Bubba says HOWDY!!!

Welcome again to my page!

My real name is Tony but you can call me Bubba.  I'm 34 years old.  In early
July 98 I moved from Cincinnati, OH to Boston, MA to be with my wonderful hubby Rob.
 Check out our web site that we made together called  BeefNBubba's page.


 Here's me and Rob at the Boston Pride Parade that was held on July 11, 1998.

Here's Rob with his beloved Jeep. Isn't he sexy? He is the main reason I moved to Boston. WOOF!!!

Here's me at work in the machine shop back in Cincinnati.. I used to work in a medium
sized shop where I ran CNC type machining centers. Behind me is a Brother machining
center that can make a hell of a mess if you don't know what you're doing...

Now I work as an IS support tech here in the Boston area.
Sorry but I don't have any pics of that to show.They would
be boring anyway since it would just show me working at
or on a computer.

Here's a fairly recent pic of me and my little sister Hope.  She is very cool and we get along great. She
is13 years younger than me but I act immature so the age difference doesn't seem to matter too much.

Here's  a pic of  my little sisters Lisa and Hope. It was taken
a few years ago.  I have another, older sister also but I don't
have any good pics of her right now.

There's more on the next page if you're still awake enough to care...