Part 8

Powell slowly turned his face into Kurl's direction, a smile on his face.
- "I guess it's your turn now my beautiiful boy. Why don't you show to your = 
new friend all your skills and abilities. He 
should be delighted to see that, don't you think??..." William turned his h= 
ead to see the hunky bodyguard behind him. 
This latter was actually watching him too, with a satisfying grin on his fa= 
- "It's an excellent idea Maximilien. HHis eyes were still in William's. I'm= 
sure you burn to know what I'm capable of...
- "But why... I... What the poin..."
without leaving William's look. 
The group of men behind him didn't move. 
They were looking alternately Tyler and then Kurl. The huge muscle god bega= 
n to slowly walk towards them. It was 
the first time that William could see his back. It was amazing. Through the= 
leather, every muscle was visible. 
It was like a second skin. His waist was so narrow that his shoulders looke= 
d immense. His butt looked firm and 
round in this dark pants.  He stopped at 10 meters from them and placed his= 
fists on his waist.
- "Do you prefer to fight him or me???...."
Hearing that, every man began to run into Tyler's direction. Just one guy s= 
tood there.
- "I don't received any order from you  !!..." said the guy. He was one of t= 
he biggest of the group. Wearing a big shirt 
without sleeves and a jean, he was looking like a woodcutter. He was about = 
40 and was carrying a huge I beam bar. 
His arms seemed very strong.
- "Ooohh, a rebel ??... I love that !!!!"
The blond guy looked at William. " It seems that this fool will be perfect = 
to begin !"
- "All I know is that you're new in thee Powell's team and you don't know ex= 
actly who you are talking to."
- "And me, all I know is that I have thhis I beam bar and I will cruch you != 
- "William !!! Why don't you come closeer to watch the show from a better pl= 
ace ?!"
The young scientist hesitated and then began to walk towards Kurl. Behind h= 
im, he could hear the sound of fight 
between Tyler and the 15 men. William didn't worry for him and the screamin= 
g of the men was showing that he was 
right. Those poor guys couldn't ever stop him. Never.
He stopped just on the side of the young bodyguard. Kurl was watching him, = 
smiling. "It's time for you to know what 
real strength is..."
With that words, the older man lifted with both hands his bar on the side a= 
nd run towards Kurl. He hit the left shoulder 
of the bodyguard on the side in big "BBAAAMMMM". But the blond hunk didn't = 
move at all. The I beam bar was still on 
the top of his left arm. The face of the man was contorting with surprised.= 

- "What the heck...How it is possible !!!"
The huge bodyguard had still his wrists on his waist with a cocky attitude.= 
He had now a big smile on his face.
- "You have to hit me harder than that  if you want to cruch me, old guy!!
With a roar, the man put the I beam bar behind his head, arching his back a= 
nd sent it on Kurl's big traps. 
BBAAAAMMMM !!! But once again, no effect on the blond hunky boy. William co= 
uldn't believe his eyes. "This guy is so 
sure of that strength that he didn't have anymore instincts of move when th= 
e man made his attack. He didn't even 
blink !!! And this big guy in front of him seemed very strong. I don't thin= 
k that even Tyler could stagger under his blow 
like that. He didn't move at all!!!!"
- "Is that all you have ???... Come on,, try again !!! His opponent replace = 
the bar above his head and hit him at the 
same point.... BBAAAAMMMM !!!... 
nothing again,... BBAAAAMMMM !!! ...BBAAAAMMMM !!! ....BBAAAAMMMM !!! .....= 

