My Little Row-Row

This page is dedicated to my best friend in the world - Rowan! I cannot even begin to describe how wonderful Rowan is, and I certainly couldn't live without him! I've been friends with him for getting on for 4 years now, and he's been living with me for nearly a year... he is such FUN to live with because he's ... well, he's just ROWAN! (Those of you who know him will know what I mean!) He has many good qualities, the best of which are drunkeness and extreme intelligence. He has an IQ of 176 and gets rather irate if someone gets this wrong. However, I am not sure whether to believe him on this matter, as I have never borne witness to any type of certificate, and he is constantly doing stupid things... maybe he's just eccentric?? His daily spasticity is probably due to the copious amounts of alcohol he consumes. I don't think I shall blame it on the Gin or the fine Whisky he chooses, but there is little doubt that Frosty Jacks cider has damaged his brain cells. There are many tales of drunken debauchery that I could relate to you right here about little Rowan, but I think he would not appreciate that too much. So I'll keep quiet (yes, masks, clowns, mummies, and wearing my underwear does come into it somewhere along the way...!).

Rowan likes to think he is punk and a really hard man. This is true to a great extent - the music taste, the hair, the attitude - but he is also a complete wimp!!! He cannot order takeaways on his own, he refuses to go out to local punk gigs (because he loves to hate the scene, and appear aloof from the masses), and he needs me to push his wheelchair. Row can also be a bitch, and likes to order me to roll every single fag that he smokes, pour every single glass of alcohol that he drinks, ride to the video shop and get every video he wants to watch, and fetch every single piece of food he desires from Spar round the corner. I suppose I'm the fool, doing all this shit for him, but I like to keep him happy because he can be a psycho when he gets hold of kitchen knives and lighters. When I refuse to do anything for him he gets all upset / abusive and tells me I don't love him enough. The truth is though, that he needs a minder and constant round-the-clock attention, because he is The Rowan and he apparently deserves it.

What else does Rowan love? He likes: Transformers, Gobots, comics, catroons, Cheap Trick, the Wildhearts, the Ramones, Billy Joel, Michael Jackson, Rocky films, gore movies, My Little Ponies, Care Bears, Glow Worms, Monster in My Pocket, spending lots of money, eating meat (he's an ex vegan now!), and... drawing the WONDERFUL Mr.Monkey! Which is the best comic strip ever to grace the Internet! Please visit it at:

and make him the happiest person alive! You won't regret it (unless your best friend is a mongoloid and your dad's in jail for paedophilia or eating a baby...) I'll have a personal Mr Monkey comic strip scanned in here very soon - i.e. when I can be assed to get on with it! - (on the topic of My Little Ponies) - so keep your eyes peeled!

On a closing note, Rowan is fantastic. I love the man, and he makes my life worthwhile. Since he moved in for good (at least I hope!!) I've never had so much fun in my life. He has helped me through bad times, cheered me up when I'm down, made me laugh, given me some wonderful things, and best of all he's just THERE for me all the time, and I've never EVER had a better friend. I hope he'll always be around... and I think I'll finish this here because if Rowan reads this he'll have his head down the toilet bowl by now!!!

I love you Rowan!


Thanks to Weapon X for the graphix!