The Pack 855’er


It's Blue and Gold Banquet time again, folks! Thanks for coming out this evening and wishing Boy Scouts of America a big ol' Happy Birthday! Hope y'all have a good time tonight.

Please be sure to stick around for ALL of the den awards and don't be afraid to pitch in to clean up after the meeting!!!

Just a few announcements that I would like everyone to be aware of …

A HUGE "hats off" to my better half, Lori and to her employer, Lend/Lease Real Estate Management. Lori submitted a request to their foundation for financial help on the Blue and Gold Banquet. Lend/Lease responded by sending her a check for $1000 to be used towards our B & G. Thanks to them, y'all are eating for free tonight! Way to go, Lori and a BIG THANKS to her employer, Lend/Lease!!

To everyone else out there, don't be bashful in checking to see if your company does the above! It doesn't hurt to ask and the worst they can say is no.

Congratulations to all the winners of the Annual Pack 855 Pinewood Derby! The winners are listed below:


1st Place - Zack Stewart

2nd Place - Ryan Washington

3rd Place - Gary Rogers


Most Original - Jonathan Johnson

Most Classic - John Riley

Most Humorous - Sean McCarty

Most Futuristic - Devin Hammon

Most Colorful - Pete Perez


Den Chiefs - 1st Place - Chris Gandy

2nd Place - Nick Johnson

3rd Place - Chris Hicks


Leaders - 1st Place - James Folk

2nd Place - Ricky Ray

3rd Place - Judy Johnson


I would also like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding after having to be relocated to the gym for this event. The Powers That Be at Range neglected to inform me of the ongoing work in the cafeteria when I


called earlier in the week, but everything worked out OK, anyway. Thanks again!

Finally, a BIG HAND to the following Scouts for all of their hard work during our Popcorn Sales Drive. Everyone's hard work during these helps our Pack go and enables us to finance the Pack throughout the year and also to avoid as many Fundraisers as possible.

Here are our Top Sellers:


#1 - Adam Folk

#2 - (Tie) Kyle & Mark Ramsey

#3 - Brandon Darr


Great job, guys!!

And now to Den News …

Those crafty Jaguars have spent the last three months completing a variety of projects in order to earn the Craftsmen Activity Pin. In December, they made Rudolph ornaments and tin lanterns for Christmas. During January, the boys did some copper designs, built birdhouses and created their Blue and Gold decorations. This month they have been busy with their Puppet Show they are presenting tonight. They brainstormed the idea for their play and made their puppets and designed their puppet theater. They will also receive the Showman Activity Pin.

The Flaming Dragons have been very industrious and have gone on a number of field trips the past couple of months. They all have been busy completing their Webelos Badge requirements, which they will receive tonight. They also worked on their Communicator pins and have begun work on the Family Member Activity Pin. The boys went on a field trip to McDonald's and to the Mesquite Main Library where they got a tour and for those who didn't already have one, a new Library Card.

The boys also spent time making First Aid kits and the pictures and picture frame decorations, which are on display this evening. One meeting, the pastor from St. Pius Catholic Church visited with the boys and discussed God and Cub Scouts to complete the religious portion of the Webelos Badge.

Last but not least, congrats to the Dragon's Den Chief, Andrew Alman, on being elected Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 138 and on completing his Eagle Project the weekend before last. Andrew conducted a cave cleanup at Colorado Bend State Park that was attended by eight other boys from his Troop. It was a lot of fun, despite the rain, and did a lot to benefit the State Park system and the Edwards Aquifier.

Great job, Andrew! Your parents are proud.

I'm sure that the other dens have been just as busy as the Jaguars and the Flaming Dragons, but if the Editor DOESN"T RECEIVE INPUTS FROM DEN LEADERS, THEN THERE IS NO NEWS TO REPORT. Parents, gently remind your Den Leader that you would like the rest of the Pack to know what y'all have been up to!

Finally, a big thanks to Dorothy Erdmann who graciously volunteered to conduct a course in CPR at our last Leaders' Meeting, which was held February 12th at the Alman's house. I was hoping that we would have more leaders attend but those that did

Learned a very valuable skill that may be necessary some day. Once again, a big thanks to Dorothy and Trish for their help!