Kurl began to laugh :
- "Don't you see that you're no match ffor me !!
In a fast move, instead of loaded his attack above his head, the man placed= 
the I beam bar on the side, like this first 
attack but this time he was targetting the head. Kurl easily stopped it, fe= 
w inches from his cheek.
- "It's enough, now !! you're not funnyy anymore !! You're too weak for me a= 
nd I get bored. You don't need that anymore 
!" He quickly took off the bar from the hands of the man. "So, William, wha= 
t do you think of what you just saw ?... Not 
bad, hum ???!! "His eyes left the face of the man to cross the young scient= 
ist's look. "A second generation, William. 
I'm not only taller and bigger than the majority of men but my whole body i= 
s more dense than anyone. The human 
muscle density is about 25%. Tyler's one is about 42%. 
Mine is exactly at 96%. And as a matter of fact my strength is multiplied. = 
I'm virtually invulnerable. But virtuality is now 
He put his other hand on the other extremity of the bar. 
-"I'm so fucking strong that I'm still  amazed by myself !!!" He began to ap= 
ply a little pressure and the bar easily bent.
- "Come on, William, feel my arm. You nnever felt anything like that 
before." William was quivering... if all that was true, this guy was the be= 
st on Earth. "Even Tyler couldn't stand a ghost 
of a chance in front of him." The hand of the teenager got close to Kurl's = 
round biceps. When his fingers touched the 
leather, William was shocked. It was like touching an iron ball. He placed = 
all his palm on it and put his left hand on 
Kurl's triceps. William couldn't say a word. It was beyond everything he ha= 
d experienced. His both hands were 
massaging the mighty arm for at least a minute. The metal was screaming as = 
his hands were getting closer; making 
a U inversed with the bar. Jason Kurl was savoring this moment. The bar was= 
now totally bent. Kurl dropped it and 
turned to face William. The young scientist was compelled to lift his head = 
to see the blond god in the eyes. 
Just in front of his face, the zip of the leather jacket was shining in the= 
sun. His huge pecs were like two huge steel 
- "My whole body is that hard..." said  Kurl in a serious voice. "I know tha= 
t you can't wait to see me take this jacket off. 
You want to see this body, you want to feel it... but most of all, you want= 
to see me thrashing your hero. You want to 
see me destroying him... You will..." He smiled a bit and regained control = 
as he turned his face in the direction of the 
poor guy in front of him. "But now I have to show you that I have some othe= 
r surprises for you, my little William."
He approached his prey, placed the back of his hand close to the right chee= 
k of his opponent and in a light speed 
move, slapped him. The man flied backwards and stopped, crushing against a = 
rock, close to the cliff which was 
overhanging the little road from where they arrived.
William was amazed. Kurl didn't give anything in that blow and the result w= 
as astonishing. "Oh, my God, he is 
unbelievable!!!" Kurl slowly walk to the cliff and took a rock, the size of= 
a soccer ball.
- "On top of every enhancements I get wwith the technology of Maximilien, th= 
e best gift I received is a total knowledged of 
every fighting arts. I'm a fighting master, a killing machine, against me, = 
no one is fast enough or strong enough. I can 
anticipate every move, I can block every attack. I'm the perfect fighter." = 
He was getting closer of the teenager as he 
"Your champion is already dead !!!  Consider me now as your new champion!! = 
Just to figure you what is going to 
happen to your hero, after he realized he couldn't do anything against me, = 
watch this...." He was carrying the rock in 
his left palm, each fingers firmly holding it. In a quick move, he hit the = 
rock with his right fist, slightly and reput his fist 
along his torso. 
On the rock, nothing happened... But little by little, cracks appeared at t= 
he impact. And suddenly the rocks seemed to 
be compressed just where the fist blew it few seconds before making a big h= 
ole in the stone. And after 2 seconds, It 
totally exploded, leaving on Kurl's palm a little heap of dust.
- "I can find any weak point in my oppoonent. I can hit the perfect point th= 
at can make the max of devastation. Imagine 
your hero under that kind of blow. But I won't use them too much... I don't= 
want to win too fast." He was now smiling to 
William as ever. A killing, charming smile... "I'm the perfect fighter, you= 
will love seeing me destroying Tyler..."
- "JASON, CAN YOU COME QUICKLY, PLEASE!!!!". It was Powell's voice. Kurl ran= 
in his direction and William tried to 
follow. When they arrived, they found him and his father screaming on each = 
other. The professor grabbed the collar of 
his son. But before he could do any other moves, Kurl held him by the throa= 
t and easily lifted him off the ground.
- "Never touch Maximilien when I'm heree, old man." He slowly began to 
increase the pressure. The old proffesor was trying everything to break fre= 
e but it was helpless...
- "Put him slowly on the ground !!!" Tyyler was standing in the middle of th= 
e group of men, laying on the ground. He 
began to approach his next opponent.
- "How dare you attacking an old man liike him, you bastard !!"
- "Make one more move and he is dead, TTyler..."
Tyler stopped, surprised.
- "I guess you recognized my voice and  you recognize me now, don't you???"
- "I... I don't know you, who are you,  what do you want ???"
- "You don't recognize me ???!!! Oh, pllease Tyler, use your brain for once.= 

