For your listening pleasure I've installed an on/off
switch at the bottom of this page.

WWOE Communication

There are a few ways in Womens World Of Expressions in which we communicate.

* Personal email address
* WWOE Message Board
* Yahoo Messenger
* WWOE Egroups Address
* WWOE Egroups Fun Mail
* WWOE Egroups Chat

PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESSES: If you would like to know any of the members personal email addresses or would like a list of all then email WWOE Founder Foxy~. I will keep a list of these on hand.

WWOE MESSAGE BOARD: You can use our message board to post anything you wish there, whether it be for fun or something you wish to discuss or tell the members about. The message board is also used for our topics of the month.

YAHOO MESSENGER: For those of you who do not know Yahoo Messenger is very much like ICQ. This is another way we like to keep in touch. If you have any questions on downloading this please contact Sue, our President of Welcome Wagon and she will answer all questions and get you set up. Her address is

WWOE EGROUPS ADDRESS: We have an address through egroups we use to keep in touch with the whole group at once for information purposes. In cases where we need to send something of importance to the whole group it is much more convenient to type one address rather then to have to type many addresses. IT IS REQUIRED that all members of WWOE subscribe to this egroup address as I will be sending all new information pertaining to the group through here along with our What's New Weekly Newsletter and all new members will be sent through here also. If you have something you need to send through this address please mail it to Foxy Or Margo. If you have any further questions on this please let me know.

WWOE EGROUPS FUN MAIL: This Egroup is optional to subscribe to but if you would like to keep in touch with the group all at once through email you will want to join this one. This is a place you can send fun mail to your little hearts content. This includes just general talk, cards, urls, gifts, etc...There is also a little chat room that you can go into here and chat with friends/members of WWOE Fun Mail. Hope you enjoy this little extra pleasure of WWOE and if you have any questions please contact Kat.

WWOE EGROUPS CHAT: Once you've subscribed to egroups you will also have access to our chat room. Because of our private access you will only see WWOE members in these chat rooms. They are not available to anyone who is not a member. This is the chat room where are weekly scheduled chats will be held.

WWOE EGROUPS FUN MAIL CHAT: There is also a chat room available in WWOE Fun Mail. You need to be a member of WWOE Fun Mail in order to use this chat room. Feel free to use this chat room to chat with members of this egroup.

Subscribe to Womens World Of Expressions
wwoe archive Hosted by

Subscribe to WWOE Fun Mail
wwoefunmail archive Hosted by

Once you have joined Womens World Of Expressions please email me to let me know which ways you would like to communicate with our group. Thanks so much. Look forward to getting to know you.

© 1999 Graphics By Foxy~ October 7th, 1999

Please DO NOT take these graphics and use them for your own purposes as I made these for my own use in this webring only.

Thanks, Foxy~

The portrait used in these graphics is copyright of
Sir Frank Dicksee.

Music selected is called: One Mom