
Did you think I did all this by myself? Heck no, I had help!

Samson: Sometimes from persons more insane than her.

Sonia: If you can believe it.

First the legal stuff:

Cats and everything related to it belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber and the Really Useful Group. I am not associated with them in any way and make no money with this page, from them or anyone else. That said let me move on to the people I actually want to thank.

TS Eliot:

Without him there would be no Cats. I sometimes wonder what he would say if he could tell ALW exactly what he thought of the musical. For all we know he's spinning in his grave.

My parents:

Without them there would be no me.

Sonia: And the world might be better off for it.

I'm ignoring you. Specifically my mother for helping me with those annoying little stumbling blocks like sentance structure and other grammar things. And she and my two brothers are to be thanked for occasionally letting me bounce ideas off of them.

Samson: And somehow they've managed to keep their sanity.

Sonia: For the most part.


The keeper of the Asylum has been an immense help to me in one way or another. She gave me the brick wallpaper for the opening page. She drew the lovely pix of Samson and Sonia.

Samson: Hey, yeah. Thanks, Rheow!

Sonia: Without you we wouldn't know what we look like.

Without her you wouldn't exist, period. It was from talking to her and her equally insane friend, Mooky that I came up with the idea of having you on the page in the first place.

Samson and Sonia: Thanx, Rhee!

She has also added her own silly and/or cynical remarks to all the crossover parodies I'm working on. And she and Mooky also are both to be commended for letting me bounce crazy story ideas off of them.

Sonia: They're already crazy so it has no effect on them.

Thanks also go to all the artists who have contributed to my gallery. Please send more! And thank you to all the kitties who have read my fics and sent feedback, and especially those who have chosen to honour me with a link on their own pages. If I don't have a link to your page, email me at and I will put it up as soon as I can.

Hmmm, have I missed anyone?

Samson: Probably.

Sonia: That's what happens when you try to thank everyone who has ever helped you with something.

Not to worry, I'll update this page as my memory allows.

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