Don't you remember me.. The second on the list...
- "Kurl ??? Jason Kurl ???.... But it'ss impossible, the programm was over..= 
- "Yes, Tyler ! The program was over foor the government... but not for Maxi= 
milien. After making some test on subjects 
like Harrison, he decided to create a piece of art, the perfect fighter. So= 
, he found me and didn't get any difficulties to 
convince me. I finally get the chance to have my revenge upon you !!!
- "What revenge, what are you talking aabout ???"
- "You stole me the first place and youu know it. I was supposed to be the f= 
irst enhanced soldier of the US army but 
He increased even more the pressure on professor Powell's throat. "You conv= 
inced him that you were better than me 
and HE believed YOU!!!
- "I had been chosen because you didn'tt have all the qualities to be 
enhanced, that's all !!!"
- "I didn't have all the qualities ??!!!..." He suddenly dropped the 
- "All your physical skills were perfecct but you were too aggressive and to= 
o arrogant, that's what the professor Powell 
told me..." as he was speaking was watching the professor. He was coughing = 
a little but seemed OK.
- "What are you trying to do ??!!... Yoou want to justify yourself..."
- "I don't want to justify anything, I  just want you to calm down. I don't = 
know what this bastard of Powell put you in mind 
- "Maximilien didn't put anything in myy mind !! From the minute I knew you = 
were chosen for the experiment, I hate you 
with all my heart. I swore to myself that one day, you would pay for that. = 
And that day has finally come...
- "I don't want to fight you... I don'tt fight an old comrade."
- "'Cause you know you'll have no chancce to win ...
- "Stop that little game, I know you doon't really want to fight too. Be mor= 
e intelligent than Powell !!"
- "Well, maybe you need a little motivaation." Kurl began to walk towards Wi= 
lliam. He stopped just few inches in front 
the young guy.
- "I think it's time for you to see whaat you always wanted to see. Come on,= 
pull that zip off !!..."
William was quivering. He slowly lifted his hand to catch the zip. He held = 
it but was unable to move, trembling with 
- "DON'T GET WILLIAM INVOLVED IN THIS,  KURL..." But before he could finish = 
his phrase, the hand of Kurl was on 
his face. He rapidly pulled him closer to his own face.
- "If you want to fight me now, you willl have to wait an instant, Ok??!!" 
And with any care, he threw the young officer backwards few meters away. 
Tyler landed and slided on the ground.
- "Let's do it slowly, William, "said ssoftly Kurl as he place his own hand = 
on William's one.
He jacket began to open, revealing the most beautiful torso the teenager 
had ever seen. The more the zip was going down, the more the leather seemed= 
to say thank you to be free from the 
pressure. The chest of the hunky bodyguard seemed to expand as the jacket w= 
as more opend, as if the leather was 
compressing it. The zip was now totally down, and the jeacket opened. 
Kurl put his hands on each side of the jacket and opened it in a slow 
motion.  What william saw just cut his breast ! Kurl abs seemed to be 
sculted in marble. It was a ten pack perfectly proportionned and incredibly= 
ripped. They were framed by two beautiful 
oblics. His waist was narrow but powerfull. Above, his pecs, were like two = 
plates of striated muscles. Even relaxed, 
they were defined beyond imagination. Round and big. Kurl freed a shoulder = 
and began to do the same with his other 
one. They were fulled with muscles. Cables were like moving under the paper= 
skin as he was freeing the rest of his 
arms. He succeeded with the right arm first. To lower the sleeve on his lef= 
t arm, he croosed his right arm on his torso 
and put his hand on the top of the sleeve to pull it off. As he did that, W= 
illiam was watching in details all his arm's 
definition. His forearm was unbeleivable. 
Powerfull, big and striated, covered with veins. A huge one was crossing hi= 
s biceps. William was in awe in front of 
such definition. When the other arm was free, Kurl dropped the jacket on th= 
e ground. It made a loud noise as if it was 
weighted a ton.
- "The proportions of Kurl are perfect  !!" said Powell as he approached his= 
champion. "He has the beauty and the 
strength, as we love, don't we, William ??!!"
The young scientist was speechless. It was true, The body of this guy was p= 
erfect. Totally ripped without any trace of 
fat. Huge arms and round shoulder. Big pecs and super-defined abs. Long and= 
powerfull legs. He was perfect.
- "Feel them, William, invited Powell,  Fell those big muscles..."
- "STOP THAT SILLY GAME, YOU FOOLS !!!""Tyler was on his feet again. "DON'T = 
- "Is it an invitation for a fight ?" ssaid Kurl, a sarcastic smile on his f= 
- "You are even more insane than Powelll, Kurl !"
- "Thanks for the compliment !" repliedd the young bodyguard, walking, 
towards Tyler. "I really appreciate...." He stopped just in front of him. 
Their noses were barely touching each other.  "Harrison was just a test for= 
us. Just to see if it worth that I fight you or 
not. Well, it seem that it will be fun. Unfortunately, you are too weak now= 
to fight me correctly. You lost a lot of energy in 
your fight against Harrison. MAXIMILIEN ! Can you give him a medikit, pleas= 
The young professor took a little bottle from his pocket and threw it to Ku= 
- "I will drink a little of that just tto prove you that it's not poison and= 
the rest is all for you. I want you to be in a perfect 
health to fight me. 
As he said he opened the bottle and drunk a little of the blue liquid. "As = 
you know, that will give you all your vital stats to 
the max." He held the bottle out to the young soldier.
Tyler took it and drunk it immediately.
- "You are totally mad..." Suddenly, Tyyler felt a warm feeling in his 
stomach and all his body was instantly like burning. His muscles were all t= 
ensed and little by little he felt the energy 
regain his body as never. It was like all his muscle was filled by pure ene= 
rgy. He had use that kind of medikit before 
but never when he was that hurt. His body now seemed like all new.
- "You had should beat me when you stilll had your chance, Kurl !! Now, You = 
don't have a chance, I'm sorry..." But Kurl 
didn't lose his sarcastic smile on his face.
- "I will enjoy all that moment, Tyler.... Humiliating you, destroying you, = 
in front of your number one fan... It will be a 
perfect revenge for me... " 
The two men were now circling each other.

