Ask Papa

Past Letters To Papa
Page 1

Preface: I've already solved this problem and I have a masters degree in relationship counseling, but I had the problem and feel that a response would be instructive to others and maybe I can learn something, too.  They say "even daddies need daddies" and maybe it's also true that "even shrinks need shrinks".


My lover and I have been together 17 years.  Both sets of parents accept us as gay and welcome us in their homes and make us feel comfortable in most cases.  But his parents deny me one privilege that causes me some discomfort.

At their 40th anniversary party, there were relatives all over the place.  People refer to them as "Madge and Iggy" or "Aunt Madge and Uncle Iggy" or "Mom and Dad".  Even their other son's wife (my sister-in-law?) refers to them as "Madge and Iggy".  But when I asked to call them "Madge and Iggy", they expressed discomfort and preferred that I continue to call them "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".  In that anniversary party, I realized that I was the only one in the place (with the exception of the caterers) who called them "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".  My problem is that I feel uncomfortable in that situation.  What do you recommend I do with my discomfort?  So far, my solution has been to refrain from speaking to them by name at all, or when my lover is present, to skip to the third person for them and say "your mom and dad taught their dog to roll over, isn't that cute" to my lover rather than "Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's really cute the way you taught your dog to
roll over."  How might I re-frame the situation so that it can be less stressful for me?

Hey there!

Blow them away and claim "Gay Rage" as your defense!


Well, you and your lover have been together for 17 years in this situation. At this point, you may not want to rock the boat. This is a very unfortunate situation that would have been better dealt with in the beginning of your relationship. You really need to decide for yourself whether or not this is a battle you are willing to undertake.

However, if it does bother you enough, I would suggest bringing it up to them. Express your feelings of discomfort at being the only one required to address them in such a formal manner. If they stick to their guns and if you want to be really bitchy, tell them you now wish for them to refer to you as "His Royal Highness."

KIDDING! (It would be fun, though)



I am a straight stepfather of a gay 17 year old boy. My son (I have no children of my own so I feel that he is my son) has 'come out to me and the rest of the immediate family.  It was very hard for my wife and I. I have cried a lot.  However, I have expressed my love and support for him and intend to stick to that pledge.

Problem.  He refuses to talk about it. He is unwilling to give us any input on how we are expected to handle this news. He has told us, that he expects to be treated no differently than before, and feels he should be able to have boyfriends over to cuddle on the sofa, and maybe stay over night! Being loving and supportive is one thing, but to have this right in your face is all together different.  When we say that we will not be having 2 boys cuddling on the sofa and definitely won't be having any over niters, he tells us we are ignorant, stupid, and prejudiced.

Some of the problem is just parent/child stuff, but how in the world do you go from being a typical family, to having 2 guys playing touchy/feeling under a blanket in your own living room, in under 3 months? Maybe I am ignorant and stupid and prejudiced but, hey, I think a little time for adjustment is in order. And when anyone brings up the subject of HIV, first he says it is almost impossible to get and then says that we have as good a chance of getting infected as he does.
Sometimes I feel like he is from another planet.

I don't know how fully I will ever be able to adjust to this.  I have known and respected gay people all my life but now it is in my face every day, and it's hard to take.

I would appreciate your advice.

Thanks, Stepdad

Hello StepPapa!

Sounds to me like you are dealing with this situation in a thoughtful manner. I applaud you on your effort to try and understand your stepson.

I don't know if you have any other stepchildren. However, I think what is needed here is to make your decision on the cuddling and sleeping over thing based on what you would decide if your stepson was not gay. If he was straight, would it be OK for him to cuddle with his girlfriend on the couch and/or have her sleep over? Whatever your answer to this is, should be how you treat this situation.

As far as him being unwilling to give you any input on how you are expected to handle this news, it may be uncomfortable for him to discuss or he may not know the answers. There are several books on the subject if you really want to begin to understand. One of the better ones I have come across is "Now That You Know... A Parents' Guide To Homosexuality." It has really good and informative information that may give you a better understanding if you keep an open mind. You may also want to get in touch with your local PFLAG (Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians And Gays. This is a terrific organization for parents of gay children to get support and information on how to deal with their feelings on homosexuality and their gay kids.

On the subject of HIV, he is correct on one point. Straight people are just as much at risk of getting it as gay people if they don't practice Safer Sex.

Remember: Gay Does Not = AIDS.

