The B's Little Corner

We are the B's - Danny and Cheryl. The young lady you see in the background is our pride and joy, Cody Gail. Cody celebrated her first birthday on May 15, 2000. She's our little miracle because of the circumstances surrounding her entrance into the world. Cody was born 4 months early at a weight of 15 ounces - just slightly larger than a soft drink can. She spent the first 14 weeks of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Methodist North Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Cody was on a ventilator for seven weeks and came home on August 24, 1999 on oxygen and an apnea monitor. We have been truly blessed as Cody has never been sick, as is so common with micro-preemies. We would be blessed by Cody in any circumstance by having such a sweet, funny little girl in our lives. But considering her prematurity, we are doubly blessed to be allowed to participate in such a miraculous life.
    Cody is doing all the things children her age are doing - cruising, starting to walk, munching on cookies and generally finding trouble wherever she can. She loves anything with buttons and is on a constant mission to find the remote control and the telephone. She is at once sweet, loving, funny, ornery, willful and playful. There's never a dull moment at our house anymore and that's just how we like it!
    Danny works as the Network Coordinator for a local hospital system while Cheryl is a full-time stay at home Mom. Many think that Cody's lucky to have a mom at home all the time, while Cheryl knows that she is the lucky one to have the chance to be with such a sweetie all day, every day.

Bug - We love you!
 Cody's Early Days in NICU and NICU Photos
 Cody's First Year in Pictures
Cheryl, Danny and Cody in the Smokies - April, 2000
Cody's First Birthday
Cody at One
 Cody's First Vacation to the Beach
Photos from the Second Year
Cody at Two Years Old
 Cheryl and Danny
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