From: Lesbian Love Signs by Aurora

Libra Lesbian Women:
Birth: Sept.24 - Oct.23
Element: Air
Quality: Masculine
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Color: Indigo
Day: Friday
Stone: Opal
Flower: Rose
Sybol: The Scales

Libra Women:

Libra is an air sign, and is therefore concerned with the world of ideas and relating to people. Above all else, Libra looks for balance and harmony. Harmony in relationships is a key to the Libran temperament. In discordant situations a Libran can be miserable. The Libra woman has a highly refined intellectual and aesthetic sensitivity. She hates displays of intense emotionality and prefers a calm, detached, intellectual discussion of people's differences. Not that she doesn't enjoy controversy; she thrives on it. But the controversy must be carried on in a proper, self-controlled manner, for then she is in her element. She loves finding the balance between extremes and being the arbiter and diplomat.

The Libra woman often has a gentle and sweet demeanor that is appealing to many people. She loves to please people, sometimes to the point of compromising the truth. She tends to want to keep the peace at all costs. Beneath her pleasing exterior, however, the Libra woman is not as passive as she might appear. Libra is a high-energy, dynamic sign, and these women can be very opportunisitic in subtle ways. Usually Libran women get their way by indirect means. If they can reason with someone, well and good. If not, they will pursue their goals by other means.

Love and relationships are extremely important to a Libran. She works best in partnership. She sees her partner as her complementary opposite--as the mirror in which she can understand herself better by seeing herself reflected in the eyes of her lover. The Libra woman is always ready to bend in a relationship, but don't make the mistake of thinking you can trample on her. To her, that is not fair, and in her legalistic eyes fairness is the highest ideal. Controversies with her may revolve around her conception of what is fair and just and what is not. Because the Libra woman hates open confrontations she may tend to use "passive aggression," subtly provoking you to anger by not doing something rather than by actively doing. If the Libra woman corrects this tendency and takes responsibility for her own anger, she can develop a healthy relationship with her partner. She is highly motivated to do this, as a harmonious relationship is so essential to her well-being.
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