
There are many sources and resources that you can utilize to help you in your Scouting venture. 

1.  Roundtables - A great way to learn what is going on in the your district and council.  This is also a great place for Scouters to share ideas and problems.

2.  Other Scouters - get to know the Scouters in your area.  Try to get to know there areas of expertise.  It is very hard if you try to survive and grow on your own.. Do not try to invent the wheel everytime you do something.  There is probably someone who has tried what you are doing or who has dealt with the problems you are dealing with.

3.  Mentors - adopt someone as your mentor.  You do not have to adopt just one person, you can have a group of mentors.  Mentors are very useful in any area of your life.

4.  Scout executives - they are there and get paid to help.  Get to know who your executives are.  They can be quite a useful resource.  Do not forget the chain of command!

5.  Publications and books
     - Scouting magazine
     - Boy's Life
Scouter Magazine (MY FAVORITE)
     -The Official Boy Scout Handbook
     -The Scoutmaster Handbook
     -Junior Leader Handbook
     -Woods Wisdom
     -Scoutmaster's Junior Leader Training Kit
     -Scoutmastership Fundamentals the BAsic Training Course
     -Roundtable Planning Guide
     -Health and Safety Guide
     -Tours and Expeditions
     -Advancement Guidelines
     -Insignia Guide
     -Guide to Safe Scouting


7.  Training Courses

8.  Cracker Barrels