This page is dedicated to the memory of my beloved son, Tristin Adair Miller.  Tristin became an angel on January 7, 1999, due to miscarriage.  I was only six weeks pregnant...  But in those six weeks, I was closer to my baby than to anyone I've ever known.  The morning after his conception,  I just "knew" that I was pregnant.  We bonded instantly.  I could "feel" him responding to me when I said "I love you, Tristin," as if he were trying to tell me "I love you, too, Mommy!"  I  still don't know what happened, and for the longest time I blamed myself.  But I've come to realize I would have given my life without a thought if I thought it could have saved my baby.  And with my love, his memory will never fade, and that love will never end!  This is his memorial, and some links to sites that have helped me come to terms with my loss.
Poems for Tristin
Letters to Tristin from Mommy
Tristin's Page of Angels
Tristin also has a memorial on the Page of Eternal Flames
and at ~~Babies in Heaven~~
Tristin's Angel Friends:

Dylan's Page

Dylan's mommy, Jennie, has been very sweet and supportive of me.  Hugz for you, Jennie!  Thank you so much!  I hope you and Shawn are doing well.
Sabryn's Page
This particular memorial page is very special to me, because Sabryn's mommy, Tiffany, is a dear friend of mine, and I love her like my very own sister.  *Smile* And that would make Sabryn my honorary niece, and Tristin's honorary cousin!  Hear that, Tiff?  I luvs ya.  Hugz for you too, girl!
Helpful Links
The Compassionate Friends
MEND  Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death
MISS  Mothers in Sympathy and Support
Email to Heaven