If you are concerned about his sexual practices and safety, I would suggest obtaining pamphlets on Safer Sex available from your local Health Department and make them available to him. (If you have straight kids also, have this information available to them as well!)

Good Luck and keep that mind OPEN!


Dear Papa!

Help me! I will try to simply this in a nutshell as best I can. Here goes. I am a 34 year old man who has been out of a 6 year relationship for over a year and a half. I am only into monogamous long term relationships.

After my breakup with my lover, I met a man who I think is the greatest thing to exist. We became friends when I went through my ordeal. He was a great listener and was there for me. I fell for him, but he was in a relationship, so I laid low. He broke up with his lover a short time later and we continued being friends. However, I wanted more. I never let him know how I felt though because I felt we were both too fresh out of relationships and should take some time to gather ourselves.

Well I blew that one. He ended up dating a guy a month or so later and they moved in together a couple of months after that. Devastating to me. I had major feelings for him. Well it's a year later and they are still together and I am friends with both of them, and it is very hard on me because I haven't got over him. My feelings just don't go away and I think about him a lot. I feel like this isn't a healthy thing for me, but I can't shake these feelings. I am in love with him. I tried dating a couple of guys but they didn't work out and I remain unattached a year and a half later. I have a hard time meeting other men because I am a conservative professional who hates the bar scene and am lost at how you go about meeting someone who shares in the hopeful romantic way of thinking.

I kind of want to move on with my life and find someone new, but I also can't stop the way I feel about my special friend. What do I do? Where do I go to meet quality, special men? Will I ever get over this guy? Can you please help me to get on track. I would appreciate any advice you can give on this whole mess. Thanks so much.

Completely hopeless romantic!

Hiya, you big mushy romantic, you!

It's always hard being in love with someone who is either "taken" or just doesn't feel the same way. I do empathize with you.

Sometimes, in these type of situations, a bit of distance may be what is needed. You are friends with he and his lover, but you can't seem to shake your feelings of love toward him. Constantly being around an unobtainable person that you are in love with may not be the healthiest or wisest thing for you right now.
You may benefit from not having as much contact with him as you have presently. Give yourself some healing time, however long it takes, away from him. This may need to be a few weeks, months, or even years! It will probably be something that is not easy for you to do. You may even be unwilling to even make an attempt at it, but this is what is probably needed for you to move on with your life.

You didn't say if he knows how you feel about him presently. You may want to have a talk with him and let him know why you feel the need to distance yourself from him until you can "get over" your feelings for him. You may always have a place in your heart for this friend, but that place needs to be a healthy one that you can deal with.

Good luck to ya!


Dear Papa,

I'm a 23 year old gay lad, and 4 months ago I met the man of my dreams. During that time the relationship has gone up and down due to the fact that previous to our meet, my boyfriend had just ended a 7 year relationship. Even though we have both expressed our love for each other, I can't help thinking that perhaps his ex-boyfriend is still trying to get him back. There is obviously nothing I can do to stop this if it were to happen and am taking each day as it comes, it's making me so depressed though and I am usually a very happy kind of person.

My work is gradually beginning to be affected and I just wish his ex-boyfriend would accept the fact that the 7 years is over and leave us to get on with it. How can I make things more tolerable?


Hey Neal!

The problem with ex-lovers a lot of times is they are just not ex enough!

How does your boyfriend feel about this situation? Does he know that this is affecting you and to what degree it does? If he knows, is he supportive and reassuring to you that his past relationships is, without a doubt, over?

If he is and you trust him, you probably need to take him at his word. It sounds like his ex may be interfering in your present relationship and your boyfriend needs to let it be known to his ex that this is not acceptable.

If your boyfriend doesn't know that this is affecting the way it does, you need to communicate this to him and try to work out some kind of solution.

Whatever the case may be, this situation needs to be dealt with united. If he wants to continue his present relationship with you, he needs to understand that his ex is exactly that. An EX! His focus should be on his present relationship and if he wants to continue it with you without interference from outside forces.


Dear Papa,

I have been living with my partner now for 15 years. As of August 1995 we have been living apart as I have been transferred to another country. I have now met and fallen in love with a local guy, he loves me and I don't want to break his heart. Should I kick him out and go back to living as a monk, he knows about my 15 year relationship and doesn't seem to mind now that he has got used to the idea, or should I continue to play "both sides of the court" and hope I don't get caught out. It is a bit of a strain to hide my local friend when the boyfriend visits
for holidays, like the strange clothes hanging in my wardrobe don't fit me ! I don't want to be greedy, should I just settle for one man and if so which one ?


