From: Lesbian Love Signs by Aurora

Aquarius Lesbian Women:
Birth: Jan.21 - Feb.19
Element: Air
Quality: Masculine
Planetary Ruler: Uranus
Color: All Colors
Day: Saturday
Stone: Opal
Flower: Myrrh
Sybol: The Water Carrier

Aquarius Women:

Aquarius is an air sign, concerned with new ideas and social change. Aquarius women are highly original and innovative in their thinking. They usually have many progressive ideas about how to make the world a better place. They also tend to feel that they know all the answers and for this reason sometimes becomes dogmatic and inflexible. They value personal freedom above all else, and will rebel against restrictions on this freedom.

The Aquarius woman usually considers herself a completely unique individual--a law unto herself. She will feel "different" from the rest of the women, and may feel that she always swims against the flow of the water. At the same time, she is usually idealistic about women's relations.

Finding harmony with women is important to her. She is prone to join all sorts of causes for social justice as she would love to help build her own vision of an ideal world. She loves to mix with women and has many friends. But, paradoxically, she also craves periods of complete solitude. Perhaps there is a strain in adjusting to other women, and Aquarians are not the most adaptable sign.

In a love relationship the Aquarius woman hates to be confined to a humdrum existence. She needs the unpredictable and the freedom to come and go at will. Ironically, she also likes to be in control and may not want her partner to be too unpredictable. She does best with a partner who is flexible, but stable, and who gives her plenty of freedom but is there when the Aquarian needs someone to support her. This is a tall order to fill. Because the Aquarian is so rootless, she needs someone to give her roots, but don't expect her to become too rooted.

Many problems can be overcome in a relationship with an Aquarian woman if she has a pronounced telepathic ability. Even though Aquarians love to discuss things intellectually, many differences of opinion will be overlooked if this telepathic connection exists. Your Aquarian will expect you to just naturally know what she wants and needs, and will appreciate it when you do.