change jobs. Hey, OCTs...don't let me down OK! So, anyone got accepted/offered any schlrshp/university?

Weikai - 04/09/98 16:08:21

Getting into OCS may be pretigious, but of course for the pride u get there is a high price to pay. The stress level in there is quite high, at least for the first week. I suppose we will adjust to it in due time, but, sometimes it makes u wonder if u rea ly want to be in there. And if u are, for wat? Dunno lar...all the rushing and stress warped my mind. But no matter wat, just do ur best in watever vocation u're in. Foreign pastures are always greener. I suppose I am just lucky enough to get into OCS, an all I can do now is to endure the 42 weeks in there. Chunda, dun be too depressed lar. That day I was expecting SISPEC too, prob like you. Never mind, let's aim to be the bottom 10% and get posted to BMTC! hehheh..joking your best, maybe u'll jo n us for Service Term in OCS. =)

mama - 04/09/98 12:43:11

Hi people, I'm having a long weekend. (Book in on Mon morn.) To correct Penny, I'm not at Sispec. I'm in Signals, unit 2SIB, Changi Camp. Just got my posting today. Have already accepted the situation I am in now. I guess I'll be a lot freer than others, oing through a lot less xiong training. My unit seems a nice place, should have quite an enjoyable time there.

chris - 04/08/98 15:44:08

Dearest Everyone, Gee, it sure feels lonely reading the conversations from way over here, I feel so far and removed and before I go on, well, I have to say don't forget me , okay ?Miss you people alot. Its really hard to find people who will run in the rain, stone all day round here, especially in the world of (boring) accountants. Its unbearably stiff and unstimulating:p and unhappening, plus conversation revolves around income tax, which car to buy, getting married etc~bleah!~ Anyway I hope to quit soon to do some job at this deli,sorta waitressing. Anyway, I'm just taking things day by day and hoping time passes really quickly. In short, I'm dying to get outta here. Do u girls/guys know where u'll be going come sept? Me- looks more and more likely that I'll be going to LSE for a variety of reasons, the main one being that most of my Msian friends are there in UK. plus my brother is probably following soon.( if u noe nyone going to London pls let me noe)I have not received replies from US yet but it looks unlikely that I will make the rational choice of going to the best uni that accepts me. Do u think big decisions should be made with your head or heart? Anyway, I hope to go down to spore in June/July to, ahem, participate in the Great Singapore Sale and of couse, to see you people. So let me know when we are free-est okie? Love u all, christina

chris - 04/08/98 15:23:43

Dearest everyone,

Penny - 04/08/98 12:20:07

Hey, apart from Marvin, Chunda and Alan in sispec; Weikai, Jason, Alvin and Jeremy in ocs; Songhai in his flight experience programme; and Joshua in some airport security thingee... where are the rest of you guys? Huaquan? Wenyi? And how bout people like iew Boon and Duwen.. anyone noe where they go?

yvonne - 04/08/98 04:27:25

guess now tt posting's out... lotsa mixed reactions... pple who get into OCS not wanting to coz of the tough training to come and confinement... pple in SISPEC who would rather go to OCS... the prestige maybe.... the fact that you are an OFFICER... an ext a bar on yoru uniform... whatever it is... wherever you go... guess that you all ought to do the best you can ..... find meaning even in the most mundane of things... make the best out of it..... to put it harshly.... like it or not you're stuck there !! t's better than mauling over the what ifs and if i had gone to blah blah.... accept it.... in everything we're put thru.. everywhere we're put... i believe tt if only we'll look hard enough... we'll find the rainbow beyond the dark clouds.... hope you all will find joy in whatever you're doing..... oh yeah... congrats to those that got into where they wanted to.... :)...

