Urban Male Series videos





Thanks for stopping by to read information I have written out on my plans for producing adult videos. I'm currently seeking investors and business partners, and helpers to see me (us) to success. I plan to produce in Los Angeles, that's were my base is. Miami, is a possibility. However, I will strongly consider New York. New York, seems to have the majority of the type of talent I'm seeking for these videos. I'm seeking help from these two markets. Naturally, I don't expect to do investment or partner business over the internet, these matters will be handled in person. Interested parties should e-mail me for more details. Paulo.





(Urban Male Series videos)


Budget break down for video shoot as follows, if sold or leased to distributor.




1 7 to 10 performers at a cost of $200 to $250 a scene. $2000.00


2 Editing, $500. (self editing, no charge) $500.00


3 Music score & layout, $500. $500.00


4 Light rentals at a cost of $125 per day, 3 days. $375.00


5 Catering at a cost of $100 per day, 3 days. $300.00


6 Video tapes, for video, at a cost of $7.00 each. 6 tapes. $47.00


7 Photography for box cover, $300.00 $300.00


Total $4022.00


(If leased to distributor for $10,000 or more for 2 years, remove production cost, profits before federal income taxes will be $5978.00. If distributor buys all rights, wanting to own the master video tapes, sell of masters start at $16,000)




Budget break down for video shoot if not sold or leased to distributor. If I sell online to customers and directly to retailers and wholesalers




8 Post-production on video box, $200. $200.00


9 Printing and cardboard boxes for video tapes, 300 boxes $700.00


10 Blank video tapes, 300 at a cost of $400. $400.00


11 Hosting web site, for video sells per month $100. $100.00


12 Cost to mail out videos, $5.00 per video for 300 videos. $1500.00


Total $6922.00


13 Sell of video at a cost of $59.00 each online, 300 tapes $17,700.00



14 Sell of video to retailers, 3 tapes per store, 150 branches-

$20.00 per video $9000.00


Total $26,700.00



15 Remove production costs from profits. $26,700.00


Total $19,700.00


16 Remove federal income tax from profits. (usually 25 to 35%)




Two scenes can be shot per day, 4 hours per scene, 8 hour days.

Typical video has 4 action scenes, with several smaller scenes to introduce the action scenes. Typical video is 75 to 90 minutes long. 2 to 3 days to shoot (pre-production), several days for post-production, such as editing, music score, video box layout.




Preliminary movement for marketing and selling Series Videos, If I market and sell.



Most major urban metropolitan regions have some sort of outlets that sell or rent adult entertainment videos. Research have shown that markets such as Washington, DC, New York city and Atlanta have a large audience for 'Urban Male' videos.


Example: Washington,DC, which has a large non white male population with higher

education and a decent disposable income. Several entertainment venues

that cater specifically to them. Two known video chains, 'Capital Video' and

'Washington video' carrying adult videos. Both chains have at least 4 stores

each in the Washington, DC proper area. Each of it's stores will carrying at

least 3 to 4 of a specific 'Urban Male' title for rental and at least 3 for sell. The

lowest numbers will give us 16 units per of the two chains. If tapes are sold to

the outlets for a wholesale price of $20 U.S. dollars, that's $320.00 per chain.

(lowest-numbers). Several independent video stores cover the Washington,

DC area, which has a population of 6 million people.


Metropolitan areas in which we can expect strong sells online and to video outlets are:


Philadelphia, NY-NJ, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco-San Jose,- Cleveland, Boston and Minneapolis. Some southern states and cities are exempt due to federal law that prohibits the sell of adult videos.


We can expect an average of $5000.00 to the sell of video outlets. ($20.00 per video).

No numbers as of yet for international sells online or via outlets.


Preliminary movement for marketing and selling Series Videos, If I market and sell.




1 Internet marketing and selling: A specific page will be established on the up

coming 'Urban Male' website show casing the

varies videos and giving ordering information.

Photo stills and information on performers.

Posters, 'T' shirts and ball caps with the-

'Urban Male' logo and or the logo of the present

show case video will be online for sell.


Video information, reviews and links to the-

'Urban Male' website will be posted on varies

websites associated with adult entertainment.

Begin online discussion and chatrooms on the






2 Basic marketing and selling: Buying advertising space in local and national-

adult entertainment weekly and monthly-

publications. Selling tapes to varies video outlet

stores and chains that provide adult entertainment.

Most video outlets do some sort of advertising of

their stock, specifically of new items. This will give

'Urban Male' free press of it's videos.


Sponsored events at adult entertainment clubs and

bars, show casing the videos and performers.

Mailing out tapes to video critics and major adult

performers who have influence in the community-

and who can spread the word on 'Urban Male'-




Filming, post and pre-production.



All 'Urban Male' videos will be filmed (taped) with 'Hi 8' mm and 'digital 8' mm cameras to ensure the highest quality possible. As finances permit, 'Sony' 1 inch and a quarter broadcast cameras and equipment will be used. All videos will be professionally shot, blocked and staged, backed by my years of experienced. Every detail will be measured and taken care of including sets, locations, wardrobe, scripts, art direction, lighting, grooming of performers and dialogue.


Videos will be professionally edit on a Macintosh workstation, this will give us the chance to add any enhancements and special effects to the videos. Posters, video boxes and print layouts will be done in house. We have access to 3 Macintosh workstations, and professional photography equipment. Most tape dubbing from the master edit and printing for the video boxes and other print material will be commissioned out to a second party.


4 scripts are in the works:


1 'CarJacks', about a group of young thugs who take a car for a joy ride and encounter-

the many escapades of the car's owner and his friends sexual adventures.



2 'A Dawgs Life', (this is basically a continuance from 'CarJacks'). More of a

documentary on the life and style of hardcore thugs, living the life of a

'Dawg'. We take a look at what they wear, how they act, talk, where

they hang out and how they 'hit it' (dawg slang for having sex) with

one another.


3 'Madd Flava', about a hip hop record producer and his partner. The two encounter

the many fine young men who will do most any thing for a #1 on -

'Billboards' hot 100. (this video will be shot like a behind the scenes



4 'Madd Flava 2', about a young man who's so obsessed with the current R&B

heartthrob that he wishes this new music sensation into his fantasies.

R&B's newest sensation magically emerges from a poster on the

wall and all sexual hell breaks lose.



Urban Male videos will be made to showcase the talent and sexual adventures of young men for men who enjoy the exotic allure of men of color.


(Great talent and fine men come in all ethnic groups, and Urban Male will cast the best young men available no matter his ethnic background or race).



Urban Male Series videos