Virgo Loving Capricorn

The Virgo/Capricorn connection can be an ideally harmonious one. These two women are earth signs and share a common concern with stability and solid achievement. Each will appreciate the dependability and sense of responsibility of the other. Hard work and caring consideration of each other are priorities for both of them. They know how to hang in there insistently when the relationship appears difficult. They will be willing to generously give love and support when needed during the hard times.

When difficulties arise in this relationship they are generally minor. Each has a tendency to have difficulty expressing her feelings, which can cause them to withdraw out of fear. Verbal skills need to be developed in a warm and accepting environment. The Virgo woman tends to be restless and indecisive at times, and the Capricorn woman approaches life directly and can be very decisive. The Virgo woman may feel the Capricorn partner is pushing her into action and the Capricorn woman may become impatient with her Virgo partner's tendency to analyze and try to understand everything before she acts.

They can overcome these differences, and if they do they have a strong likelihood of success. They are both intense and serious and conscientious about changing past mistakes and not repeating negative behaviour patterns in the future. The Virgo woman can help her Capricorn partner to analyze the seeds of her problems, and the Capricorn can help the Virgo learn dynamic self-reflection.

In intimacy, there is a security and natural trust, and their approaches to closeness are gentle and very consistent.
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