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WEDDING GAME: -  - You get a bunch of different candy bars ((try not to get 2 that are the same)  and toilet paper for each person.  Everyone gets a partner and they make  wedding dresses on each other using the toilet paper.  The person who made  the best dress can get an extra candy bar or a special prize.  The candy  bars are a representation of husbands and you read the descriptions of the  candy bars the girls picked (which you can make up before-hand). Then you  can have the girls write some qualities they want to have in their future  husbands.
ANNUAL TEMPLE NIGHT: -  We just had our annual temple night.  Every year we have the Laurels dress in wedding gowns, and the Mia maids and Beehives dress in bridesmaid/semiformal dresses. They love dressing up and the Laurels feel special that night. We have a different program every year but about temple marriage. This year we performed a skit about getting married the "wrong way" and then presented it as if it were a dream and the bride woke up out of the dream and was glad it wasn't true. We had someone sing the song that was in The New Era,  Sept 1998  which went with the theme perfectly. We had handouts for the girls, temple recommend holders, ( which they made themselves personal progress night but did not know why), crocheted coat hangers, and handmade white handkerchiefs. We had a photo session and refreshments were wedding cake and punch. I have the script for the skit available. It was a spiritual evening. We had the room decorated in white, with greenery, white lights, temple pictures, flowers etc. Please write if you have any questions. Tawnie

MARRIAGE PREPARATION: - Have an LDS Marriage Counselor or the Bishop come and talk about preparing for marriage and resolving conflicts within marriage so it can last for eternity. 
SAND CLAY TEMPLES:  The Sand Clay Temples instructions are located at: http://primaryetc.com/sandclay.htm