Hi, we're Boy Scout Troop 381!

We are Boy Scout Troop 381 of Alexandria, Indiana.

We belong to the Sakima District in Indiana.

We are in the Crossroads of America Council.

This month's campout: District Campout at Camp Redwing on the 19th, 20th, and 21st!

We urge you to tell others about our page, and if you have a page, and would like to have us as a link, PLEASE contact us at the address below.

We also urge you to encourage your local Scout Troop. If you know anyone who would like to get involved with scouting, please contact us so that we may encourage them, and please help them yourselves! We are today's youth, and tomorrow's leaders. The more we know, the better we'll be prepared.

"On my honor..."

Oh, don't forget to sign our guestbook!

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Life through the eyes of a student at Anderson University.

Kate Timmons for President.

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since July 15, 1997.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to E-mail us at


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This page was setup and maintained by Daniel Erwin, Senior Patrol Leader.