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Here is a list of Value Experiences I put together for the Wards in our Stake.  Any suggestions are welcome.  Alice G-Arizona

The Lord Is My Light Value Ideas


     . Make a list of things that you want to do to increase your faith & the Light of Christ in your live. Make a goal to work on one item per
     week Keep track of your progress. Bear your testimony of how the Light of Christ has increased in your live by taking pictures of
     people doing Christlike things that increase the light for others and then put those pictures to music as a slide presentation or as a
     video for your YWIE project Excellence Project.

     . Be in charge of a YW Bulletin board in your building using the theme "The Lord is My Light" & Faith. Collect pictures from the other
     wards of YW who are "Shinning Brightly" and update board frequently. Could use Picture of Flashlight with caption "As we
     follow the light of Christ and His example we will not walk in darkness or stray from the path that leads us to Him. Take pictures of
     Bulletin Board and make a poster to display at YWIE

     . "Wax Strong" in Faith.  Study all of the scriptures that have to do with "Light" and then put together a Scripture Treasure
     Hunt for a Mutual Night Activity. As part of the evening, learn to dip candles. Display some of your candles at YWIE along with your
     Treasure Hunt script.

     . "Light of Testimony" your testimony can light another's testimony and will grow brighter as you share it with others.
     President Spencer W. Kimball said, "One of the most important ways we nourish our testimonies is by sharing them with other. Sharing
     our testimonies not only builds others but brings great "light" and further blessings into our own lives . Make a goal to fast once a
     month, seeking the guidance of the Spirit, and then bear your testimony. For your project, make a comforter and then share how the
     Holy Ghost has been your "comforter" as you've fasted and prayed and asked for guidance for the Lord.

     Divine Nature

     . Look up all the scriptures, talks, poems, and stories, you can on light. Put in a notebook and make a "Lighthouse" cover for it. (Piecing
     together fabric-I have a pattern. Make a goal to "Become a Lighthouse" and write down the steps you'll take to achieve it.
     When goals is accomplished, make a handout about "goals" for the YW in your class and give a short presentation during opening
     exercises in Young Women's or give a short object lesson about goals. Display your Notebook at YWIE

     . Put together a slide presentation for "His Image in Your Countenance" and explain how you will be an example of this. (Call me- I can
     help you with this) Keep a journal of your progress and at YWIE give your slide presentation.

     . It's Your Time to "Shine"-Radiate Christlike qualities at home Be a "Nephi" I will go, I will do. when asked to do a
     chore, come to Family Home Evening w/a happy attitude, call mom and dad for Scripture Study before they call you, ask yourself often
     "What would the Lord most want me to do? At YWIE share experiences you've had during the year with your family.

Individual Worth

     . A Candle loses nothing by lighting another candle  be the "Candle" of friendship and "Light" another candle. Choose a YW
     in the ward who you would like to know better but haven't yet. Be her secret sister and at YWIE you can revel who you are.

     . "Lighting the way" for others by fasting & praying about someone to share the gospel with. Ask that person to come to a fireside, a
     church meeting, or mutual activity. When you feel the time is right, give them a Book of Mormon with your testimony written inside. Be a
     true friend even if they don't seem interested in the church and then share your experiences at YWIE.

     . In his book, "Hasten My Work" Elder Wells tells a story about a student from a university ward is getting off the bus to go to church,
     and he sees another student in front of him who looks like he's going to church too and he thinks he's a new guy. He
     thinks, "I'll go meet him. So he walks up, puts his arm round the other young man and says, "Hey, how you doing? Are you
     new at the university?" "Yeah" he says. "Hey, do you want to come to church with me?" "He says, "Sure" and off they go. They sit
     together, sing together, and take the sacrament and everything. At the end of the meeting, the student asked, "What priesthood do you
     hold?" And the other young man replies, "I don't know what you mean" The student, "Aren't you LDS?" "No", the
     other says. Then the student says, "But you sang the hymns". "Well wasn't I suppose to?" "Well, you took the Sacrament". "I
     knew what that was. You put your arm around me so I thought I'd come to church with you. "Oh, okay, well hey, lets go to
     Priesthood mtg. This young man was baptized because someone put his arm around him and said, "Hey, how you doing?"

     Make a point to say hello to someone at Church on Sunday (besides your friends). Look for new people, or people who are visiting and
     go up to them after the meeting and introduce yourself and see if they need help getting to a class. Do this until YWIE and then share
     your some of your experiences.


     . Learn to play or sing the song "Like a Lighthouse".  or the "Lord Is My Light"-or "Master, The Tempest is Raging". Arrange
     with the Bishop for you to give a talk in church on how Christ is our lighthouse and we too can be a light house to others or
     how someone else has been a lighthouse to you. And then Play or Sing your song. Also play or sing for your YWIE project.

     . Research and learn how to design you own Web Page for the Internet. Using the theme of "Light" make a youth web page for the
     youth in Page. Monitor and update frequently. Have a place to share stories, thoughts, favorite scriptures etc. Give a Report at

     . Light Is Knowledge - Collect recipes and cook one night a week. Take Pictures of your experience, or a video, (need a lot of parental
     help with this one) and then share some of your recipes with the YW at YWIE.

     Choice & Accountability

     . "Let Your "Light" Shine. Make a goal to not watch inappropriate television programs, movies, or listen to inappropriate music and then
     write a skit about "Being an Example of the Lord's Word, Thought, Speech, Action, & Appearance. Perform you Skit at YWIE.

     . Make the Sabbath a Holy Day not a Holiday. Elder Nelson asked, "Would you like to know where you are spiritually? Ask yourself,
     "What do you think about during the Sacrament and How do you treat the Sabbath". Ask yourself, "What would I give up to know
     God and read Alma 22:l8 and then make the goal. Also make a goal to be on time for Church on Sundays. Choose to get something from
     the meeting and then go home and write what it was in your journal. Also share what you learned with your family. At YWIE share
     some of your experiences and display a list of things you did to make the Sabbath a Holy day.

Good Works

     . "Star"tling Surprises. Secretly do something for someone once a week. Prepare star-shaped cards cut from yellow construction paper
     and write "Now Let Your Light So Shine" by doing something for someone else. (Some examples: Volunteer time at the
     "Another Way Thrift Store". Baby-sit free of charge so someone can attend the temple. Make a bed for brother or sister.) Share some of
     your experiences at YWIE.

     . Make a goal to go and visit Sister Tenny at least once a month. (or someone else you know). Take her something like flowers from the
     garden, a poem you like, a favorite scripture and ask her to share hers. It doesn't have to be something from the store. Ask her
     to tell you about her life.. Ask her about her testimony and when she knew the church was true. Ask her what she feels is the most
     important thing a mother can do for a child .etc. Record what she tells you. Take pictures, type out what she tells you and put
     together a history and then give it to her to give to her children. Share your experience at YWIE.


     . Keep a journal of the things you do on a daily basis that are helping you get to the temple. If possible, take a picture of your favorite
     temple and learn about it when it was built, who dedicated the ground for it, anything you can find out. Put that picture on your
     bedroom door so you'll see it everyday as a reminder of your goal. When making choices ask, "Will this Choice Lead Me to the
     Temple? Show that you have integrity by doing what you know is right. Make a Temple Envelope out of a Battenburg lace table runner
     to take to the temple on your wedding day as your display for YWIE. Also share some of your experiences.

     . Find a way everyday to show that you have integrity. Write down in your journal what it way. Do a cross-stitch of the YW Torch
     Logo to display at YWIE and share some of your experiences.