"Walking After Midnight"

The weather here in Aurora, Co. is:
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Won't you please come on in and sit a spell on

     Welcome to my Backporch. 
     I am dedicating this space to all of the senior single 
out there in this big wide world.  You know, while I was 
writing this, my Mom came to mind.  How much she used to 
enjoy camping, spending her winters in Arizona where it was 
nice and warm, and just enjoying the companion ship of other
single seniors.  Now, God Bless her heart, she is not able 
to, but she took advantage of the opportunities while she 

     The moral of this story is, get out there and live each 
day to it's fullest while we can, because tomorrow we may not 
be able to.  You don't have to be an avid camper or traveler 
to do this, just do it.

     I have added pages for photos and short stories of your
experiences.  If you would like for me to include some of 
your experiences, send them to me and I will add as many as
I can.  Right now I don't have many, so please help me make 
this a success and send me your inputs.  If you have 
something of yours or your group that you would like to brag 
a little about, or let others know about, please send them to 
me.  You can either mail them, or send them the modern way 
through E-mail.

     Thanks for coming by and do come back.  The coffee pot 
is always on.  We can get a cup, go out in back yard and talk
about the weather or what ever comes to mind. I always need 
an excuse for a break, so do come back.

The BackPorch
Ops, I got caught
with about 6 inches
Flower Bed
More Snow
We Don't see it
lay like this much

I Live Here
Glass Porch
Living room

I Live Here
Potting Shed
My Begonias


Denver 2001 Bugin

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