- "You're speaking too much, Kurl"
- "So let's fight !!"
In a thunderstrike, the two fighter were jumping on each other. They placed= 
their hands on each other's shoulders, 
pushing with their legs. Tyler could't just believe the thickness and the h= 
ardness of Kurl's body. "What the hell, this 
guy is made of steel or what ???..." Kurl was still watching him in the eye= 
s, savoring the reaction of the young officer.
- "Surprised, Tyler ?! It's just the beeginning..." With that words, he push= 
ed on his legs and his arms, throwing Tyler 
backwards. The soldier felt on the ground but quickly stood up.
- "I'm the best, Tyler. You have to admmit that !"
- "Stop talking !!!"
The young bodyguard began to make some little jumps, as a boxer, his fist c= 
lenched, ready to fight.

- "So, come on and fight!!..."

End of part 8

Part 9

      The hunky bodyguard was still jumping, rooted to the spot. He lowered his = 

fist, opened them and began to shake his hands, as if he was relaxing his a= 
rms. His head was a bit lifted, with an 
arrogant look.
- "Come on, soldier !! What are you waiiting for ?? Come and hit me !! Come = 

and try to blow that perfect body of mine !!!"
- "It's not a game, Kurl ! Didn't you eever learn to respect your enemy ???!= 
- "Why do I respect you ?! I'm better tthan you and you don't deserve any 
respect from me !!! I don't have the whole day, Tyler !!! Hit me !!
- "Don't make me do that... you will reegret it..."
STRONGER !!! shouted Kurl, still watching Tyler in the eyes, a big smile on= 
his face.
- "I told you before,... DON'T GET HIM  INVOLVED IN THIS !!! " Finishing his= 
sentence, the huge soldier sent his fist in 
the direction of Kurl's face. 
But in a little speed, Kurl moved his shoulders and his head on the side an= 
d the blow missed his target.
- "Oh, oh, oh !! Tyler," said the blondd guy shaking his head from left to r= 
ight in a negative way, "Don't tell me you're that 
slow !!!" And placing his face just few inches in front of Tyler's : "You f= 
ight like an old man, dear!!!"
      He removed his head backwards, easily avoiding the upper cut sent by Tyler= 
- "Where did you learn to fight, buddy  ?! And how could they call you the "= 
Pride of the US army"??? You're not a real 
fighter !!!"
- "STOP IT NOW, KURL !!!..."
- "Or what, old soldier ?? You're goingg to kick my ass ???"
      Then Tyler sent blows after blows. But each one were easily avoided by the= 

huge bodyguard. He was moving like a snake, watching Tyler right in the 
eyes, provoking him. "It's not possible", thought the soldier, "how could h= 
be that fast, I can't touch him... He seems to anticipate any of my 
moves..." The massive body of the blond warrior was moving extremely fast 
around Tyler. All his body, legs arms, torso and his head was moving in an = 

astonishing speed.
Tyler stopped punching. He was breathing a little. In front of him, Kurl 
restart jumping like a boxer, turning around his opponent. This time he was= 

moving his fists in the air, as if he was blowing an invisible enemy. His 
moves were so fast that his arms seemed to dessapeared at each fake blows. = 

