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A lot of my pages are from backgrounds belonging to some very talented people. I have given credit for all background, poetry that I have borrowed with permission from the artist..
If you notice that credit hasn't been given when it should, please email me and I will rectify it ASAP.
There are also graphics in this Website  that have been sent to me over the years. If by chance they are copyright please notify me and I will also either delete those or, give credit.
If I have upset anyone by using something in my website that shouldn't be there, I opologise and, it was not intentional.

Thank you for visiting my website
<bgsound src="forever.mid">
My name is Lynne  aka Yakkadoo
I live in A  town in Gippsland Australia called Sale.

Above in the sideshow are some pictures of some of the scenery we have and also the Roulettes at play.
I hope you enjoy the visit here as I have enjoyed making these pages. Huggles!
Only months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds left until the new year!!!
Loves Gentle Essense
Listen to The Children
The Magic Of Love
Friendship Tapestry
Friendship Road
Rhonda & Anns Page (Wav)
Message From Heaven
Hello Mom
Frail Old Angel
Tomorrow    (Applet )
Brothers  (Applet)
My Daughters
Hello God
My Sons (Applet)
Yesterday Silence
Friendships Dying
Guardian Angel
Teddybear (Red Sovine)
Will you still love me
The Cold Within
Pennies from Heaven
Touch My Heart
Those Who Love You
Angel Hugs ( Eve )
Hearts and Flowers
To Ann with Love
Special Friends
Aussie Love Poem
Today Tomorrow ( Wav )
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Mothers Love
Night Hon, Sweet dreams
23.12.1932    -------   22.05.2006
Owing to undesirable messages being left in my Guestbook, I will now be scrutinising all entries before they are entered. I opologise to the genuine people that sign my Guestbook and thank you for taking the time to make an entry.
Click here for My Christmas page to you.