Bad Boy!

Papa is not fond of dishonesty and cheating in relationships. No dessert for you! If Santa's checking his list, you're getting coal in your stocking!

I think you already know the answer to your question. Sounds to me like you and your partner of 15 years probably already made the decision to "settle for one man."

I understand that unfortunate circumstances can happen in even the most loving relationships, but I also believe that cheating is NEVER an option. How would you feel if he was the one cheating on you? Not very good, I would imagine.

As far as whether or not to settle for one man, not all parties are privy to all the facts. What do you think your boyfriend would say?

If you do decide to settle for one of them, that's your decision to make. I just think it is very unfortunate that you have placed yourself in this situation to begin with.

Enough said,

I admit, I've never written to 'Dear Abby,' but I need help.

I met a guy one night while dining out. He was my waiter. I knew several gay waiters at the restaurant and so I asked them about him. They said, "He's straight-but it's nothing a case of beer won't fix." At the time I didn't know what they meant. I talked to him at a bar one night, he was out with my friends, and he seemed to like me. We ended up spending an entire Summer together, almost fused at the hip. We spent every waking, and some not, moments together. All along, he kept giving subtle signs that he was gay, but always said he was  straight.

When he would get drunk, he would slip and almost give it away, but he never made the first move. I was in love with him from the first time I laid eyes on him, and he told me that he loved me-in that straight guy friendly sort of way-my words, not his. I was so torn between making the first move and the thought of losing his friendship, I was catatonic. I moved to Chicago-far away-for a year, and we wrote each other. His letters stopped coming after a while, but I kept on.  When I moved back, he called me one night and said he was getting married-to a

I couldn't make myself go to the wedding. I would have been a wreck.  He seemed hurt by my not showing up, but what could I do? I couldn't tell him, "Bryan, I can't watch you throw your life away on a girl because I've always loved you more than you'll ever know," now could I?

Now, I haven't spoken to him in months. He still wants to go out-to lunch, or for drinks, but what then? If we go out and he gets drunk, and he gives me the signals again, what should I do? Take advantage? Should I tell him how I feel? I almost told him when I moved back, but he told me he was getting married. I was crushed.  We were so close...and now we're so far away.


Hi Bri! (Am I a poet or what???)

Tough situation but not an impossible one. You may want to consider telling him how you have and still feel. Maybe if he knows, he will not be hurt that you didn't show up for his wedding. Sometimes "getting things off your chest," if the other person is understanding, will help one to deal with the situation a bit better. The trick is to then be able to move on in a healthy manner and not dwell on it.

Consider meeting him for lunch or drinks if you do value his friendship. However, meet him as a friend and not as a love interest. You'd be better off not taking advantage at this point as he is in a committed relationship.



I'm 16 and I have a huge problem!! I really need advice from you. I'm in  high school right now and I'm having some really strange feelings.  It  started last year and my feelings seem to be getting stronger each day.

I'm actually kind of scared; I think that I might be a lesbian but I'm not sure.  There's this girl that I've liked since last year.  We were on the volleyball team together. I don't know what exactly it is that I feel for her but I know it's something and I'm afraid to even think about it. The strange thing is that I also feel something for a guy and so I'm really confused right now.  What am I?  I have no idea but I really need to know.

I really don't want to be a lesbian and I really hope that I'm not, but what can I do if I am?  Help me. I'm confused right now and I just need some advice from someone.

Thank You!!!

"Help me!!"

Hey Kiddo!

Yours is a VERY common problem! You're so not alone here! Some people know for sure from an early age that they are gay. For others, it is a realization that comes later on.

Some people are bisexual. This means that they are attracted to people of both genders physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Others, however, are what I call "Bridge Bisexuals." These are people who are truly gay but cannot accept it for themselves. They take on the label of being bisexual because it's easier for them to think they are still halfway "normal." It is a way to easy into acceptance of their homosexuality.

I don't know which case it is for you. I would suggest that you try not to let this worry you so much at this point in your life. You have many years ahead of you to understand what you are. Just go with what your heart tells you at this point. If you possibly come to a decision that you are gay and have a hard time accepting it, I would suggest you get in contact with a local gay youth group if there is one available in your area.

