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My Story, My Motivation, My Dedication.
I dedicate this page to all the abuse victims and survivors out there. As an abuse victim myself through out my life until I was 17, I understand the hardships. I know how hard it can be to come forward, and how scary. I also know how hard it is to heal, which may be the hardest of it all.  Before I had my loving husband to support me and help through what is an incredibly long hard process, I found that the best thing was to get it out, usually to a stranger, such as a counselor or another victim. I would like to help any way I can, if anyone needs to get it out in confidence please email me at any time and as however many times as you need, just click on the Email Me above. I have also provided links to several organizations that address the issue. The majority of them right now, as this page is still under construction, are linked to sexual abuse. The reason being that, I personally am a former victim of sexual, physical, mental, and verbal abuse, but what I believe was the most damaging to my inner self was the sexual abuse. It still amazes me how much of an effect all of it had, and I am still discovering some of those effects. It's a long hard road to travel, but we can do it.
What concerns me is that we live in a world where there are organizations for pedophiles, groups that try fighting for the right to view young children naked, and to molest them. These people want to lower the age of consent and consider sex with children harmless. As someone who was forced to experience sex with an adult I can say for sure that is is FAR from harmless!! Groups like NAMBLA (The North American Man-Boy Love Association) and PAN (Pedophile Alert Network, which you'd think is a good thing, is actually a group in the Netherlands supporting pedophiles) sickens me and makes me scared for all the unknowing children trying to live in this world.As I discovered recently these groups supply tips for seducing and approaching children. NAMBLA has managed to interfere and exposed several Federal operations to catch pedohiles. How can we live in a place that allows people and helps people abuse our children? How do we let these people exist?
On Howard Stern not too long ago a male sexual abuse offender called in the station and said that he thought all the people who called in and said he should rot in hell, die, etc... should be locked away, that they are the sick ones!!  This man is a member of NAMBLA and has recently married a woman for her money who has a nine year old boy. The woman he married has no idea of his past history of child sexual abuse of young boys. He admitted on the radio station that he has "thoughts" about the boy, and gets in the bathtub with the boy, fully naked,to bathe him. There is an innocent boy and mother, niether of which have any clue as to the danger that young boy is in everyday.
Happily, recently here in central Ohio, a man was just arrested for downloading pornographic pictures of young children. The sad thing is he'll be out in 3 years doing it again!! It's the survivors who remember, it's the survivors who suffered to live.
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