Smith College 1997


[ Home ] Announcements ] Fundraising ] Links ] Officers ] Picks ] Reunion ] Guestbook ]

Welcome to the Smith College Class of 1997 Web Site!

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2nd Year Reunion Pictures!


This is the place for all your post-Smith needs.  Get the details on reunion, read through the guest book, drop us a line for the class notes, and shop at our book store (we don't have Dan O, but we have recommended reading of our own!).

Since we no longer have chats at Haymarket and can't ding at dinner to keep each other posted, we have created this web site.  Let us know what you like and what you want to see.  We can't wait to hear from you.  Happy Surfing!


Web Site Contents


The place for the latest class news.  Check here for job postings and apartment listings.  Be sure to submit your news for Class Notes.
Officers Get in touch with your Class Officers and Fund Team.  Let us know how we're doing...and what we can do better!
Reunion Get psyched for Reunion '99!  Find details about this action-packed, fun-filled weekend on May 13 - 16.
Fundraising Watch as the Class of '97 continues to break records!  Check for updates from the Fund Team.
Links Links to helpful sites as well as personal homepages created by Smithie '97s.
Picks Looking for a great new read or CD?   See what your fellow '97s recommend.  Share a few of your suggestions.
GuestBook Don't leave without signing our virtual guestbook!  Browse through it to see what fellow '97s are up to and you might find a lost friend.


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This site was created by and for the Smith College Class of 1997. Information on this site is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith College alumnae. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Accuracy of the information on this page cannot be guaranteed. Smith College and the Alumnae Assocation of Smith College are not responsible for the content of this site. Responsibility for the site and its content belongs solely to the Smith College Class of 1997. This site is maintained by Leona Wong.

This page was last updated on 21 March 2000