
1:47 p.m.

Is this a return? I'm not sure. I guess I just felt like writing about a few things. It didn't feel like enough to write them on paper today, so I guess it's a return, of sorts. Whether or not it's permanent ... who knows? Maybe I am ready to come back.

So it's been a hellish couple of months. The last entry, the dialouge between Dennis and I, was a snippet of our most recent break up. What did I do? Yep - got back together with him. I don't know if things are better, I don't know if they're the same, I don't know ... but I'm generally happy, so I suppose that's all that matters.

Then, almost a week ago, I get the super-duper best birthday present ever. Some asshole ran a red light and hit my car. Happy Birthday to me. Then, I find out today that it's definately totalled and that they probably won't pay me anywhere near enough money to buy another car like the one I had. So ... I get to take out another loan!

Guess it doesn't really matter, compared with the $20,000 that I currently owe.

It's just been ... busy.

It doesn't help that I'm in my third-to-last week of school, which means that I have (cumulatively) 57 pages of essay due this week, 30 due next week, a gigantic sociology report, two presentations, and five finals in two weeks.

It's feeling kind of warm-ish ... getting a little tan.

Could this be hell?

Wait ... I don't believe in hell.

quoting: "You say thank you for saying all the things I never do. You know, the thanks I get is to take all the shit for you." - Ani DiFranco
listening: just bought the "Best of Fleetwood Mac" and "Doolittle," by the Pixies - weird mix
watching: I saw "28 Days" this weekend - I really liked it - a fairly accurate story of addiction
reading: "Warrior Marks" by Alice Walker, again
surfing: haven't been surfing - sorry

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