Taurus Loving Scorpio

The Taurus/Scorpio combination can be a tremendously strong and positive one, OR a destructive one. Either way, it is a powerful match of two strong and often uncompromisingly determined personalities. Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs in the zodiac. As polar opposites, they can mirror and complement each other, or continually confront each other. Opposite signs usually have much in common, and both the Scorpio and Taurus women have strong emotions which they usually keep pent up behind a calm, self-contained mask. Both women are intensely strong-willed, stubborn, and single-minded, capable of die-hard loyalty and devotion to those they love, and when they are hurt, both women are capable of remembering it for years. Both have a strong physical vitality, a powerful sex drive, and a tendency to be possessive and sometimes jealous in love relationships. When these two women love one another, it is an overwhelming, all-or-nothing proposition. The path of their love may not be a smooth one, but the feelings between will run deep and strong. The biggest problem between them is that when they disagree, it is hard for them to find a meeting ground; neither wants to budge from her position. While neither is prone to wear her feelings on her sleeve, when tensions between them reach a certain point, each is capable of unleashing a furious rage at the other. The Scorpio women can live with such explosive episodes more easily than the Taurus, as Scorpio can thrive on the experience of tumultuous emotion. The Taurean cannot -- she needs a peaceful, tranquil environment to be at her best. As a result, she may put on an impassive wooden mask, which only infuriates her Scorpio partner all the more. Only the powerful feeling bond that can exist between these two women is enough to help them weather such conflicts. Once these two give their love, neither one is likely to walk away lightly. The differences between these two women can be complementary. The Taurus woman brings a shrewd, hard-nosed common sense to the relationship, something the Scorpio woman needs as, although she is resourceful and self-disciplined, she often approaches things in an excessively emotional way. The Scorpio woman has strong intuitive, even psychic gifts, but may have trouble handling the nitty-gritty details of life. The Taurus will be expanded and enriched by the Scorpio's mystical intensity, and will encounter deeper dimensions of experience through her Scorpio partner, dimensions which will charge the still, calm depths of her mind and can help them to transform and regenerate each other. Actually, the impact of these two women on one another is so powerful that both are transformed -- that is, if they survive the encounter! Sexually, these two should have absolutely no problem, as both have powerful sexual natures and are highly sensitive to each other's emotions.
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