Another Waye

Here are some of my favourite places when I go surfing, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. You will meet some great people and find some answers to those things concerning the Transgender Community that you did not know or are just curious about. To my knowledge there are no links to X-rated or pornographic sites here.

Fun, Information & Support Links

Nature's Paths Transgender Support

Dr Rebecca Allison

Dr Anne Lawrence

The Looking Glass Society

Above & Beyond Gender Resources


Transgender Guide

Heather Lela Keay A one of a kind fun person.

 Natalie Samantha The Best Friend anyone could have.

 Cath's Place Natalie's SO. The coffee pot is always on at her place.

 Ruth Kelly An English lady in every sense of the word.

 Shannon Nastassja's Another one of a kind beautiful lady

 Cressida my wonderful sister, and new Grandma

 Maeve a lady of Celtic heritage one will never forget
Look for more links in the future for additional resources. If there are specific areas that your would like to see addressed please email. As long as it is not illegal and addresses a need in the community I will attempt to locate appropriate sources of quality information.

If you have comments or suggestions, email: Connie Anne

Graphics and background courtesy of Nature's Paths
Nature's Paths Another Waye Talk w/Connie Anne
POW-MIA Issues