Tyler could hear a whistling as they were cleaving through the airs. Kurl 
interrupted his show and stood in front of the young officer. His usal 
sarcastic grin in the corner of his mouse, he touched twice the tip of his = 

nose with his thumb, and lifted his fist in front of him, ready to attack. = 

Tyler didn't realized what happened. The right fist of Kurl whistled just 
next to his left hear. The bodyguard was punching the air so quickly that 
the officer was barely able to see his fist. The moves of the air were 
sliding on Tyler's left cheek. Kurl suddenly used his left arm and did the = 

same thing close to Tyler's right ear. The US soldier tried to remain still= 

and quiet. He didn't want Kurl to see any trace of fear in his eyes.
Kurl made his other rep of blows. He paused for a second and sent in a 
thunderstrike, his fist right in Tyler's face. The officer didn't have the = 

time to do anything. But the fist stopped just a inch in front of Tyler's 
nose. He kept that position for few seconds and then returned to his 
previous position, slowly. The hunky bodyguard restart jumping a litlle.
- "It's time for you to learn some basiic things, Tyler. Listen to me, what = 

is strength if you don't have the speed ?? And what is the point of having = 
powerfull body, if you don't know how to use it ??"
- "Shut up, Kurl! I know how to fight aand I will show you. I beat Harrison = 

and I will do the same with  you."
- "Oh, please, Tyler, don't compare me  with this stupid man. Come on, I giv= 
you another chance, but be carefull, this time I will fight back...I promis= 
I won't hit you too strong !!" He quitted jumping and placed his fists in 
front of his chest, in a boxe guard. His feet was spread apart.
      Tyler litterally jumped on his opponent and try to blow him in the face. 
But the bodyguard blocked the attack with his right forearm. The fist of 
Tyler was like cruching on a wall of stone. Forgetting that, he sent his 
other fist to hit his face again but Kurl quickly kneeled down. The fist of= 

the soldier just passed above his opponent's head.
- "Eat that !!" said the hunky blond guuy as he hit Tyler with a terrific 
upper cut. Tyler left the floor and landed two meters away on his back in a= 

thud sound.
- "SO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT, HUM !!!" said Kurl laughing. He lowered his= 

head, watching his own body, and said proudly :"It's so good to be strong 
      Tyler quickly jumped on his feet and prepared his new attack. In front of = 

him, Kurl was standing his arms on his sides. Tyler was totally impressed b= 
the muscular development of his opponent's body. "His body is now as big as= 

I am... but so hard and so strong... I'll have to give all my might if I 
want to beat him !!!" Without losing a second, the pride of the US army ran= 

towards his adversary. All his blows were avoiding by the bodyguard. He 
tried to increase the speed and he saw his right fist ready to touch his 
target but Kurl blocked it with left hand. He quickly sent his left fist to= 

hit him again, but Kurl easily block it too with his other hand. Tyler was = 

trapped. The fists of Tyler were fermly hold by Kurl.
- "You are pathetic..." With no warningg, Kurl sent his head forwards and hi= 
Tyler's face with his forehead. The young soldier stepped backwards, the 
hands on his nose.
- "You have no dignity, Kurl !!". The bblond muscle god was smiling broadly = 

and arrogantly. "There is no rule in this fight, Tyler !! So if I want to 
hit you like that, noone can prevent me. But maybe you prefer if I hit you = 

like that..."
      Tyler didn't realize what happened. He just felt something like a meteor 
crushed on his chin. His whole body was thrown on the side, and he tried as= 

he could to keep his balance. When he reopened his eyes he could see the 
right boot of Kurl just above the ground, his leg a bit bent, making little= 

jumps on his other leg. "This kick was so fast !!! I didn't even see it 
coming !! What can I do against him ??!!" thought the young soldier, amazed= 
In one blink of the eyes, Kurl was standing just in front of him. Tyler jus= 
has the time to look down to see his fist landed on his abs.
- "Surprise !!" said Kurl as his blow hhit Tyler stomach. Tyler leaned 
forward. He walked a little forward to keep his balance. His face was 
contorted with pain.

