Be Your Own Boss of Your Life

By Janet Warrick Wilcox

What do you want to do that you haven’t been doing for yourself?

What would you like to do?  Where would you like to do?  It’s your choice.  You can begin now.  There are a lot of ideas to choose from, all you need is a calendar and go for it.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?  You can enjoy being part of that life now.  Check out the bookstores.  Authors hold book signings, give lectures, and teach classes.  Your local bookstore has a list of events for that month.

What kind of a book would you write?  Find a group that caters to that area.  For example, do you want to write children’s or young adult books?  The Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators holds meetings once a month.  Check your local paper for dates and times, or go to the SCBWI website for the name and phone number of the local leader to find out when and where it is held.  If you aren’t sure you want to join, attend one or two meetings to see if it is something you would enjoy.  The SCBWI people are writers (not all are published yet) and are more than happy to have a new face in the crowd to cheer on.  The give excellent critiques and guidance.   Look for meetings for the writer in you, all in your local area.

Do you want to be a fashion designer, quilt maker or crafter?  To get started, there are classes held at the local sewing stores.  For example, JoAnn Fabrics holds classes in all three areas.  Your local sewing machine store may hold classes.  The small weekly papers advertise local classes.  Each store has their own newsletter and details upcoming events.  Get on their mailing list.

Do you have a lot of pictures that need to go into albums?  Check out your local scrapbook store.  There are a number of places that hold classes, instruction and ideas.  You and your family will enjoy the results.  You can learn how to do it and what supplies to use.   You could become an instructor or entrepreneur and help others with their albums.

Other interests you may have are ceramics and/or sculpture.  Look for sculpting classes at museums and local universities.  They also teach painting and drawing.  If you enjoy ceramics, kilns are relative low in price now and as another alternative you could rent it out to others who have the same hobbies and interests.

Hobby shops either give classes, or know where the specialty hobbyists are located.  Do you have a hobby where supplies can only be found in a hobby shop?  Ask questions, find out where your local specialty club is located and go to their meetings.

Remember there are always adult education classes that teach most of the above-mentioned projects.  Don’t forget that libraries are now teaching the Internet free.  There are any number of classes and hobbies where you can become involved.  The greatest benefit in finding these places of your interest is that you will be getting to know people who share your interests.  This is very energizing.

After you have chosen a field you want to become more involved with, put the dates of the meetings, events, or classes in your calendar.  You may miss a few meetings at first (it’s hard to begin new habits), but you’ll become energized just reading about what they are going to be doing next and make those plans to go.  As long as it is listed in your calendar as a to do you will get around to eventually doing it and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!  You’ll be glad you did.  Plus, add friends that will cheer you on too.

Give it a try.  What have you got to lose?




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