Good Luck, Sweety!


Dear Papa,

This is the first time I have ever read your page.  Thanks for all the help you're giving others.  But I, too, have a problem.

I am a young minister and having a problem totally dealing with my sexual orientation--I'm gay.  That is so hard to say, but I know it's true.  Because of my ministry, I cannot come out, or even go out.  Meeting men is almost totally out of the question.  I have to leave my local area which is also difficult.

My entire life is crazy right now because I've met someone. He lives 5 hours from me.  I went down there the other night.  We spent the night together.  Let me back up a little.  We talked on the phone for about two weeks before I went down.  We have so much in common--everything from growing up to our interests now.

When I got down to his place, it was decorated exactly like I had been there and done the decorating myself--our tastes are the same too.  We dress alike, like many of the same things, the same music--it's totally unbelievable.

When I left the next day coming home, I thought about him the entire day.  It's been almost 3 days since I've heard from him.  I've left him message after message and he doesn't return any of my calls. I can't get him out of my mind.  This is the first time in my life I've ever been in love.

Please help!!!!!!

"Totally losing my wits"

Hey Rev!

You have a couple of issues here. It sounds like you are beginning to deal with the fact that you are gay. This is a good thing.

"To thine own self, be true."

However, you also have your beliefs to deal with. Is it that your particular faith does not accept homosexuality or do they accept it but you feel you can't come out? If it is the former, than you probably have to re-examine your beliefs and if you truly believe them. It will be your decision what to do after you have done this. I can't make that decision for you.

I was born and raised as a Catholic. At one point in my life, I had to re-examine my status as a Catholic. I realized that there were a lot of beliefs in the Catholic Religion that I didn't believe in. Not wanting to be an "a la carte" Catholic, I had to, for myself, disassociate myself from Catholicism. It was a hard thing for me to do, considering it was a belief system ingrained in me since I was a child.

I now consider myself Christian, still believing in God and Jesus. I consider myself spiritual. I've always believed that the "true church" exists in one's heart and in one's deeds.

Your choices seem to be to either keep the vows you have made and deny yourself what you really want, continue to see guys secretly on the side, or to possibly decide to pursue another career. Plumbers make excellent money!  = )

Seriously, though... Good luck to you in whatever you decide!


PS - If you're not to busy, can you say a little prayer and a blessing for the people who write to me? And, while you're at it, you can throw one in for me too!

Hi Papa,

I suppose I am not the only person in the world to feel as I do, but I am afraid it is leading me into scary territory. I am overweight, and even if I weren't, I would not be a very good looking man. This in of itself would not be a tragedy, but I'm afraid that as a gay man, it is death itself. I am simply so alone that I am seriously considering suicide.

Silly and shallow as it may be, I'm afraid I can't go through another 30 years of life as alone as I have been these past 30.

I suppose your answer to me will be to seek therapy, but that too is problematic. I have no job at the moment, and even if I did, I still could not afford it.

Given a chance, I am quite sure that I could make someone quite happy. Unfortunately, the unattractive don't get such chances in our community.

I'm no looker, and people let me know.

Hey Amigo,

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who won't even give someone the time of day unless that someone is a "model." However, I honestly don't think it is any different in the gay community than in the non-gay community.

I understand that you feel lonely right now and it feels like there's not a lot to look forward to, but you really need to hang in there. If you think you would be happier by loosing some weight, do so. But do it because YOU will feel better about yourself and NOT because you think people would be more attracted to you. If that happens, COOL! Let that be a fringe benefit of the change you have made for yourself.

You're 100% correct! You win what's behind curtain #3!!! I DO suggest you seek therapy. If you feel like you cannot go on, then you REALLY NEED to speak with a professional about it. Check the Social Services Department where you live. Also, check around with hospitals in your area. Many have sliding scale fees and will take you even if you can't pay. You will most likely be assigned to a psychiatrist who will examine you and decide what your treatment plan would be. You will probably then be assigned to a therapist that you will meet with on a regular basis for therapy.

Don't give up! Give it a try! How would the world benefit from losing someone like you who is obviously a nice, sensitive guy with a lot to offer? You WILL find someone! Have patience my friend and build a healthy relationship with yourself before you you get into one with someone else.

Luv ya!

