Welcome to the guestbook for the LdM Webring.

Mary Spaak Ressegue - 11/06/00 23:24:51
My Email:ressegue@aol.com
LdM Class: 1981
How did you find us?: stumbled across...
It's almost 20 years since we graduated and hope all my classmates are well. I didn't have much of a presence back in high school but I enjoyed my years at Marillac and am saddened by it's closing. I always felt safe and happy at Marillac and I know that spirit is still alive and well.

Sue Christie nee de Marillac St. Julien - 10/02/00 08:24:46
My URL:http://synergms@icon.co.za
My Email:synergyms@icon.co.za
LdM Class: A direct decendant
Hi, my name is Sue, I live in JHB South Africa, Just browsing,to get info on Louise and found your school. can you tell me more? My maiden name is Susan Elizabeth de Marillac St Julien. I am one of 5 children born to the late Dr. Guy de Marillac St Julien. Any info would be great.

Sharon Szyska - 09/12/00 00:25:54
My Email:szyy@hotmail.com
LdM Class: 1989
How did you find us?: moffett ryan

Bethanne Stone - 06/02/00 18:26:04
My Email:betkastone@hotmail.com
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Colleen Cichon who really has a way of getting folks together!
WOW! This website makes me want to sing for joy! LA! Hi everybody! I know Waukegan Road will never be the same, but everytime I see or talk to the folks from LdM, it's like being 16 again. I treasure those moments! To all in class of 1990 - I am very disappointed to miss the reunion. I do hope that everyone has a wonderful time and is healthy and happy! Good luck Stephanie! Here's the latest on me: I've been in Europe this past year for studies in music, language and culture. In May, my friend Joseph and I met my family in Ireland for the first time, which was amazing. Currently, I'm in Italy, performing in a Rossini opera. hat fire of the Marillac stage and fine arts department keeps burning in my heart... In September, I move to New York to complete my vocal studies. All the years of training have been trying, but I stick with it, mostly because of the joy I found in music at Marillac. The spirit keeps me going! Okay, I have taken more than my share of space on the web-page. All the best, and I can't wait to hear how you all are on this great new website! Thanks Lisa and to all those who started it!

Colleen Cichon - 06/02/00 00:00:16
My Email:cichon_ca@hotmail.com
LdM Class: 1991
How did you find us?: dumb luck!
I wish this had been around a few years ago when trying to get a play-reunion together..I always tell people that my high school was the best-kept secret in Chicago. Viva LdM!

Stephanie Kwiecinski Kratz - 05/03/00 01:52:42
My Email:stephank@hcc.cc.il.us
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Dorothy!
I won't be at the reunion! )-= I'm so bummed, but I'll be otherwise occupied with a new baby (due date is June 22) and my 18 month old daughter Emily. Send me email!

Stephanie Kwiecinski Kratz - 05/03/00 01:50:16
My Email:stephank@hcc.cc.il.us
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Dorothy Fabbrini Curran
I miss the Marillac spirit that kept me going through high school, but I'm conforted to know that my high school friends are some of the dearest to my heart. What a great idea this website is! (-=

Irina Lobo - 04/11/00 18:06:54
My Email:irina.lobo@juno.com
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: friend
I can't wait for the reunion in June!

Sheila Maguire - 04/11/00 17:41:08
My Email:maguires@af.pentagon.mil
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Another alum

Elena Murray - 03/19/00 21:34:47
My Email:E1Shamrock@aol.com
LdM Class: 1988
How did you find us?: from a friend
Hi, all fellow alumnae: It's great to see the spirit of Marillac alive and well on the world-wide web. This will be a great way for us to keep in touch!

Nancy Murray - 03/19/00 21:31:56
My Email:Nancy2Sea@aol.com
LdM Class: 1988
How did you find us?: word of mouth
Hey class of '88 and other alumns!! Glad to see we're online.

Dorothy (Fabbrini) Curran - 03/14/00 21:37:30
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dcurran99
My Email:dorothy.curran@walgreens.com
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Word of mouth
Hi everyone!!! See you at the reunion!!!

Anna Muthu - 03/14/00 21:08:49
My Email:amuthu@csc.cps.k12.il.us
LdM Class: 1990
How did you find us?: Web Search
Hi to all fellow alums! It's nice to see that LdM has a presence on the web.

Natasha Kasprzyk - 02/29/00 14:47:39
My Email:natedogg432@yahoo.com
LdM Class: 1989
How did you find us?: Referral

Jessie Lason Gwozdz - 02/29/00 02:25:27
My Email:J2Gwozdz@msn.com
LdM Class: 1989
How did you find us?: Alta Vista Search

Barbara Bartlett St. Clair - 02/06/00 19:23:57
My Email:bstclair@selec.net
LdM Class: 1975
How did you find us?: Searched on Yahoo
Just wanted to say hi and wondered if Marillac had a site? Glad to see we're alive and well!

Betsy Rumsey Rodgers - 01/28/00 16:13:46
My Email:betsyinc@aol.com
LdM Class: 1980
How did you find us?: Yahoo
I came to the site to find information on our upcoming reunion which I hear is in June. I think it's great that Marillac is represented on the web to keep our spirit alive.

- 10/13/99 01:53:02

- 08/18/99 16:54:30

Michael de Marillac - 06/01/99 23:56:22
My Email:mdm@amsa.gov.au
How did you find us?: Doing a geniology trace.
St Louise de Marillac is my distant Aunt and I was doing a geniology trace. I thought I would leave a message to wish everyone the best. thankyou Michael.

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