MuslStud's Bodybuilding Tips

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This is by no means a complete bodybuilding primer.
It's just a list of things that work for me...

These are just general tips, not training instructions.

Every beginner should get some REAL instruction from an expert and a training partner.

I believe in using perfect form. This means I usually use less weight. I try to concentrate on working a particular muscle, not lifting the weight.

I will occasionally use a "cheating" technique after I have done as many reps as I can in perfect form. This allows the use of "negatives" where you lower the weight in perfect form but cheat to lift it. A training partner is helpful for this

I use a technique I call "descending sets". After my last set I will drop the weight about a third and continue without rest. I repeat this 3 or 4 times. Obviously this is easier to do using machines instead of free weights. Although arm curls just seem to DEMAND real dumbbells.

I do EVERY set to failure...that is, do as many as you can without cheating. I use a cheating technique ONLY after failure.

How many reps? How many sets? I think most people do too many sets for each body part. I believe in doing 7-9 sets per body part using enough weight to do sets of about 10. If you can do more than 10 reps, increase the weight. For instance, right now I do incline dumbbell presses and cable work for my chest.

How much time between sets. I always use a specific amount of time...usually 1 minute. Why exactly 1 minute? I am not very good at estimating the time I have waited without watching the clock. But more importantly, it gives you another variable to "play around with". For some exercises, you may find that shorter amounts of time are better. (Triceps I do 30 secs). Some require a little longer (Heavy bench work i do 90 secs). But if you dont measure the time, you can't experiment very well.

Rotate your exercises. Don't do the same thing for years on end. Change your routine. Don't be afraid to try something new. Watch other bodybuilders you admire. Try what they do. It may work for you. It may not. I can tell pretty quick if I like an exercise or not. I still find new exercises and techniques I like.

I recommend certain supplements.I have used (with mixed success) the following:

-- Creatine (Increases muscle mass...should be mixed with a sugar drink and an arginine supplement for best results)

-- Acetabolan and Hydroxycuts (products of MuscleTech)

-- Androstenedione and 19-Norandrostedione and DHEA (These are all supposedly increase your natural testosterone. I have just started on these and cannot yet give them my full endorsement.)

-- Critical Mass (This is an after-workout drink sold at GNC. I like this because I can't eat right after I work out and I think that's when your body is hungriest for muscle-building protein.)

-- Carbo Force (This is a before and during workout carbo drink. I like it a lot) --