The Donut Ride...

The so called 'Donut Ride' is a free for all that goes most weekend mornings pretty well year-round unless there's snow all over the roads. We always take the same route, and start at the donut shop, Eglinton and Laird, at 9:00am sharp. The 'pack' almost always splits into two or more groups when the hammer drops, shortly after we get north of the city and away from the traffic lights. It's always a good workout as there are some very strong cyclists on this ride. In the peak summer months, there can be close to a hundred riders out. There's the unofficial (nothing about this ride is official) sprint at the King City sign on Keele Street and then some of us go off and do an extra loop with some nasty short hills, instead of sitting in the Bakery too long and losing the groove. This ride is for experienced riders and shouldn't be attended by novices. Go on this ride at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable bumping and riding within centimeters of other riders at speeds well above 60km/hr you should find a more leisure ride and work up to the Donut Ride.
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