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CLASS LETTER: -  Take out paper and pensils and write a letter to a missionary or inactive girl.  Give the girls a Theme, paper, pensils, and anything else you might have on hand, at the library, or in your closet. Then have them make a Mormonad.  They don't have to do it all at once.  Have them work on it for a while then when they loose interest collect the work and hold onto it.  Keep it in your stuff you bring everywhere and when they need it have them work on it again.  A good theme idea is this years theme Turning the Hearts Toward the Family.  If they want let them chang it a bit ie... Turn your heart to your family, Turn to your Family, give your heart to your family.  Let them choose.

MISSIONARIES - "Have a missionary night. (1) Fix dinner for current ward missionaries. (2) Prepare care packages or write letters to missionaries (from ward). (3) Select 3 mothers whose son or daughter are currently serving missions. Ask each mother to be prepared to share the things she did to prepare her son/daughter for a mission. At the same time, send a blank tape to the missionary son/daughter (without the parents knowing it). Ask the missionaries to tell the YW about the role their mothers played in preparing them for a mission . Make it very clear that you need the tapes back ASAP. Make sure you allow some extra time for foreign country mailings. Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope with enough postage for the return of your tape. " 
MISSIONARY WEEK: -  (for ideas see Missionary Week Ideas)