karab - 04/07/98 11:54:41

hmm... articles for tarzan and jane... act i tink "twelve" sounds so much better... mebbe some inspirational quotes... or mebbe we could like have a roster... we take turns to write abt what we are doing now.... have learnt from life... act the army really teaches a lot... and it's true.. us guys crap way too much abt army when we meet...kinda spoils the get-together sometimes... we really leave the girls out... dunno...beyond all the acronyms and terms we tok abt in army, there really are lessons learned... i was just tinking like anyone of us guys can write some article abt exps in NS... tone down the army language perhaps... then we can all read in our own leisure... perhaps we might crap less when we all meet? can be anything... from ghost stories... to p rserverance... u noe the stuff they write in reader's digest.. hee hee.. mebbe even funny incidents.... any comments? anyway... songhai..wah lau..really lucky ...get to lobo for 10 weeks in flight expereience program... mama...chunda...take heart okay..... dun feel too down... army's 2 yrs... still got a great life after 2 yrs... even now also... it ain't tt bad if u tink abt how much better compared to the guys in OCS... they're supposed to be having their "hell week" soon.... well...advice is whatever vocation u're in...learn to find a way to make it worthwhile...even enjoyable... tt's how i survive my training too i guess... smile guys!!! god bless... love, Howey! Ü

Alan - 04/07/98 09:56:09

Alan sez, Sispec ain't all that bad. Think of all the crap that the cadets have to go through. At least sispec warriors get to go out this weekend. And we might be considered sort of "2nd class" right now, but everyone says that people from sispec who cross over in o ocs actually turn out to be better officers. Think about that. Crossing over after tri-service term cuts out a lot of torture. I still want to try my best in sispec. Whether or not I cross over, I would be happy to have done my best.

Chunda - 04/07/98 03:29:20

Don't complain. I am suffering in silence and awaiting confinement at this worn out building that overlooks your beloved country club. Actually, I had the notion that I was coming here but I never expected conditions to be so bad. FYI, the building my B C Y occupies is 30+ yr old and was previously used by my beloved friends accross the street before they decided to move into the country club. Do you know how demoralising it is when I watched Jeremy and Weikai congratulating each other enthusiastically in front of me and then the majority of my acquaintances disappear up another bus? In short, I do feel left out... partly for not being garang but also for not taking up a govt scholarship (Ain't people realistic?). Anyway, I have not decided on whether to f ght for OCS in my 10 weeks of the BSL course. .. 6th of April is a sad day... even the skies poured for me. -The weary guy

mama - 04/07/98 01:31:22

Hi! Finally got my account working again. Got my posting already. Sigh. What a lobo. I'm posted to the Sch of Signals. No OCS, no SISPEC, and more importantly no chance for any scholarships. Just went the Sig. Sch yesterday only to find that the course (w ich is abt 6 wks) is full and I'll have to wait for another course, porbably early May or late April. As such I will be posted to a unit in the meantime while I wait to be called up for the course. But no uunit has claimed me yet( army efficiency), so for the time being (next 2 or 3 days) I will be stoning in the sig. sch. 8-5 stoning. I get to go home too, until I'm claimed by the unit. Don't know how I manage to get myself into such a situation. Supposed to go SISPEC, but got rejected becos I failed my I PT. It was only yesterday that I found out that I failed. Passed every station bt short of 1 point to pass. Anyway, sorry for all this lamenting and complaining. HOpe all you guys do yorselves proud in OCS and SISPEC .

Siwei - 04/06/98 18:22:13

actually.. I think Tarzans and Janes is a lousy name. I was asking for some sugestions during th Bkt TImah hike and theresa came up with "Twelve" whic is not bad, but i want to know if any of you people have any other ideas. Lemme know, yah? And if any of you DON"T want to get the newsletter, also leme know, cause I'm goingto collect monet soon (like maybe $5 or even $10 to cover the next few issues) and peopel who want must pay up OK! I'm not charging you all for the 1st issue cause I ddin't ask your cons nt b4 I sent it. Any suggestions for what to include in the next issue (which should be more meaty). lemme know. What KIND of things do you people want inside. Jokes and cutesy articles? Stuf on outdoors? What? MY plan was to get you people to gimme ideas on what to write and I write the erticle, or in some cases, like this one -- if the subject matter is more relevant to someone else, than I'll get that whoever to write the article instead. FAir? Must tell me what you all want!!! Don't make me do something that you all ar not interested in, OK??