      William was standing at about 20 meters from the fight location. He 
couldn't beleive what he was seeing. Never in his life, he could imagine 
Tyler beaten so easily by someone. In his bottom of his heart he wanted to = 

shout to encourage him but he was unable to speak. He was totally fascinate= 
by Kurl's presence. This guy was beyond everything.

      Kurl was now approaching Tyler's back. He violently pushed him with his 
both hands and the soldier felt, the head first on the ground.
- "Is that you're definition of a hero,, William ?? Admit it, There is no 
comparison between him and me !! The blond muscle god began to walk in his = 

direction, ignoring the young soldier, laying on the ground. He stopped whe= 
he was just in front of him, dominating the teenager with his huge frame.
- "Come on, William. Touch me, touch thhose beautiful muscles, fell them, 
feel their hardness... You had just a preview, now you can touch them for 
real, skin to skin, and I know you could dye for them..." William tried not= 

to move his hand, but without realizing it, his right hand began to touch 
the huge pec, trembling. Kurl gently grabbed it and, with his other hand, 
hold the right hand of William He began to make them caress his powerfull 
chest. The clivage between his pecs was amazing. Under his fingers, William= 

could feel any fibers of the muscles. It was so hard, so thick, so huge... = 

Kurl slowly made his hands lower little by little. William discovered the 
hardest abs he had ever felt. It was like caressing a wall of brick. But 
those abs seemed so much harder than any bricks... The young scientist 
raised his head to watch Kurl's face. This latter was smiling, confident.
- "You enjoy the show ???!!!... of courrse, you do..."
- "KURL, LEAVE HIM, NOW !!!". Behind Kuurl's back, Tyler was now standing. 
Without leaving the eyes of the teenager, Kurl, replied :
- "Please, Tyler, don't interfere. I juust want William to see what is a rea= 
man's body..."
- "Free ...his" said  the young officer trying to keep 
- "I don't think that William agrees wiith you, old man !!"
      Tyler put his right hand on the right shoulder of his opponent as this 
latter was still showing his back.
- "Take off your hand right now !! saidd slowly the bodyguard, watching his = 

right shoulder.
Tyler didn't move.
      In a quick move, Kurl caught Tyler's wrist with his left hand.
- "I TOLD YOU TO TAKE OFF YOUR HAND, TYYLER !!!" Tyler tried not to scream 
but the grip was so strong that it was hard to stay still. Kurl made a 
little step on the side in order to face Tyler.
- "But there is another way to demonstrrate my superiority." He freed Tyler'= 
wrist. Why don't you try to hurt me ??? Try to break this perfect armor..."= 

      William was on the side of the two huge men. They were facing each other. = 

It was like watching two twins face to face. Same huge arms, large chest, 
and powerfull neck, even if every parts of Kurl's body seemed even more 
ripped than Tyler's.
- "William," said Tyler with a serious  tone," Don't stay that close, It 
could be dangerous..."
- "William can stay where he is... He iis safe as long as he stands by my 
side. " The teenager didn't know what to do. "I want him to be the witness = 

of my total domination upon you !!! Come on Tyler, hit that wall of steel != 
added the blond muscle god as his hands by his side were invited Tyler to 
come closer.
- "You are mad !!!" with that the youngg officer sent his right fist in 
Kurl's abs. A mat sound was the only thing the audience could hear. Kurl 
didn't move for an inch. The soldier stood like that, watching his fist on = 

the stomach of his opponent.
- " is this possible ???" Thee hunky bodyguard was smiling.
- "You saw that !!" William, said Kurl  without turning his head to see the = 

young scientist. "He is no match for me !!
....BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!...Tyler continued 
punching Kurl's abs but the blond warrior didn't move at all.
      William couldn't beleive what his own eyes were seeing. The powerfull arms= 

of Tyler were unable to break the abdominal muscles of Kurl. There was no 
effect at all.
- "You will be tired before me, Tyler...."With that words, Kurl quickly put = 

his hands on Tyler's pecs and pushed him a little, to provoke him. Tyler 
stepped forward, furious and went on punching.
The hunky bodyguard did the same thing, this time stronger. The Officer 
tried not to fall backwards and Tyler came back, totally out of control.
Tyler didn't give up.
      Kurl was still watching Tyler in the eyes. In a desesperate move, Tyler hi= 
Kurl in the chin with his left fist but the head of the blond champion 
turned just a little and came back instantly to its regular position. Tyler= 

alternated the blows on Kurl's face, giving all his might. ....BAAAMMM!!!! = 

.......BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!... But there was 
nothing to do, the giant blond hunk stood there, unwavering. Tyler were 
sweating a lot. He was giving all his strength in every blows. Some little = 

drops were landed on William's face. Tyler paused for a little moment. He 
was breathing heavily.
- "It's...impossible... noone can suppoort this that way !!"
- "I told you , loser, my strength is bbeyond everything you could imagine != 

