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Bryce Copeland` - 08/09/00 18:22:13
My Email:Bryce.Copeland@Converse.edu

Hello and thank you for compiling such a great resource for Ovarian Cancer links. I am 21 years old and just a few months ago (February) underwent surgery for Stage I Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian cancer does not run in either side of my family and, since I am otherwise healthy, there are no obvious reasons why I would contract this cancer - especially at such a young age. It has been such an experience for me. I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone, but I wouldn't trade my experience with it for the world. I learned so much in these past few months and have learned to trust fully in Christ for my strength. I may not know why I contracted this cancer, but I can rest assured that God was with me all the way and gave me utmost peace and grace throughout the ordeal. Oh, and I found out about my cancer only by going to the GYN because I figured that I "had to start going sometime". I had no pain or discomfort or anything that would make me suspect any abnormalities. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. Honestly, I feel sort of awkward looking at all of these sites because they all seem geared toward older people, since those are the ages where this kind of cancer strikes more frequently. Do you know of any organization that also focuses on YOUNG survivors of ovarian cancer? I know that there was one organization founded called the "Young Survivors of Ovarian Cancer" (YSOC) but I have tried calling and all of their phone lines have been disconnected. Anyway, if you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it! And if you know of anything I could become involved in, tell me! I want to help others who are not yet physically healed. I live in the Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina area, by the way. Thanks so much!

Linda Piche - 08/04/00 22:08:32
My Email:Norwaylin@aol.com

I was diagnosed with Stage Ic ovarian cancer after my hysterectomy (had TAH/BSO/Omentectomy) on June 2, 2000. My doctor referred me to a University Hospital Gynecological Oncologist who discussed the diagnosis with me, talked about chemo and then asked m to sign a consent form to get my pathology slides. The slides were then sent to two pathology labs (UH of Cleveland and Stanford in California). He later told me, "You don't need chemo because you don't have cancer!" Now I am trying to understand the iagnosis (regarding both ovaries) of "Mullerian Mucinous Tumor of Low Malignant Potential." Any suggestions on the best explanation for this? I need to see my Gynecologist now every 3 months for the first 2 years and then every 6 months for the followin 10 years. I am confused. This is a great site. Keep up the good work and let me know how I can get the word out about the "whispers" of ovarian cancer. I had no signs, but had the hysterectomy for atypical hyperplasia. The ovarian problem was found at surgery.

Cheri Scheelar - 07/27/00 23:05:02
My Email:CMCQH@aol.com

I lost one of my 2 best friends to lung cancer with mets to the brain in Jan of 98. In March my best friend from 3rd grade (40 yrs) was dx with OVCA. Her last chemo was yesterday (carbo/taxol, 6 rds.) and her blood counts are awesome...shes responded be ter than they could have hoped. CA125 down from 4,060 (approx.) to 12......All the support on the ACOR site, here and everywhere else has been a God send, not only for me but for my friend......Thanks to all. Cheri

Enid - 07/26/00 18:15:20
My Email:Paquita164@hotmail.com

I really glad that we are doing something about this deadly disease. You can count on me, I am also an Ovarian Cancer Survivor.

kathy stalnaker - 07/24/00 18:53:03
My Email:ward@se-tel.com

My mom has ovarian cancer stage 111C recurrent, they gave her up to die this past weekend She is coming home in a couple of days. She has had chemo for 10 months now. We all just keep a very positive attitude and so does she.

Linda Osborne - 07/17/00 00:24:28
My Email:Sunnydobe@aol.com

Deborah, What a wonderful job you have done compiling links to cancer sites and photos! Thanks for taking the time to put all this together! Linda (For Mom, Norma Osborne, Sebastopol, California)

Harry Froling - 05/30/00 13:11:31
My Email:harryfrol@msn.com


sandi pniauskas - 03/25/00 14:55:36
My Email:sandi@attglobal

Finally made it to your website! It was terrific and I am hoping that if there is another "march" I will be able to make it. Sandi Whitby, Ontario, Canada

- 03/22/00 16:10:49


Deborah - 02/26/00 16:10:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/deb
My Email:daggettd@nbnet.nb.ca

A very interesting and informative site! I enjoyed my visit here very much.

Eilene Mauro - 02/21/00 13:42:28

Deborah, I like your site. It was done very nicely, you have nothing to worry about. I read your post on the Ovarian Cancer List. I have stage IV ovarian cancer & was diagnoised Oct, 1996 & believe it or not didn't have any ovaries--I had surgeries since 1975 with bits & pieces taken out one year or the next. I didn't believe I had ovar an cancer after I awoke from my laparoscope but I was told I could have had it for years like when a cyst broke in 1975 it could have been cancerious fluid in the cyst & little cancer cells could have been hiding & slowly growing all these years or they m ght have left just a tiny piece by mistake & that caused the ovarian cancer but whatever the cause they can't operate it has spread to much in too little of areas & they can't do radiation so I've been getting chemo for over 3 & 1/2 years now. I've been ucky that I have been able to talorate it this long. I try to tell myself they will come up with a cure soon, but in the meantime I'll keep fighting & with people like you we might beable to help others before it's too late. Keep up the good work. Love, Hugs & Prayers, Eilene Mauro Po Box 112 Blakeslee, PA 18610 EMAURO@EPIX.NET

Susan Easton - 11/01/99 01:50:29
My Email:SuzEaston2@aol.com

Interesting Page! My mother passed away of Ovarian Cancer 5 years ago. What a struggle. I have your paged book marked. Keep us all informed. I look forward to more information from you. Home address Susan Easton 5625 Akron Drive Harrisburg, PA 17109

Deborah Bass - 10/13/99 23:51:00
My Email:bassdeb@aol.com

I am 50, and lost my 44-year-old sister in May to ovarian (at least they think that's how it started) cancer. I had a hysterectomy at the age of 30, and am wondering about preventive surgery to remove the ovaries. Thoughts?

AndPickles - 05/17/99 17:07:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Fields/6220

Hi, I just surffed on your page. You have a great page.

Althea Marshall - 02/10/99 01:20:12
My Email:maryaalthea@yahoo.com

Thank you so much for all of the work that went into creating this reference for all of us. I hope that you are well-God bless you

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