Gemini Loving Aquarius

The Gemini/Aquarius combination is usually a very harmonious one. Both Gemini and Aquarius are air signs and they enjoy spending a great deal of time exchanging ideas with each other. Both must have the freedom to explore new frontiers of the mind, and both hate being tied to a mundane routine. Each of these women will appreciate this characteristic in the other. They will spend hours together discussing the philosophical implications for this idea or that. Both of them enjoy people, and they will have many friends. Together they will reinforce each other's gregarious tendencies. They will probably enjoy joining many social and idealistic organizations together.

These two women get along beautifully on the intellectual level, but sometimes they may have problems because neither one is easily in touch with her inner personal feelings. They each take a cool and detached view of life, and both like to theorize about things, but they may have trouble with raw feelings that are difficult to categorize and pigeonhole. Another problem may stem from the fact that Aquarian women are more independent loners than Gemini women, and during certain periods the Aquarian will want to be alone. The Gemini woman hates to be alone, and finds her Aquarian partner aloof and out of reach during these times. The Aquarian may find her Gemini partner's indecisive and vacillatory ways hard to deal with, as once the Aquarian formulates some idea of what she wants to do, she will stick to it tenaciously. When they do disagree, the Gemini may feel her Aquarian parner takes too rigid and dogmatic a stance, while the Aquarian woman may feel exasperated because she can never count on where the Gemini will stand on anything.

But basically these are minor problems. Mental rapport is so important to both these women that they will, ultimately, find ways of resolving their differences. Both are most comfortable when an atmosphere of open and calm reason prevails. At their best, the Gemini helps her Aquarian partner stay open to new perceptions and experiment with new ways to do things. The Aquarian woman helps her partner to find enduring principles that can keep her centered through changing circumstances. Sexually, these two women should be well matched because they communicate so well verbally and are able to talk about their sexual needs.
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