- "LIAR !!!" shouted Tyler as he crosseed his finger of his both hands to 
create on big blow and hurt Kurl's head with it, as if he was striking a 
baseball ball.....BBBBAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!... The head of the young 
bodybuilder reacted a little more but his body didn't move at all. Never 
before, William saw Tyler in this state. His legs were spread apart, his 
arms hanging on the side, his hands still clenched in each other. His 
powerfull chest expanding and shrinking as he tried to catch his breath. Al= 
his body was covered by sweat and a little driddle of blood was flowing 
under his nose. His face was a pure display of anger. But in the depth of 
his eyes, William could see the fear, running in his body like a river.
- "Look at you, Tyler. You are nothing  in front of me. There is a world 
between us. I am the "New Generation", you are just a fossile!!"
      Tyler sent him another blow with his right fist in his face but before it = 

could meet his target, Kurl blocked it by the wrist with his left hand. 
Throwing the body of the soldier between him and the young scientist, he hi= 
the side of the neck of the soldier with his right elbow, stopping him in 
the air. It was basically the same attack that Harrison gave to Tyler in th= 
previous fight. But this time, Kurl didn't free the right wrist of Tyler. 
The soldier was shocked. The blow was so hard that he couldn't see anything= 

but a white fog. William saw the officer trying to shake his head to regain= 

his mind. Kurl was smiling. The same smile, self confident and arrogant.
- "How dare you even stand like this inn front of me. Still holding Tyler's = 

right wrist at the height of his head, he gave him another blow at the same= 

spot with his elbow again....BAAAMMM!!!!... The chock seemed harder than th= 
previous one. His elbow stayed on the side of the neck as if Kurl was tryin= 
to tear off Tyler's arm from his body. And....BAAAMMM!!!!...another blow. 
The soldier's legs began to 
bend....BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!... Tyler kneeled 
down with his left knee. As he tried to courageously stood up, Kurl, put hi= 
elbow just above Tyler's right shoulder, between the trap and the deltoïd, = 

his forearm was vertical. He was still holding the right arm of the soldier= 

by his wrist. He slowly rose his elbow, and smashed it down with an 
incredible speed. The impact made Tyler scream in agony and totally kneel 
down. Kurl finally freed his wrist and the arm seemed to fall, lifeless.
- "This is where you suppose to be,..... at my feet !" Finishing his words, = 

he put his both hands behind Tyler's head and pulled it towards his own bod= 
as he sent his right knee crushed under Tyler's chin. The soldier glided 
through the air and landed down, few meters away , loudly, on his back.
      Kurl turned his head to watch William. The mouth of the teenager was 
opened, with a mix of fear, surprised and admiration.
- "You can't imagine how strong I am, ddon't you ??!! You just begin to 
realize what kind of man I am...." He slowly rose his right fist just in 
front of his eyes and clenched him hardly. "Fell that !! Feel that fucking = 

hammer !! I want you to imagine what your hero is going to endure..." 
Without another request, William placed his both hands on the fist. "Noone = 

could be that thick, that hard !!! The fists are real hammer, it's true 
!!"thought the young scientist. He lowered his hand, massaging the forearm.= 

"His whole body is so dense, so hard..." He turned his head to watch Tyler,= 

both hands on his face, trying not to screaming but trembling in agony. 
"Each blow could kill a man... It's a miracle that Tyler is still alive..."= 

