Aries Loving Capricorn

The Aries/Capricorn combination can be a strong one, but there may be some major problems to work out. Fiery Aries is impetuous, willful, sometimes reckless; earthy Capricorn is cautious and wants things carefully planned out. Capricorn needs structure; Aries tends to resist structure or any form of restriction. Clashes between these two women may be almost inevitable at times. At the same time, there is a sensitive, insecure side of Aries (often hidden behind a brash facade), that can appreciate the structure and grounding that Capricorn knows how to provide, as long as the Aries does not feel hemmed in. And the Capricorn woman can appreciate her Aries partner's zest and initiative, as long as the Capricorn's carefully built plans are not threatened.

The Capricorn woman's approach to love emphasizes the idea of commitment and dependability. The Aries woman is capable of great loyalty, but she hates to feel tied to "should" and "shouldn't". The Aries will feel she should have teh freedom to move with any impulse, even if she chooses not to. Therefore, the Capricorn woman may tend to feel insecure at times with her Aries partner, and the Aries woman my resent it whenher Capricorn partner imposes expectations and obligations on their relationship. One problem here may lie in the two women's perceptions of each other. The Aries may see the Capricorn as having an almost parental strength which is both attractive and threatening, but in fact the Capricorn woman often feels very insecure, and lonely beneath her cool mask of efficiency. by the same token, the Capricorn may shrink from the harsh verbal attack her outspoken Aries partner occasionally hurls at her. She will feel deeply hurt, not realizing how insecure the Aries woman may feel.

If these two women can probe beneath the protective armor they both wear, they can come to a deep meeting of hearts. As a couple, this combination can make a great team, once they begin to work together rather than against each other. They are both dynamos of energy once given a project, and the two of them together can accomplish what ten other people might not be able to do. They are both very hard-working; neither one can stand to be idle for long. When acting constructively, the Capricorn woman can help discipline and direct her Aries partner's creative power. Sexually, these two can be very compatible once they resolve some of their emotional tensions.
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