Dear Papa,

Hi! I am a 27 year old cross-dressing male. To make a long story short, I am married, but have been separated  from my wife for 7 months. Her and I have been "soul mates" and best friends for 8 YEARS! (We've been married for 3).  My wife and I lived together in Grand Rapids, Mi. for 5 1/2 years, until a woman at work was interested in her sexually. (My wife has known about my cross-dressing for 5 years.)

Anyway, last summer a lesbian at work knew she was married, but had an interest in her. This woman pursued my wife with letters and small gifts for 6 LONG months. She eventually moved out of our place and moved in with this woman.

Needless to say, I was devastated!! I tried to hold down all our bills by myself, but ended up loosing our car, dog, and half our belongings to her, within two months after she left. I couldn't stand to live in our apartment in which we shared SO MUCH in 5 1/2 years, so I fell into a deep depression, and was evicted.

She felt sorry for me, and my parents live here in Lansing, so she drove me to Lansing one night and dropped me off, hoping my parents would "rescue me". They did not. She said she would file for divorce back in August of 96'.

Now she says she sees NO reason to hurry up and divorce, and she wants to be friends. My wife seems confused. I know I am a very COMPLEX person, and my wife and I shared EVERYTHING with each other. I have not cross-dressed since she left, but of course, the urge is still there.

My wife has always loved men, and found certain females attractive. She now thinks she is Bi-sexual. My life has been on "hold" since she has left. I lost my job in Grand Rapids when she left, and the past 3 months here in Lansing have been "HELL"! Currently I am looking for work and I am pretty much homeless. I LOVE my wife with ALL my heart and MISS our friendship. We have been E-mailing each other, but her partner gets in the way every time we seem to make some progress.

Well, I've dumped a lot on you, and you don't even know who I am. Any advice or references you could pass along would be GREAT!

"My wife is Bi and confused!"


From what you have told me, it doesn't sound like your cross-dressing is a problem for her. What you are trying to deal with is a spouse who may be discovering feelings which she may have repressed for a very long time.

I don't recommend therapy for everyone, however this seems to be affecting your life in a very negative way. The loss of your apartment and job are symptoms of your depression which should be treated. If you cannot afford therapy, see the letter above.

Good luck to you!


I must say that after reading your responses to people that write in, I am very impressed. I will be recommending your site to people on a regular basis.... It seems that I have been giving people similar advice for a long time and am glad to know that I have not been steering people the wrong way... Sometimes I really had to be in the position of giving advice, but then I realize that my friends would not come to me unless they trusted my OPINIONS....

I any case, I have need of some advice from you :)

I am a 31 year old gay man and am out to almost everyone that I know and work with. Sort of out to my mother. Out to my brothers, one of which thinks I am confused and will straighten up soon but loves me the way that I am....and the other that thinks that I am fine the way I am. My dad has no idea, just because I haven't ever bothered to let him know. I doubt that he would have a problem...

Anyway, I am in love with my best friend... we have known and loved each other for the last 11 years. He is the first person that I came out to and has been supportive of me in my times of need, and I in his.

He is str8, however we have had sex one time... he said that while it was good for him, he likes women... I have no problem with that.... and we just become even closer... this was about 1 year into our relationship. He has never been afraid to tell me he loves me and is not uncomfortable when I reciprocate. We have also snuggled quite frequently since the time that we had sex.

In any case, through the years, I helped him meet and court his current wife... I have helped him with any problems he's had with his marriage and our relationship has gotten even closer... He told me this Christmas that he wanted me to be his son's legal guardian if something were to happen to he and his wife. I was very honored... and of course I accepted the responsibility...

Now the good part... the part that you have been patiently waiting for... I have always joked with him that he should have married me instead of his wife. She is a real turkey and makes his life miserable, but he has always stayed with her. Recently he said that he wanted to take me up on my offer of marriage. You can imagine my surprise!!! I have done my best to suggest other paths for him to follow even though I want him to be with me more than anything... but he wants to do this.

I agreed to marry him when he has extricated himself from the relationship that he is in now. I have explained that this kind of relationship is more than just love (which we have) but its' also a mental attraction (which we have) and a spiritual attraction (which we also have) and a physical attraction (which I have but he doesn't have but might have.. he feels uncomfortable with physical relations with women to the same degree as he does with men). He was brought up in a family where sex was a dirty subject and thing to do. We are not entering into this lightly. The friends that we have told about this plan think that we should be together... Even my mother likes this idea... and likes him a great deal...

