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Femininity -- I am Using It
Fem-in-in-ity is my leg-a-cy, created from a-bove.
I will Ra-di-ate my di-vin-i-ty through gen -tle-ness and love.
I will keep my-self clean in ev-ry way.
Di-vine a-dorn-ment show.
Inner beau-ty  ra-di-ates  from me.
My   fem-in-in-i-ty.
 When I wink my eye, ev-ry guy will sigh,
and fall down on his knee.
I’ll be read-y when my Prince a-ppears,
for  all e-tern  -  i  - ty.

I’m a prec- ious  dau – gh - ter of God.
I will live right-eous-ly.
ex-pa - nd my hor- I- zon of under- stan- ding.
I will  walk tall in vir-tue for all the world to see.
I am Show-ing what’s di- vine-ly mine.  My    fem- in- in-i-ty.
 When I wink my eye, ev-ry guy will sigh,
and fall down on his knee.
I’ll be read-y when my Prince a-ppears,
for  all   e - tern  -  i -  ty.