OK I guess that I have to tell someone about what has happened to me, and I guess that you guys would be interested so here goes. 
First of my name is Mark and I just turned 16 years old. I've always been kind of small for my age, do my best not to be noticed 
at school cause when I'm noticed people can't help but pick on me. Not usually by the really big kids..'cept when they wanted an 
easy beat, or were just frustrated. The middle ranking ones.. the ones who were trying to move up a place or two in the peaking 
order they were a different story. So I went about my days miserable.

So back in June a gym opens up across the street from my parents house, its small new and pretty quite looking so I go over one 
day after school. Guy who just opened up the place is new in town says his name is Charlie. We get chatting, for some reason I open 
up to him start telling him about my problems, he suggests a membership to build me up a bit, says I can come over any time I like 
for nothing, I say I'm shy don't want anyone to see me, “It will be our secret” he says smiles and disappears into the office. As I 
head back home I notice its getting dark and realized I must have been talking for longer than I thought.

So Charlie takes me under his wing, I keep an eye out, when the gym is empty I shoot over, Charlie pops up the closed sign for an 
hour and he trains with me.. of course hes much stronger than I am.. I can only manage the lightest of the members weight but slowly 
I start to improve and slowly I notice a change in my body, nothing spectacular, but I can defiantly start to see some muscle growing. 
School ends and summer draws on, I spend more time at the gym, always leaving as soon as Charlie reopens for the evening rush. 

By the time school restarts I have worked my way up to about 25% through the members weights and my body has really changed shape.. I'm 
still small but hard as a little rock with defined abs, sharp peaked little biceps and even a distinguishable line between two small 
flat hard pecs.. I'm pleased with my progress and head back to school a little more happy and a little more confident, I know the big 
boys will always be a problem but some of those guys in the middle are in for a shock.

So first day back I spot him across the school yard, nasty little middle ranker named Roger Gibson gnarly and hard he makes my life a 
misery. He looks across a sees me, smiles and heads over “What you looking at you fucking cunt!!” I panic “shit Im not ready for this” 
was all I could think but it was to late to back out now so I pushed him as hard as I could with both hands against his chest. What 
happened next did so in slow motion, I felt his chest bend and then give out to load and sharp cracks. His body shoot up and back his 
feet coming clean of the floor as he flew across the yard, hitting the fencing about 4 feet off the ground, his head smashing back into 
the wire mesh, the fence posts bending then flicking back sending him flying forward to land face first on the ground, were he lay 
moaning. I looked around frantically but no one seemed to have noticed. I walked over to him, he was lying on the floor gasping for 
air. Carefully I lent down and grabbed his upper arm in my hand then began to squeeze, he struggled and tried to pull away but I 
found that I could control his arm at will. Suddenly he screamed and there was a sharp crack as my hand twisted slightly breaking 
his upper arm. I could not believe how strong I was, I didn't care who saw now I was lost in the moment. I lifted him easily, his 
eyes wide with panic, my hands on his hips lifting him in the air, he was shouting for help but know one seemed to care. I flexed 
my chest and tried to bring my hands together, there was a groan from his pelvis, which held momentarily before collapsing in on 
itself, his legs jangling now useless.  His eyes rolled back into his head, as I let him fall to the floor one more time.

I grabbed his hair and haled him back up snapping him back into consciousness, lifting him clean of the floor at arms length with one 
hand, he was crying, “shhh don't cry” I wrap my free arm around his chest locking his body in place, and begin to slowly curl the arm, 
crushing his entire upper body with one arm. A series of load cracks as the ribs give out, and a deeper noise, like stones moving 
around which I figure is his back breaking. I realize how hard my body has become, not even my skin dents as roger slowly caves in 
on himself. My arm is at a 45 degree angel, his chest squeezed into the small triangle made by my bent arm and chest. He looks into 
my face, but not for long my free hand takes hold of the top of his head and begins to turn slowly, he tries to resist, his neck 
muscles twitch and quiver with the effort, but slowly I rotate my hand twisting his head till he is looking over his right shoulder. 
I pause for a moment then infinitely slowly continue the motion. I cant tell you how great it felt to slowly rotate that head, to feel 
the muscles as they were torn from the neck, to hear the crunch as his neck broke the spasm of his body as he went into his death throws, 
and how as I snapped his neck I flexed my bicep fully caving his chest completely. I hope you guys don't mind me telling you about 
this. There is more to my story if you would like to hear.

    Source: geocities.com/westhollywood/park/4728

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