Aries Loving Gemini

The Aries/Gemini combination brings together two high-energy people. An Aries, a fire sign, combined with a Gemini, an air sign, can create a conflagration. Both these women, already highly excitable by themselves, will be charged and stimulated by each other's company. They will talk a mile a minute, and come up with all sorts of plans, dreams, and possibilities together. The difference between them is that Aries needs to act now -- even if this is not always well-advised. Gemini, on the other hand, loves to think about all kinds of ways of doing the same project and tends to become vacillatory. An Aries woman becomes impatient with her Gemini partner's talk and doubts and schemes. The Gemini woman does not want to rush into something when she hasn't explored all the ramifications.

This combination has so much going for it that the problems are really minor. The Aries woman will love the way her Gemini partner will take up some brainstorm the Aries has had and expand on all the ingenious ways it could be developed. Aries also enjoys all the interesting people her Gemini partner knows and brings into their lives. The Gemini woman opens up all kinds of new vistas for her Aries partner to rush into and explore. The Gemini woman finds that her Aries partner is fully able to give her all the excitement she has ever craved. She will admire the way the Aries woman can take an idea and start acting on it without being wracked by indecision. The Gemini can learn the importance of acting when the iron is hot, so to speak, rather than procrastinating and waiting until it is too late.

From the point of view of intimacy, these two could have some problems. Neither one is easily in touch with her deeper feelings. They both tend to be "head" people, and communicate wonderfully on the intellectual level, but may need to work at communicating their deepest needs to one another. Their relationship may seem more like a sister contact rather than a lover contact. The same thing applies to their sexual relationship. For Gemini, intellectual rapport may be enough, but the Aries woman can be very passionate and want that from her partner. Since these two are so compatible in every other way they should be able to work out this difference in their sexual needs.
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