I am very interested in your opinion of this situation and any advice that you can give.

Thank You

Hey there!

My opinion?


However, keep in mind that this will be a very big change for your friend and he will need your patience and understanding during his adjustment.

His discomfort with sex may be more deep rooted than appears on the surface. You are going to need to have a lot of patience with him and might suggest that he seek therapy to find out why he is uncomfortable with sex.

Good luck to you both!


Dear Papa,

It's like this. I use to have this friend. We were close, we fell in love. We tried gay sex and he freaked out. It seemed as if he didn't love me anymore. I was disappointed, almost suicidal. I needed the love I had once before.

Ever since, I have felt miserable and tried forgetting, but I can't. I have never been in another relationship since and feel terrible. I need the love I once felt before. I am so miserable.

That friend of mine is out of my life........ what am I to do? All the guys that I wished to be with right now are all straight. It hurts so much. I wish there was another way. I relax by indulging in poetry, but all my writings reflect my emotion. I ignore all my heart break, saying that I don't need this love, but I do.

Every other guy that is not straight and comes into my life, I reject if he does not fit my physical and mental requirements. I let him go. But those friends that really do like me and that I like are straight. At times, my straight friends would actually say, "If I weren't straight I'd be with you". I know they mean it. But, other than these words of sympathy, what else can I do? Sex, should have never came into the picture. I won't die without sex, but I will without love. What should I do ?

Oh hon,

I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time with this. = (

Whenever we lose someone we care about, it hurts. You really need to focus on a couple of things here, though. I hope you don't blame yourself for the breakup of your relationship.

You can't go back and change what happened and in this case you can't take responsibility for it either. If he freaked out, it sounds like he has some issues that he needs to work out. It is not about you, but rather about him. The physical act of loving another man may have been more than he was ready to accept at this point in his life.

Sounds to me like you have some very kind and caring friends. You need to let these friends be there for you. Don't push them away.

Being depressed is easy. NOT fun or healthy, but easy. Getting out of this depression is going to require some work on your part. It will be hard at first, but you really need to do it.

Whenever you start to feel lonely or down and don't want to do anything because of the way you are feeling, call your friends. Invite them to hangout or to go out. If they are not available, get out of the house and do something for and by yourself. Keep the focus on you and your healing process. Don't lie around feeling miserable and living in the past. Get out and do something different. Go to a park and take a walk. Take a drive to the beach and look at the ocean. Go to a mall, sit and people watch.

Shit Happens, but it doesn't mean you have to sit in it!

Let me know if any of these suggestions help and hang in there my friend!



Hey, Papa!

How are you? First off, I want to say you are doing a great service for the family. It's nice to see someone who actually cares about the well-being of others. Snaps to you, Hon!

Okay, now to ME. Just Kidding. I've been seeing the same guy for a year and we've only committed into a monogamous relationship recently. Everything is fine. We live in separate cities, but that doesn't matter cuz it's only a twenty minute drive to each of our apartments. He has a stressful job and gets on edge every-so-often. I try my hardest to make things better for him and usually it works. He's 33 and I'm 21. Is that a problem? If it is, then I'm blind to it because why should chains be put on love? And I can truly say that I'm in LOVE with him. It's way beyond a mere sex-relationship. I feel we're spiritually on the same level. And what's great is that he's kind of immature and I'm too mature so we balance out.

The question I have is: How can I keep this relationship from going down the drain? I know we have to have communication between us, which we do, understanding, and most of all a sense of humor.

He loves me, too and I would really love to have him as my soul mate for life. I would appreciate anything you have to say. Thank you and keep up the great work, Papa!

Hugs and Sloppy Kisses

Hey Amigo!

I LOVE hugs and sloppy kisses! = )

Do I think there is a problem with the age difference? Absolutely not. From what you have written, it sounds like you guys connect on a deeper level that just the physical. You guys are communicating well from what you have said and that is one of the key elements to a good relationship. Understanding and a sense of humor are also things one should possess to maintain a successful relationship.

Doesn't really sound like you have a problem from what you've written. I think you may be just a bit insecure about it, though. All you need is some positive reinforcement. So, here it is:

You Go! Yeeeeehaaaaaa! You're doing such a good job in this relationship! Keep up the good work! You guys are gonna be together for a really, really, really looooooong time!!!

Feel better? I hope so!

Papa = )   

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