- "As I told you before, he is already  dead, and you know why, now... Noone= 

can survive to my blows... I am a demolisher !!!" Lowering his arm, he bega= 
to walk towards Tyler's body. He stopped just above him, a foot on each sid= 
of his body at the level of Tyler's waist.
- "It's time for you to experience the  real strength. The "Domination" phas= 
is over. Now it's time for "Demolition" !!!". With his left hand, he 
grabbed, the chain of the identification medals of the young soldier. "If m= 
memory is correct, this chain is made with Titanium and supposed to be 
unbreakable... Let see that..." He slowly raised the body of the poor 
soldier, without any trace of effort. Tyler tried to stop him with his hand= 
grabbing his forearm but it was to hard to be damaged. Kurl bent his torso = 
little and began to lift his right fist on the side of his own head, as if = 

he was doing a single biceps pose.
- "Watch this, Tyler !! And eat that !!!!!"
      The fist landed on Tyler's chin like a missile. The head of the desperate = 

officer turned violently on the side at the impact. His hands dropped the 
forarm of his opponent. William was terrifying by the size and the 
definition of Kurl's arm. "He is a killing machine...a demolisher..."
      Slowly Kurl rose his fist again and prepare the next blow. Tyler put his 
head on his previous position, his eyes defying Kurl's.
- "You want to taste this again," said  the blond musclegod."Let's see how l= 
ong you 
can handle that !..."

....BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!.......BAAAMMM!!!!.... The blows were 
raining on Tyler's face, each time harder. But every time, the hero replace= 
his head to face Kurl.
- "I'll...never... give ...up..."
- "I hope so, wimp !!!" and the blows ccontinued
Tyler's arms were now on the side, making a cross with his body.
- "I'm too fucking strong for you, Tyleer, you have to admit it !!!"
- ""
- "I swear you will, it will take the ttime that it need but I want to hear = 

you beg me to stop!!!"
- " ....You....can....always....dr...drream...." said hardly Tyler trying to= 

smile as he could."
- "So if you insist..."
      Kurl easily lifted Tyler's body completely and sent him a powerfull blow i= 
the abs, still grabbing the Titanium chain. Under the eyes of William, the = 

fist seemed to penetrate the wall of bricks which was composing the stomach= 

of Tyler.
- "Let the party begin !!!" Kurl began  to use Tyler's body as a living 
punching-ball. His right fist was hitting every part of his 
body....BAAAMMM!!!! in the head....BAAAMMM!!!!...another in the 
abs....BAAAMMM!!!! upper cut...
Kurl began to concentrate on Tyler's face, hitting him alternately with his= 

fist in the normal way and then, with the back of his fist. It was like he = 

was slapping him, but with the fist clenched.
The head of Tyler was turning from a side to another with such violence tha= 
William couldn't imagine how his neck could handle this tension.
      Kurl stopped his attacks, the chain was still in his left hand. William 
could see a red line on the nape of the neck of Tyler due to the pressure o= 
the chain. Tyler was standing as he could. Kurl slowly positioned himself 
on the left side of the soldier, grinning slightly. He approached his mouth= 

to Tyler's ear and said softly :
- "Don't you think there is something sstrange ??? Remember your fight with = 

Harrison... Did your number one fan wasn't always encouraging you to fight = 

back ??? I think he was ... But now, do you hear something... No... He 
doesn't say a word. And do you know why ???..." Tyler tried to open his eye= 
to see something but all was fading away. "This boy has a little secret... = 

He can't help to imagine you thrashed by a powerful and sexy guy like me...= 

I think it's his lucky day ??!!"
- "It's"
- "Oh yes, little worm, it's the only ttrue. So tell me why he has such a bi= 
bulge in his pants ???..."
- "... It's...No.... it.... can't..."
- "You'll have to admit that too !!!"
      In a terrible move, he pulled on the chain in diagonal order to make Tyle= 
fall forwards. But the body of Tyler didn't have the time to hit the ground= 

as the left knee of the blond fighter crushed on Tyler's throat. He stood i= 
this position for few seconds.
- "You will taste pain as you never didd before... I swear to give all I hav= 
to make you live your worst nightmare !!!
      He slowly began to raise his right fist in the air. He turned his head a 
little and found William's look. The young scientist didn't want to see the= 

rest but something was preventing him from closing his eyes. Kurl raised hi= 
right fist as high as he could and with a light speed, the fist pounded on = 

Tyler's nape of neck. It was like an atomic explosion. The impact was so 
powerful that Tyler's jaw seemed to fall on the ground. His eyes were opene= 
wide, exhorbited.
The throat of the young soldier was crushed between an engine block and a 
hammer. Kurl put both of his hands on the back of Tyler's head, grabbing hi= 
hairs and lifted Tyler as he lowered his knee. When he lifted Tyler's body = 

to the max, he lowered it in a so quick move that the next thing William 
could see was the face of Tyler crushed against the left knee, raised again= 
of the bodyguard. He was still watching the teenager with a grin on his 

- "I hope you're enjoying the show... CCause the agony of your hero has just= 

begun !!!!

End of part 9


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