Vow to Now

Vow to Now

by Glena M. Ackley


I can't see tomorrow,

I can't see today.

The only thing that matters

Is Now.



A world,

A universe.

The essence of understanding,

The realm of truth.


Moment to moment...

...Breath to breath.

Knowing in your heart

Than chance and coincidence

Are non-existent and spent

(There's no need to check the pudding anymore, dear.)


So say good-bye to fear,

(Fear was never your friend anyway).

Say hello to love...

Open all of your doors and dungeons

With your arms open wide

Your eyes will seek the light

And your heart will beat with anticipation

And you will know the beauty of truth.


So make a vow to "Now"

Make a promise to a dream.

Live each day with wonder and say,

"I'm gonna make today a day to remember,

Unlike any I've lived before.

I'm gonna put my life in God's hands now,

And surrender to his love

I'm gonna let the warmth and beauty embrace me,

I'm gonna allow myself to "be",

For I am truly free.

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